如果b的区别etween a hobby and a business is making sales to customers, then how do you make the transition? It’s one thing to have a theory around who you’d like to sell to but how do you actually find those initial customers to sell to?


You might be afraid that you’ll say something wrong and scare away a big prospect. Or you could get frustrated after a few weeks of trying every idea that came to mind. It doesn’t have to be this way.

There’s a simple framework you can use to find customers. It starts with having a theory around your ideal customer, then finding some creative ways to connect, and ultimately not being afraid to make the ask. We’re going to go through the four ways to find your first customer and put them to work.



Next, I would do some research to determine what the companies who fit this description are looking for. I find the top questions about bookkeeping on Quora, Reddit, and Quickbooks are about the experience running payroll and filing payroll taxes correctly. These folks are currently solving this by paying a third-party accountant or using Quickbooks automatic payroll. These options are costly. My company could potentially help these businesses save money and extend their runway.

This exercise provides valuable insight into what kind of customer you’re looking for. With the findings from that exercise in mind, use the following tactics to get in touch with your first customers.

How to Get Your First Customer

1. Start with your own network.


For example, if you are selling a new product for prospective homeowners, see who in your network is likely a homeowner. Once you have your list, reach out to these folks using a sequence to explain what you’re building and how you’d like their feedback. These are warm connections you’ve likely already interacted with, meaning it may be easier to get meetings, interest, and early sales.

But as you might have guessed selling to your uncle doesn’t automatically mean you have a lucrative business idea. While reaching out to your network is a great place to start, that’s not the only place you should look for customers.



使用类似的工具by Producthunt, it has never been easier to set up an experiment. Start by creating a landing page for your product or service to promote using Facebook Ads or Google Adwords. With these platforms, you can control where you’d like your ads to appear and exactly what you want to bid on.

Target the demographics from your ICP (include factors such as age, location, job title, interests) and see how many early sign-ups you can get. On your experiment page, you can ask a series of questions to learn about the prospect. How much time and money are they losing today with their status quo? What would they be willing to spend on your service to solve that?


3. Make the ask during customer development.

When you are first creating a product or service, consider doing some customer development. This is the process of finding people with the problem you’re trying to solve. You can find relevant threads on websites such as Reddit, or in social media groups, and ask to connect. If you’re having a hard time getting participants, offering some sort of monetary or product incentive for people may help.




If you are a bit later stage and have already leveraged your existing network, run an experiment to build your signup list, and have done customer development you might be ready to start outbound prospecting. You can do this by creating an outbound campaign targeting prospects who fit your ICP.





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