
This used to work well.


销售量people could quickly identify a problem through a good well-delivered positioning statement, confirm the prospect's interest in fixing it, qualify on BANT, and schedule a presentation.

Today, prospects are much more informed about you and your competitor's products and services, have identified their own needs, and started to design their own solutions -- all before even thinking about talking to a salesperson.

虽然新雨研究has debunked the myth buyers are当他们首次与销售员取得联系时,有57%的购买决定,代表对潜在客户的决策过程仍然比以往任何时候都更少。简而言之,班尔不再足够了。

sales qualification我们在内部开发的过程是为了最好地使潜在客户能否真正从我们的产品和服务中受益,这是一个名为GPCTBA/C&I的三部分框架,我们在探索性通话中经历。

是的,我们完全同意,这是有史以来最长的首字母缩写词,但它起作用。这是每个部分的细分sales qualifying process

Free Download: 101 Sales Qualification Questions [Access Now]

1. GPCT (Goals, Plans, Challenges, Timeline)


  • 您的前景目标是什么?
  • 他们公司的目标是什么?bob全站app
  • 这些目标是您的产品可以帮助他们实现的目标吗?
  • 您的前景计划实现其目标以及公司的目标的计划是什么?bob全站app
  • 根据您的经验帮助数百人处于处境中,您认为他们的计划会使他们达到目标吗?有没有更好的办法?
  • Does their current plan require a product like yours?
  • 您的前景面临着哪些挑战,或者他们在执行计划时会面临哪些挑战?
  • 您的产品可以帮助潜在客户克服或避免这些挑战吗?
  • 实施计划和实现目标的时间表是什么?
  • Based on your experience and their situation, is that timeline reasonable?


The goals you want to identify are可量化目标您的潜在客户想要或需要击中。实际上,只有几个原因可以购买任何产品:赚更多的钱,省钱或避免损失金钱的风险。

一些times, companies haven't defined or quantified these goals very effectively or they haven't determined how their high-level goals relate to their day-to-day metrics or milestones. This is opportunity number one for salespeople to establish themselves as an advisor by beginning to help prospects reset or quantify their goals.

When discussing goals, salespeople can often help prospects think even bigger or more realistically based on their experience helping others in similar situations. For example, at HubSpot, we often help marketers determine lead generation goals based on their company's sales targets.

很多时候,我们必须根据营销人员的带宽来修改潜在客户生成目标。但是,我们经常可以帮助营销人员弄清楚如何以比他们想象的要少的努力或费用更能预测地击中目标。一些资格问题you can ask include:

  • What is your top priority in 2013?
  • 您有特定的公司目标吗?bob全站app
  • 您是否已经发布了即将到来的季度的收入目标?
  • Are there any other company goals that are important?
  • Do you have personal goals that go along with these?



You want to really nail down whether they tried this before and how it worked. You want to know why they think their plan will succeed or fail, what changes they've made along the way in their plan and why, as well as what their backup plans are if their current plans don't work out.

在此过程中,您想开始自己的评估,以评估您是否认为他们的计划将使他们达到目标。听诸如“去年的经济不好,我们应该在今年实现目标方面做得更好" -- that might tip you off to the fact that they aren't really in control and confident that their plan will work without a little intervention from a higher being ... or someone like you.


  • 你去年做了什么?什么是有效的,没有什么作用?您今年打算做什么?
  • 您认为XYZ可能很难实施您的计划吗?
  • 您是否希望实施此计划会顺利进行?
  • Do you have the right resources available to implement this plan?
  • 您想听听与我合作的其他人如何实施这样的计划吗?
  • Are you open to thinking differently this year about how to reach your goals?




Questions you can use to establish challenges are:

  • 您为什么认为即使您过去已经尝试并且仍在处理它,您现在还可以消除这一挑战?
  • Do you think you have the internal expertise to deal with these challenges?
  • 您认为可能阻止您实现目标的具体障碍是什么?
  • 您如何应对计划中的这些挑战?
  • If you realize early enough in the year that this plan isn't fixing this challenge, how will you shift gears?



If your prospect doesn't have bandwidth to deal with these issues or has more important goals that take precedence, their timeline might be "in the future" and you have to make the decision whether to invest time now or not. Determine whether you can help them at this time or not by asking questions such as:

  • How quickly do these results need to be achieved?
  • 您什么时候开始实施此计划?
  • 现在是否将这个目标达到优先级?
  • 现在还有什么优先事项?
  • 您正在评估哪些其他互补(或竞争性)解决方案?
  • 您现在有带宽和资源来实施此计划吗?bob体育苹果系统下载安装
  • 您是否想帮助您仔细考虑执行该计划的步骤,以便您可以弄清楚何时应实施每件作品?
  • 如果您不现实的话,您是否更有可能修改目标或修改时间表?

2. BA(预算和权威

如果你确定,你可以帮助你的prospect achieve their goals, implement their plan, overcome their challenges --- all within their required timeline -- it's time to start talking about how they'll make the decision and where the funding is coming from.






In a world where prospects are busy, buying committees are formed to find solutions and lower level non-budget-wielding, non-people-managing employees are sent to search the internet for the latest and greatest goal-achieving, challenge-overcoming solutions.



  • 我们讨论的目标对经济买家重要吗?
  • Amongst their priorities, where does this fall?
  • Do they have ways they'd like you to overcome challenges?
  • What concerns do you anticipate they'll raise?
  • How should we go about getting the economic buyer on board with our plan?
  • 如果他们有您尚未考虑的问题,我们还没有讨论怎么办?您将如何处理这些?
  • 对于我们来说,将这个呼叫一起召集是有意义的吗?我们应该如何准备?您扮演什么角色与我扮演的角色?


3. C&I (Negative Consequences and Positive Implications)



  • 如果您达到目标会怎样?这会在个人层面上影响您吗?
  • 如果您没有达到目标,会发生什么?这会在个人层面上影响您吗?
  • What great things will you do next when you achieve this goal?
  • 当您克服这一挑战时,你们接下来会做什么?
  • 如果您能够实现此目标,您是否获得奖金,站起来晋升或获得更多资源?bob体育苹果系统下载安装如果您无法弄清楚,您会被解雇,失去责任或被降级吗?


Want to learn more? Check out 38销售问题以快速确定客户的核心需求

sales qualification

sales qualification

最初发布于2018年6月12日7:30:00 AM,2019年10月30日更新

