
Leslie Ye
Leslie Ye



销售人员的说唱不好。在HubSpot Research的最新研究中Buyers Speak Out: How Sales Needs to Evolve,,,,要求受访者提交他们与销售人员最相关的单词。




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为什么要花:您会保持自己的头等大事,好吧 - 那个烦人的销售人员不会停止打电话。除非您有新的分享,否则不要伸出援手;否则,您将占用潜在客户的时间而没有提供任何价值。

2. Always ask a different question.

你认为呢:You haven't gotten the information you need, so it can't hurt to ask again ... right?




为什么要花:Never lead by talking about your product. Unless your prospect is already quite familiar with your product's value proposition, starting with the value it brings and how it will change your prospect's business is a more effective way to get a conversation started.



为什么要花:您的意图是崇高的,所以请继续做自己的事情。这里的问题是语义问题。反复告诉潜在客户,即使您唯一的意图是提供帮助,他们也要“应该”或“必须”或“需要”或“需要”。相反,尝试类似的短语“像您这样的企业已经看到了成功……”or"What we've found drives results is …"



为什么要花:尽管您的潜在客户的业务可能像您以前在其行业中见过的数百种运作,但您不一定了解这些细节。即使您对答案可能有很好的了解,也要提出诸如"So I've seen X problem a lot at companies like yours, are you experiencing something similar?"展示您的前景,即您关心他们的独特观点,同时展示您的专业知识。

6. Don't answer objections with "But … "

你认为呢:You're just trying to handle objections, and "but" is the first filler word that comes to mind.

为什么要花:不断地说“但是”是有争议的,并将前景置于防御状态。相反,请尝试Ransberger Pivot:

  1. 确认您的潜在客户的反对意见。
  2. 了解他们的犹豫,或提出问题,直到您这样做。
  3. 在您的潜在客户的反对意见中找到一个共同的目标,并以此为基础说服他们,您的产品是实现这一目标的最佳方法。

7. Treat all objections as unique.


为什么要花:There's a significant difference between,“这个问题对我们来说是优先事项,但让我们等到下一个季度说话……”and"We've had seven straight quarters of losses -- we just can't afford to implement anything right now."

Not all objections are created equal. Some can be resolved simply by educating your prospect. Some are a result of inertia and can be mitigated by creating a sense of urgency. But there are always objections that stop a deal in its tracks, and treating those like minor concerns that can be talked away won't endear you to your prospects. Learn to spot the difference between brush-offs, points of confusion, and true blockers.

8. Let your prospect off the phone.


为什么要花:Your prospect is busy. Really busy. If they're a good fit for your product, schedule a longer call when they have more time and follow up with helpful resources so you stay on their radar.

9. Never force the offering.





为什么要花:这是联合国fortunate, but let's face it -- you won't win every deal. At some point in most closed-lost deals, it becomes apparent that there's no more you can do, and continuing to pester a prospect will leave a bad taste in their mouths. So know when to throw in the towel. Your time is better spent on prospects who stand a good chance of closing.

11. Get buy-in from your prospect.


为什么要花:除了在不证实您的前景的情况下尝试运行销售流程的事实,这也是不好的举止。在每个步骤中,检查您提出的下一步是否有意义。您的前景不仅会欣赏您的福祉,而且在心理上可以使他们更轻松地对大询问说“是” - 您想购买吗?

12. Speak slowly and allow your prospect to respond.

你认为呢:You're naturally a fast talker and an enthusiastic person.

为什么要花:You're understandably excited about your product and eager to share its value with prospects. But blazing through a conversation creates the impression that you're just waiting until your prospect's done speaking so you can talk again. Cutting prospects off is a no-no as well -- in fact, the less you speak, the more useful information you're likely to get.




14. Take no for an answer.


为什么要花: Your prospect has rejected your request for a reason. They don't feel comfortable giving you the information or help you've requested, and asking again will only make themmore不舒服。

The issue probably stems from how and when you asked. If you haven't explained why your ask will benefit your prospect and timed it appropriately, of course they'll say no. It's fine to ask for their personal number on the first call (provided you give context, such as, "It'll make it easier to answer questions and schedule future meetings if we have each other's cells.") However, it's typically not a good idea to ask for an intro to the decision maker -- you haven't yet proven your value.



为什么要花:这是“哭泣的男孩”效果。一段时间后,您的买家将完全收集您的消息。无论您使用哪种频道,也是如此 - 如果您不断打电话给他们或在社交媒体上轻推他们,您将很快变得令人讨厌。

To avoid this issue, spread your outreach across multiple mediums. Here's a sample schedule:

  • 第1天:Email.
  • 第三天:致电(留下语音邮件。)
  • 第4天:Like their post on LinkedIn.
  • 第6天:致电(不要留下语音邮件。)
  • Day 8:Email.
  • 第10天:发送分手电子邮件。



sales qualification

话题: 个人销售


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