



调查中有347名受访者,包括销售代表,销售经理,销售总监,企业主和一些营销人员。有90%的受访者为一家不到100名员工的公司工作。bob全站app43%的人还使用HubSpot的营销软件。bob电竞官方下载((For more information on the data collection methods and significance, click here。)


Despite working at HubSpot for nearly nine years, I was surprised to see referrals come in second place. I thought it would have come in first! Historically, referrals from customers are the lifeblood of any small business sales effort. Most SMB salespeople hold that referrals are the best source of qualified leads since they come with an endorsement from a mutually trusted third party. As a result, these types of leads generally close faster, spend more, and stay longer.


If you combine the top four lead sources (inbound marketing, referrals, word of mouth, and networking), you have a clearly powerful -- and very buyer-friendly -- go-to-market strategy for an SMB. Brian Halligan has众所周知,“互联网和入站不成比例地使SMB受益于他们的财富500强公司。在入站中,成功更重要的是您的大脑宽度比您的钱包的宽度更重要。”这些数据肯定支持Brian的陈述。

走得更远,冷电子邮件击败了呼叫。奇怪?并不真地。如今,销售人员正在发送的大量勘探电子邮件使电子邮件变得更加有效 - 尽管并非总是更可爱- 勘探方法。看到冷呼叫仅在26%的受访者中排名前三的前三杆发电策略中,因为其有效性无疑正在减弱,这也并不感到惊讶。但另一方面,对于某些人来说,这显然仍然是一种成功的勘探策略。对于大多数这些公司而言,它不如入站或推荐那么成功,正如我们的入站报告所支持的先前研究一样。

Only 16% of respondents ranked a lead generation service in their top three lead generation strategies. While there is nothing wrong with using outsourced lead generation services, it is rare for a smaller business to outsource this function. So, it’s not all that surprising to see this low on the list.

列表的底部是贸易展览会,购买前景清单(大概是为了打冷),当然还有印刷广告。我将为您提供这些方法上标准的Hubspot抗输出咆哮。简而言之,这些数据表明,这些中小型企业在这些主要的一代策略中不投资太多 - 至少已经不再了。

Finally, only about 5% of respondents reported using chat to engage visitors on their website. This is certainly a missed opportunity to engage and convert more qualified leads. By using theHubSpot SnapEngage integration,HubSpot的销售团队不仅能够increase the percentage of visitors who convert to a lead,但是通过聊天参与的人以正常速度的2倍关闭。

To me, the takeaways from these results are clear. First and foremost, salespeople benefit immensely when their companies invest in inbound marketing. In addition, as expected, salespeople still rely heavily on referrals from clients, networking with peers, and word of mouth for quality leads. By combining these tried-and-true referral generating methods with inbound, companies can build a highly qualified funnel of inbound leads. And as these respondents reported,these channels are比拨打电话和冷电子邮件更有效地采购合格的前景

But, these methods are not just better for the seller.The beauty of these lead generation channels is that they are all permission-based inbound methods.这也使买家更好地基于这些来源的潜在客户策略。通过冷通话或冷电子邮件打断潜在客户的情况令人难以置信……实际上应该是最后的手段。

Since inbound is better for the buyer and the seller, I’m frankly perplexed that so many companies are investing in cold calling when they could and should be investing in much more scalable, repeatable, and compoundable inbound methods. Perhaps we still have some work to do in educating companies how to generate more inbound leads than they need. Challenge accepted.


Hubspot CRM

最初发布于2016年3月24日7:30:00 AM,2017年2月1日更新

