To terminate is to bring to an end. And if you've ever had to figure out how to terminate an employee, you know things don't get much harder or sadder. Most managers dread this part of the job more than any other.

坦率地说,你应该在与员工分开时会感到有些恐惧 - 这就是使您成为人类的原因。幸运的是,您可以采取一些步骤来确保对话顺利进行。

Due to feelings of guilt, uncertainty about the decision, legal concerns, and excuses by the team member, many managers don't let poor performers go when they should (or at all). And when they do take action, almost every termination conversation is stressful.


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Time and time again I have been told by colleagues and managers who have lost their jobs that the worst part wasn't the termination itself buthow消息传递。引用一位同事的话说:“信息像炸弹一样被删除。”

当需要放任团队成员去时,您使用的过程 - 虽然不会改变结果,但会大大改变经验并减少诉讼的机会。知道如何正确终止员工会使经理更加自信和富有同情心,并且团队成员更多地接受该人的退出。

1. Inform the human resources team.

Having made the decision to let someone go, review the employee handbook first. Make sure your grounds for termination are in line with company policy and that you're ready to inform the right people beforehand.

Usually, the first people you notify of a firing arehuman resources(HR) andlegal。两个团队都将解释如何终止员工,并告知其安全和安全性,以便他们离开后可以断开员工的办公设备。与人力资源合作以计算最终赔偿和/或遣散费,并收集您将需要的所有文档和文书工作(我们将在第7步中介绍文书工作)。


2. Set up a meeting with the employee.

一旦通知人力资源通知预定的射击,就与员工开会。立即开会是理想的选择,但是如果他们的日程安排根本不允许,那应该是公平的soon after the meeting invitation。如果询问会议的内容,请使用您的酌处权,但要说您希望在会议期间充实细节。

Or, if the discussion will be by phone, focus the exchange on when there will be adequate time to talk (we'll talk about how to fire someone over the phone following the final step of this process).

If you have the choice, firing an employee is best done face-to-face in a private setting. This allows you to set a serious but supportive tone and present everything the employee will need to know -- including any relevant paperwork about health insurance, severance, or unemployment.


The very first thing out of your mouth in the termination meeting should be to让这个人知道他或她正在放手。Offering too much context or lead-up before the firing itself might seem mature, but it can ultimately make the termination feel unofficial and leave the employee with too much to dwell on after they leave.


4. Reference previous performance goals.

适当的射击过程中的第四步取决于您(希望)在这次会议之前所做的事情:tracking their performance并支持他们的每一步。当让某人走时,重要的是您要礼貌地暗示他们在就业过程中在各个方面给出的警告和指导。

With enough coaching sessions, the termination meeting will have followed a 'final consequence' meeting, where you clearly spell out the objectives to be accomplished, the time frame in which to accomplish them, and most importantly, the consequence if the objectives are not met -- i.e. the person will lose their job.

Document all of these coaching sessions in writing prior to the termination meeting. Don't have documentation? Meet with HR and consider putting the person on a30-、60或90天的性能计划before officially severing them from the company. This gives them a chance to actually improve, while providing you with the right paperwork if the person ultimately doesn't.

The value of a performance improvement plan is, among other things, to ensure the employee doesn't feel blindsided if they end up getting fired. In fairness to the person, termination should绝不come as a surprise (unless it's due to an egregious act or part of corporate downsizing).

5. Keep your explanation short but specific.

When referencing the employee's past performance, there's a fine but important line between explaining why they've been terminated and simply making them feel worse. Keep your reason brief and clear.



  1. You don't want to get into an argument or long discussion.The decision has been made and is non-negotiable. While clear feedback is very important for growth, it should have already been given at this point.
  2. There's no need to further hurt the person's feelings.员工可能会发泄并提出问题,但只需倾听并重复您的简洁信息即可。



尽管您最好尝试快速且无痛地终止终止,但您仍可能会收到雇员的驳斥冗长的反应。没关系 - 他们应该愿意表达自己。他们什么应该n'tfeel is that the decision to fire them is still being made.

听你的员工说什么and genuinely take heed in their feedback -- this is probably a conversation you'll have again in your career, and the employee's viewpoint is valuable. But unless they offer any substantial evidence that there's been a mistake,continue to reiteratethat their employment is no longer needed.

7. Provide continued healthcare paperwork and related next steps.

Clearly define next steps with the terminated employee (yes, there are some important ones you need to take). The first is to clarify the effective date of termination; in many companies, this means immediately.

然后,如果您有一项,请传达您的遣散政策,并解释员工如何如何在有限的时间内继续其健康保险after they leave. The Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1986 -- commonly referred to as眼镜蛇- 允许终止的员工离开后扩大健康保险范围。人力资源通常在终止期间移交了眼镜蛇文书工作,但重要的是,您也必须表现出对这一关键步骤的认识。


8. Thank the employee for their services and wish them luck.

Your last step during a firing is to thank the person for the services. Don't apologize, but say you wish things had worked out differently and extend best wishes for the future.


Firing someone via a phone call isn't ideal, but sometimes, the nature of their employment justifies it. Maybe they're a remote employee who can't easily travel to the office -- and doing so just to lose their job would make the whole conversation even more off-putting. Perhaps they're a freelancer for the company, and a short phone call is all that's needed to take them out of your contractor rotation.

No matter the reason, there's a right way to handle a termination over the phone.

1. Set up a phone meeting with the employee.

Just as you would for a face-to-face termination, make sure you set up a meeting with the employee in advance of the call -- and make sure he or she is aware it's taking place over the phone.

如果有能力,请考虑hosting the call via video chatinstead, allowing you and the employee to see each other even if they're not present in the room with you (it's an integrity move, trust me).



确保您的人力资源团队的成员与您在呼叫上。但是,由于另一端的员工不知道你们三个人,所以请确保您introduce the rep。HR might be speaking in this conversation too, and having them randomly interject without the employee knowing they were in the room can seem rude and negligent.

3. Have next steps and healthcare paperwork ready to email to the employee.

Before you call this employee, work with HR to get the proper next steps and COBRA healthcare paperwork ready to通话结束后发送电子邮件给他们。Getting fired gives an employee a lot to chew on, and giving them all the resources they'll need to land on their feet is crucial when they're not in the room with you to receive this information.

4. Lead with the bad news.


5. Reference performance goals and give the employee the floor to respond.


6. Inform them that you'll be sending a follow-up email.

Pending any evidence by the employee that their employment shouldn't end, reiterate that the company has agreed this is the best decision for both parties.

To minimize resistance even more, and to keep the phone call moving in the right direction, inform the employee that you (or HR) will be sending them a follow-up email with all the necessary paperwork confirming their departure. This is also your opportunity to send an electronic眼镜蛇医疗保健文件,允许员工在就业后的有限时间内维持其医疗保险。如果需要,让您的人力资源代表有机会对本文档发表评论。


7. Thank the employee for their services and wish them luck.

Don't linger too much just because it's a phone call. It can be hard enough to bring conversations to a close over the phone, and while you want to give the employee time to react, you don't want to leave too many awkward silences when they can't seeyour在行的另一端反应(这只是通过视频聊天进行这次会议的另一个原因)。只需非常感谢他们为公司提供的服务,并祝他们在未来的努力中一切顺利。bob全站app



I started with the definition of termination -- to bring to an end. Professionally, that is what you are doing. But the emotional tone you set -- one of caring and respect -- will make a difference in the short- and long-run. No matter how bad the team member has been, show you have heart.

这篇博客文章提供了旨在帮助我们的读者更好地了解人力资源法律问题的信息。但是法律信息与法律建议不同 - 将法律应用于个人的特定情况。尽管我们已经进行了研究以更好地确保我们的信息准确和有用,但我们坚持认为,如果您希望专业保证我们的信息以及您对信息的解释是准确的,请咨询律师。为了进一步澄清,您不得依靠这些信息作为法律建议,也不是对任何特定法律理解的建议或认可,而是应该将本文视为仅用于娱乐目的的本文。




