

Regardless of what sales training program you implement at your organization, there’s one key factor you should consider when choosing what’s best for your team:包容性

Outside of sharpening sales skills, mastering the customer journey, and boosting win rates, your sales training should also foster an inclusive learning environment that helps your team forge relationships and create a culture of its own.

为了更好地了解包容性的销售培训计划的样子,我与三位枢纽销售负责人进行了交谈,他们在团队中拥护包容性:米歇尔·贝弗(Michelle Benfer),,,,Mintis Hankerson, 和Elle Fening。Below, they share their advice on how to improve inclusivity in your sales training.

Before we dive in, let’s define whatinclusivemeans in the context of sales training.

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Inclusivity is the process considering the identities and preferences of people that might otherwise be excluded, marginalized, or simply overlooked. This can refer to both demographic and psychographic identities, including but not limited to race, age, and sexual orientation as well as personality types, learning styles, and motivations.

One way to do this in the context of sales training is to genuinely know your team members — in doing so, you’ll be able to make individual reps feel as though you’re speaking directly to them even while in a group setting.

"One of the pivots I've made when speaking to my team or trying to have an inclusive connection to the people that I oversee is making sure don't isolate anyone by使用只能与特定组交谈的参考文献,,,," Benfer shared. (Benfer also authored a HubSpot blog post on如何使您的销售平台更具包容性


汉克森(Hankerson)同样定义了包容性的销售培训:“我认为这是一种培训,可以符合多种学习风格,并允许人们以多种不同的方法学习。”(Hankerson最近写了一篇关于Hubspot博客文章how her team hit their sales quota every month for a year


As you can see, both demographic and psychographic differences should be taken into account when cultivating inclusivity among your sales team and sales training. Let’s unpack some inclusive sales training best practices as shared by our sales experts.


The purpose of sales training is to educate and equip your sales team. If they can’t absorb or apply the sales training information, then it’s not worth their time — or yours. How can you ensure your sales training is valuable? Understand how your team prefers to be trained.


One method that Hankerson warns against? PowerPoint. "I would absolutely make sure that your training does not involvejustPowerPoint because that doesn’t allow it to sink in." This isn’t to warn against the platform itself; it’s more a reminder that your sales training shouldn’t just be endless slides, long presentations, and — essentially — hours of people-watching.

In fact, Hankerson shared an anecdote with me about a member of her team who faced this exact problem: she was approached by a rep who preferred to learn by reading and doing instead of listening. She couldn’t tell the repnotto attend the training as it was obligatory, so instead, she encouraged them to complete written exercises afterwards to help with comprehension and application.



"This helps me think about what I’m trying to train and how I can actually reinforce it," she said.








  • What motivates you?
  • How do you like to receive feedback?
  • 您想如何交流?
  • What is one thing I should know about you and the way you work?

This is a way for managers to understand how their team members like to be praised, acknowledged, and motivated — all important factors of sales training beyond the scope of how salespeople prefer to learn.


3. Focus on skills beyond sales.

有无数宝贵的销售技巧,包括确定需求,表达价值,谈判和推销。但是还有许多其他类型的技能justas important.



Learn why inclusivity is important and steps to take to start building an inclusive team with this free HubSpot Academy tutorial.


There are hundreds of impressive and effective销售培训计划在市场上。但是这些程序并非与你的考虑到团队。当您制定自己的内部销售培训计划时,您可以以多种角度从头开始构建它。



销售培训仅与受众一样有效,并且其受众只能学到与他们量身定制的一样多。Apply the best practices discussed in this article to make your sales training more inclusive and help your sales team be as successful as possible.


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