How to Increase Email Open Rates Using Intrigue

Michael Pici
Michael Pici




One of the most effective ways to catch their attention? Create a sense of intrigue. The buyer will satisfy their curiosity by clicking on your email.



1) Make It Personal

At the end of the day, nothing sparks curiosity like a personal touch. AsDale Carnegie once said,“一个人的名字,对那个人,是任何语言中最甜蜜,最重要的声音。”

In other words, your prospect will respond to personalized content.



Mention someone’s latest blog post, a detail from their LinkedIn profile, an event they recently attended, a statistic from their organization -- any piece of information that’s both relevant to your product and distinct to the prospect.

Here are several examples:

  • “Impressed to learn 46% of your engineers are self-taught”
  • “How did your Partner Field Day go?”
  • “counterpoint to your ‘radical candor’ article”
  • “Saw you won a Charlie award”
  • “你到了蒂姆·厄本(Tim Urban)的入境演讲吗?”


TV producers are masters at creating suspense. They present a tense or shocking moment, raise your desire to know what happens next to peak levels -- then cut to a commercial break. And they do this three to seven times per episode.

Luckily, salespeople only have to pull off this feat once. Do so by revealing some information, but not everything your prospect would want to know.

For instance, you might write,“分析了您公司的两年招聘趋势 bob全站app- 令人惊讶的结果”



  • “Liked your [topic] blog post … But something was missing”(在你的电子邮件,建议小费,另外一点,or idea for a follow-up post.)
  • “This isn’t your typical sales email”(确保内容符合这一诺言。)
  • “如果我可以改变有关[Prospect的公司]的一件事……”bob全站app(提供相关的见解或建议。)
  • “我们有X的共同点”(This one is ideal for prospects with whom you have multiple commonalities. Quickly list those commonalities in your email:“We both went to [school], have boisterous puppies, and require water for survival.”
  • “In five years, I think [company] … ”(Tie this into your intro. If you see an opportunity the prospect’s company isn’t capitalizing on or an area where they’re struggling, portray what the future will look like without a change.)

3) Call Out a Specific Challenge

客户不想购买产品 - 他们想解决问题。为了引起潜在客户的兴趣,请强调他们目前正在处理的问题。通过将他们的组织与您卖给的类似组织进行比较,可以预料他们的业务痛苦。这些公司通常会处理哪些疼痛点?

For example, maybe four of the five manufacturing firms that have purchased your product struggle with workforce shortages.

With that in mind, you might use this subject line for a prospect at a manufacturing firm:“ [公司]雇用和保留问题?”bob全站app

也许您的营销自动化软件表明,潜在客户已经多次访问了您网站上的同一博客bob电竞官方下载文章或下载了电子书。他们很有可能专注于该内容的主题。一个好的主题是,“Idea for solving [company’s] workforce shortage.”

Social media is also a great resource. Prospects will frequently post questions related to a challenge, strategic announcements and updates, and other potentially valuable tidbits.

An example subject line:“Re: the talent shortage ebook you shared”

4) Don’t Repeat Your Subject Line

People typically use three details to decide whether to open a message. First, they look at the sender. Is the name familiar?


As a salesperson, your name -- maybe even your company -- will be foreign to prospects. That means you’re solely relying on the subject line and opening sentence.



主题行:“Is [prospect’s company] struggling with [relevant challenge]?”

预览文本:“Hi [prospect name], Is [prospect’s company] having issues with X?”

主题行:“Issues with X at [prospect’s company]”

预览文本:“Hi [prospect name], 76% of businesses in your space are dealing with … ”


Buyers are busier than ever, which is why many salespeople say prospecting is their biggest challenge. Use these four techniques to break through the noise and get your prospects’ attention.

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