销售经理,尤其是现场销售经理 - 通常会感觉自己被困在雾中。如果没有定期在该领域的身体状况,就很难对其团队和业务运营进行标签。取而代之的是,他们严重依靠自己的田野代表成为他们的眼睛和耳朵。

这best way for field managers to gain visibility into their team’s activity is to collect and measure both team and product performance through KPIs.

KPIs, or Key Performance Indicators, are metrics used to track the performance of a business, a department, or individuals against goals.

关键是选择与您的行业和业务目标最相关的KPI - 专注于错误的对您的公司来说可能是昂贵的。bob全站app为了节省您一段时间,我们缩小了常用KPI的列表 - 确定我们认为对管理现场销售团队最重要的列表。

Download the Sales Metrics & KPI Calculator“align=


By comparing sales volumes across locations, including physical stores and online transactions, you'll see where demand for your product is highest and lowest. From there, you can figure out why.


For example, if two locations see relatively similar sales volume in January, try implementing a promotional sale in one location and not the other in February to see if it drives sales.



Free Sales Metrics Calculator

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并确保您正在培训您的代表以处理pricing objections适当。尝试角色扮演练习,以便他们准备讨论价格而不拖欠折扣。




Beyond benefiting your company’s business outlook, keeping in touch with clients supports your business's strategic goals as well — it's asales metric that matters

Ask your salespeople to keep a tally of interactions they have with each of their customers, then compare the number of touches to the average length of a client relationship.


4. Employee Satisfaction

准备好新闻了吗?bob官网官方网站A 2020 survey by Emplifyfound that 75% of employees are moderately engaged in their work. Moreover, just 18% of employees can be responsible for数千美元的生产力损失

在销售中工作需要持久性,有时代表可能会用尽蒸汽。所以你之一biggest challengesis making sure your sales reps are motivated and enjoy their work.

与远程的劳动力,你如何让你的销售s force in sync? Do they feel like they’re part of a team? Do they agree with the sales methods that you’ve implemented?


5. Upsell and Cross-Sell Rates

Who are the most qualified leads in your CRM? Your existing customers. Have your reps track theirupsell and cross-sell numbers并使用该数据来确定某些垂直行业是否对某些产品或服务音高的响应很好。

例如,如果代表有好运,将功能X卖给客户,将产品包Y六个月与您一起居住 - 这可能是一个值得的里程碑,可以添加您的销售流程。

Look at when, how, what, and to whom your reps are upselling and cross-selling, and adjust your efforts accordingly.



Analyze what sales cycle length produces the highest number of closed-won business. And don't forget to also look at how successful those deals are down the line.


一旦获得KPI的数据,请分析信息以了解为什么您获得这些结果。然后,确定如何提高性能并遵循行动。请记住,与建立KPI一样重要,它们必须始终与一个overarching goal

7. Close Ratio

Close ratiomeasures how efficiently a salesperson or team is closing deals based on the leads they’ve worked. This metric works in conjunction with system touches to help quantify the effectiveness of your sales team’s outreach strategy. Close ratio can be calculated by dividing the number of actual closed deals by the number of lead opportunities the salesperson had during a given time period.


1. Activities

这number of BDR sales activities per rep in a set amount of time can give you an indication of their productivity level. You might consider measuring:

  • 电话数量
  • Number of emails
  • 会议安排


2. Opportunities Created

这是经理的指标consistently monitor

As alluded to in the previous section, sales activity means nothing unless it results in tangible pipeline growth. For this reason, productivity metrics such as sales activity are best compared to the number of opportunities created by the BDR.



Share this data with your team so they can see how they stack up against other reps. There’s nothing like a little competition to get your team motivated.






另一个常用的测量是c的速度lient acquisition. Of the new prospects your reps reach out to, how manyconvert to customers?某些销售人员比其他销售人员表现更好是很自然的 - 但是,如果转化率之间存在很大的差异,请深入研究。

Are lower-performing reps approaching bad-fit prospects? Is there something that over-performers do in sales meetings that others don’t?


Finally, use conversion rates to compare different outreach methods, such as emailing or cold calling versus pursuing face-to-face interactions.


1. Average Response Time

If a lead is flagged as qualified by your marketing team, or if that lead indicates interest by filling out a form, there's no time to waste and no need to keep the lead waiting. Always benchmark response time and encourage reps to improve it. That way, they're catching leads while the pain or problem is top of mind.

2. Percentage of Leads Followed Up With



在跟踪此KPI时,请考虑通过任何渠道的所有潜在客户作为二进制答复 - 潜在客户是或不感兴趣的。它基于情感,而不是客户获取。这就是区别于其他指标的原因。

同样值得注意的是,它是在潜在客户水平上进行衡量的,这意味着重要的是联系的前景总数。但是,与他们联系的许多电子邮件,电话或其他触摸都不会反映在图中。该指标表示为一个百分比 - 如果联系50个潜在客户,并且有3个响应肯定,那么正回复率为6%。


4. System Touches

Ideally, you'd like your sales process to be fairly "low touch," meaning your salespeople are closing new business efficiently for your company and your consumer.



5. Meeting Acceptance Rates



6. SQL-to-Customer Conversion Rate

Your SDRs may not have much control over how many leads are generated, but they certainly have a hand in turning those leads into customers.

Low conversion rates across the board can indicate an issue with your lead generation and qualification process. Low conversion rates with specific reps can help you make decisions about ongoing training and development.

7. Deal Win-Loss Ratio


For organizations with sales and marketing departments, it can be difficult to measure sales performance. After all, how do you know the handoff is successful?

Here are KPIs that can give you a clue:


如果您分解潜在客户生命周期阶段(e.g. Lead, MQL, SQL), you may be able to see the pinch points and bottlenecks across the two departments.


2. MQL-to-Customer Conversion Rate



3. Average Length of Customer Lifecycle

客户生命周期指客户在购买(及以后)的道路上经历的不同阶段。减少第一印象和第一次购买之间的时间是组织的最大利益 - 从理论上讲,这将降低获取成本并更有效地产生客户。


4. Volume of New Opportunities

In order to achieve alignment between sales and marketing teams, tracking the volume of new opportunities is going to be important. Before measuring this KPI, both teams will need to agree on what a new opportunity is. While there is no universal definition, a销售机会is usually a qualified prospect who has a high probability of becoming a customer. The sales pipeline begins with opportunities, which turn into deals and customers. Marketing and sales must work together to qualify leads and create more opportunities.



You can calculate the cost per lead by dividing the campaign budget by the number of leads acquired from the campaign.


从市场研究到交易封闭,每次收购成本measures every effort a business takes to acquire a new customer. An acquisition may be defined in different ways such as form fills, asset downloads, or actual deals closed. If you’re measuring this for both marketing and sales, deals closed may be more informative for both teams.

Cost per acquisition tells you just how much your business spent to welcome that customer onboard. By comparing this metric over time, your marketing and sales teams can learn what works and focus on those activities. In turn, the cost per acquisition should decrease, making both teams more efficient at closing new business.

7. Customer Retention Rate

Just because a customer signed a contract with your company doesn’t mean you’re done earning their business. Tracking how well your team is meeting the customer’s needs is key to customer retention. Customer retention measures how well a business retains its customers and their revenue over time. While there are您可以衡量客户保留的几种方法, it’s easier to have a single metric to review on a regular basis. You can calculate a single number bymeasuring customer retention rate with this formula


您是否知道您的帐户平均在您的业务上花费了多少?如果没有,您应该开始跟踪此KPI。了解帐户的平均收入可以帮助您的营销团队通过更相关的广告系列来确定受众,并帮助您的销售团队参加基于帐户的销售approach to new prospects with similar business models to accounts with high average revenue.

9. Net Promoter Score (NPS)



  • Promoters (9-10): They like you — they really like you. Not only will these customers likely renew, but they also won't hesitate to recommend you to friends or colleagues.
  • 消极者(7-8):他们很满意,但仅此而已。被动赛的竞争选择已经成熟,因为他们认为您的产品/服务是现状。
  • 批评者(0-6):他们不喜欢您 - 他们真的不喜欢您。批评者可能会流失,可能会告诉其他人避免与您开展业务,并对您的品牌造成最大的损害。

Send your NPS regularly — and remember not to send it too early to new customers. There will always be kinks that need to be worked out of the system before an NPS is sent.






Its applications aren't limited to accounting for broad portions of your customer base. The figure can also be used to gauge the value of individual accounts and, in turn, your account managers' ability to engage existing clients. Their ability to consistently provide value to their clients can be measured, in large part, by the value they offer back.

An account manager can demonstrate they're actively involved with their clients with a high average customer lifetime value. It shows they know how to establish rapport and keep clients loyal to your business as time goes on. It's a valuable KPI to bear in mind when getting a feel for account managers' overall performance.


一旦获得KPI的数据,请分析信息以了解为什么您获得这些结果。然后,确定如何提高性能并遵循行动。请记住 - 与建立KPI一样重要,它们必须始终与总体目标相关。

Editor's note: This post was originally published in June 2019, and has been updated for comprehensiveness.

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              <p class=Originally published Mar 9, 2021 2:00:00 PM, updated March 10 2021

