Humans are wired to避免负面经历。And for most of us, saying “no”是一种消极的经历。作为销售人员,我们每天都会看到这一点。称其为异议,变黑或只是朴素的幽灵 - 但实际上,这是您的前景试图避免告诉您他们不在您的产品/服务中。

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How to Tell They Want to Say No

In sales, you want to get the “no”尽快您可以继续前进。否则,您的潜在客户可能会拖延数周或几个月的时间,而无需给出明确的答案。我称这个“希望岛”,通常听起来像:

  • Hey, can you call me back?
  • 给我发送电子邮件,我会回给您。
  • Hey, follow up with me next week.
  • 抱歉,我不得不取消,我会以更好的时间与您联系。

When I hear those phrases I know I’m screwed. I don’t want to stay on Hope Island and keep calling even though they’re probably not interested.

This also happens when I’m setting next steps after presentations. Instead of saying “We’re not interested right now,”这是理想的,您会听到“We’ll think about it and get back to you,” “Let’s follow up in two weeks,” or the dreaded “哦,这很昂贵,但它可以起作用。” These phrases tell me it’s time to tryNegative Reverse Selling

What is Negative Reverse Selling?


这里有一个警告:很容易滥用这种技术,这会让您看起来不礼貌。在没有积极地取得交易的机会时,选择性地应用它 - 并在外交上使用它,请确保您永远不会与某人一起使用。

You want to call out your prospect’s lack of interest and get them to admit the answer is “No” without going too negative. Essentially, you’re getting them to realize they’re bullshitting you. Here’s the formula:

Prospect:XYZ fluffy response.

Salesperson:迪比卡lly when I hear someone say XYZ, it really means ABC. Is it fair for me to assume that’s the case?

That’s it. This single framework saves me countless hours. “我可以假设是这样吗?“轻轻推prospects into giving a more honest answer about their interest in my product.


Let’s get more specific about use cases. If you’re scheduled to provide a demo for your prospect and his colleagues, but he cancels and says, “我会和我的团队交谈,并与您联系,” here’s how you might respond:

Salesperson:I get it Sam, but we were supposed to all meet together for a demo. Typically, when this happens it means you might not be interested in our product. Is it fair for me to assume that’s the case, or do you really need to run this over with your team?

Prospect Sam:实际上,这超出了我们现在的预算。

You’ve pushed back on Sam’s fluffy response and asked for a specific answer. In this case, he was honest about budget constraints.



If you use this approach, be ready for a few prospects to get angry. They still don’t want to tell you no, so some prospects will lash out. Here’s an example:

Prospect Sam:我要参加会议;下周你能给我打电话吗?

Salesperson:山姆,我试图联系几次了。迪比卡lly, when this happens, it means this is a low priority for you at the moment. Is it fair for me to assume that’s the case?

Prospect Sam:Well if you don’t want to talk to me, then I’d rather not do business with you.

Salesperson:Hey Sam, my apologies. I do want to talk, but I feel like I’m driving you crazy here with all these voicemails and missed calls. I’d hate to keep bothering you if it’s not necessary. It might be best if you reach out when it’s a better time.


永远不要觉得您是通过说:“You always say you’ll call me back, Sam,” which turns the conversation into an accusation and, sometimes, an argument.


In the conversation above, I would leave Sam my contact information and reiterate that I’d love to open the conversation when it’s a priority for him. This way, I’m no longer caught in the hamster wheel of calling and hoping Sam will suddenly become interested.


When I first learned about the negative reverse approach, I thought “如果有人这样和我说话,我会立即挂断电话。”但是我有一个模糊的回应,我永远无法摆脱自己的前景。

At the time, I was working for a software company that offered a free trial of their product. The product was customizable and required prospects to work closely with me throughout the trial process.

All too often, I’d meet with prospects once and hear “我要测试这一点,并与您联系。“当然,我再也没有收到过他们的消息,因为他们没有与我合作以适当测试该产品。

I made email templates and scripts, I practiced endlessly -- and still, I couldn’t overcome this objection. My prospects would go dark and I’d spend hours following up without success.

I was desperate for something to help me break through this situation, so I finally tried the negative reverse approach. When a prospect hit me with “I’m going to test this out,“我回答说,”通常,当人们告诉我他们会测试并回到我身边时,这不是现在的优先事项。我可以假设是这样吗?” The result was that about 75% of these prospects admitted they had no interest in a solution.

When I train reps on how to use this approach today, I stress the importance of using it delicately. It’s not a catch-all tactic or one you should build your sales strategy around. It should only be applied when nothing else works and you’re faced with exile on Hope Island.

选择不断卡住的一种情况。您知道 - 使用后,他们总是在使用后变黑。如果您一再有前景schedule a meeting, cancel, push it back two weeks, and cancel again, implement the negative reverse approach there.


作为销售人员,有时我们必须强迫艰苦的对话并节省双方的宝贵时间。使用负面反向策略,然后转向“Maybe” into “Yes” or “No在两周的后续电话之前,您可以在日历和配额上吃掉。



最初发布于2019年7月28日7:08:00 PM,更新于10月8日2020年

