沟通是销售的命脉。成功完成交易,提供价值,解释复杂性 - 他们都依赖您清晰,有说服力地表达自己的能力。


10 Persuasion Techniques to Apply in Your Sales Emails

1) Know your audience

Okay, so this isn’t exactly a writing tip. But it’s the foundation upon which your email’s effectiveness is built. If you don’t understand your audience -- whether it’s the prospect who’s hesitant to buy, or the happy customer you’d like to upsell -- you won’t be able to write persuasively.

2) Social proof

为什么起作用:Social proof describes the tendency to make choices based on other people’s decisions, because we believe those decisions reflect the right choices.

Marketing teams already leverage the concept of social proof through customer case studies and displaying customer or social share counts.

How to use it:参考备受瞩目的客户或客户群的规模。为了进行更有针对性的用途,请指出您的潜在客户的竞争对手和同伴使用您的产品。


  • 麦当劳的口号“数十亿美元服务”召集了公司的巨大客户群。bob全站app
  • Yelp’s success is a result of its user-generated content: Crowdsourced reviews that leverage the power of social proof.


为什么起作用:一旦一个潜在客户说“是”,这是一个小问题 - 众所周知的脚 - 他们更有可能同意将来的要求。

How to use it:Ask your prospect a question that they are unlikely to say no to.


  • If you sell software that tracks target accounts’ trigger events, an easy way to get a first “yes” is to confirm that your prospect’s sales team wants to improve their prospect outreach.

4) Include a headshot in your email signature

为什么起作用:When we make eye contact with people, we feel a subconscious sense of connection. In一项康奈尔大学研究, researchers edited images of the Trix rabbit mascot, then asked adults to pick between several cereal boxes bearing different versions of the image. Participants most often chose the box where the rabbit was directly looking at them.

How to use it:You can’t make actual eye contact through email, and by no means should you include a massive photo of yourself in the body of an email -- that’ll just make prospects uncomfortable.

But it can be easy to forget that there’s a person on the other end of your emails. Including a small headshot of yourself in an email signature is a subtle way to remind prospects that you’re human too.



But emotion is a powerful thing. Whether it’s subconscious attachment to the old way of doing things causing inertia, or fear of making the wrong decision, your prospect won’t always warm to your product immediately.


How to use it:While you should never attempt to over-exaggerate a business pain or spin one out of thin air, use the agitate-and-solve technique when it’s clear they haven’t fully conceptualized the cost of inaction.

Find out what matters to your prospect. Is it personal professional achievement that drives them forward? A desire to grow the business’ bottom line? Then show how inaction will only worsen their current situation, and demonstrate why your product would help.


  • 办公室供应销售员可以寻找受到较晚货物影响的竞争对手客户。她应该探究这些延误的重要性,让潜在客户通过直接和连锁反应进行交谈。然后,她可以描述自己公司的高效服务和客户支持。bob全站app



心理学家艾伦·兰格(Ellen Langer)进行了一项研究in which experimenters asked to skip ahead in line at a Xerox machine. When they asked, “I have five pages. May I use the Xerox machine?”, they were allowed to skip the line 60% of the time -- not a bad outcome.

但当他们问,“我有五个pages. May I use the Xerox machine because I have to make some copies?”, 93% were allowed to skip the line.

Despite the fact that everyone else in the Xerox machine line needed to make copies, they complied with the request simply because the experimenters provided a reason.

How to use it:我们不建议您构成荒谬的借口来吸引您的潜在客户签订合同 - 这对任何人都不好。但是,即使提供了一个简单的解释 - “我想与您建立会议,因为我可以帮助X策略” - 也可以支付巨大的股息。


  • 而不是写作,"I'd like to set up a conversation so we can discuss your project management software strategies,"try this instead:“我想进行对话讨论您的营销策略,因为我们已经看到类似的公司将其潜在客户产生增加了40%。”

7) Remind prospects it’s their choice

为什么起作用:Nobody likes to be told what to do -- especially when the person telling them to do something is a salesperson. And even if you’re not being pushy or aggressive, many prospects will still chafe at the suggestion that you know what’s best for them.

一个简单的放心,您不会试图将自己的偏好或世界观推向潜在客户是有力的。穿过42 psychology studies involving 22,000 subjects,已经证明,使用诸如“但决定是您的决定”之类的短语可以使有人对请求说“是”的机会增加一倍。

How to use it:You don’t want to overuse this one -- tempering every recommendation you make by reminding prospects they have no obligation to listen to you isn’t a great idea. But when you’re asking for a larger commitment or are dealing with a jumpy prospect, dropping in a reminder that you’re not here to force them into anything can be a powerful technique.


  • A software salesperson could write this message to a prospect skittish about switching platforms:

当我们上次讲话时,您提到您担心将系统从当前工具迁移到我们的工具。销售工程师萨利(Sally)将这个流程的高级概述汇总在一起,该过程旨在尽可能轻松地对我们的客户来说很容易 - 我们明天可以在通话中讨论这一点。同时,根据我们以前的对话,我坚信这种转换是您公司的最佳长期解决方案 - 但是,当然,最终决定的决定最终取决于您。bob全站app让我知道你的想法。”

8) Use assertive language

为什么起作用:Prospects want to know what will happen to their business and their own professional brand if they buy from you. If you communicate in a way that makes it seem like you can onlypotentially提供价值,您将自动变得不那么说服力。

Theamplification hypothesisprovides the science behind this phenomenon. Researchers found that increased "attitude certainty," or the sureness with which you express a belief, can actually change other people's attitudes toward that value. This works both proactively and reactively: Speaking about your product's benefits with certainty will strengthen your prospect's belief that it'll be effective, while responding vaguely to a prospect's expression of doubt can help weaken their objections.

How to use it:Obviously, you should never be evasive about objections that require a legitimate response or guarantee a result you know isn't certain. But cull qualifiers or weak language where they don't serve any purpose, and ensure your writing is crisp and assertive so certainty permeates your emails.


  • 而不是写作,"You mentioned that your close rates are lower than you'd like, so let's schedule some time to discuss your sales process. I think I'll be able to make two or three solid recommendations for how to move forward,"try:"You mentioned that your close rates are lower than you'd like. We shouldschedule some time to discuss your sales process. Once I learn more about how you follow up with a lead, I'll recommend an approach that'll ensure nothing is slipping through the cracks."


为什么起作用:According to a学习from researchers at the University of Oxford and the University College London, laughing puts people at ease and makes them likelier to open up. That might be why we usually feel closest to our funniest friends.

Laughter is also降低压力,更强的免疫系统和一般的幸福。

How to use it:Lightening the mood will help your prospect trust you and give you sensitive details about his company, its financial state, pain points, and business strategy, as well as his professional ambitions and anxieties. You've also got a better shot of hearing back when you crack a joke or two.With that in mind, add a funny GIF, image, or line.


  • Your prospect mentions lovingHouse of Cardsin their bio, so you use a Kevin Spacey meme.

10) Use "ultimate terms."

为什么起作用:Certain words carry good or bad connotations powerful enough to influence action. According to Changing Minds, ultimate terms fall into three categories: "God words," which have positive connotations, "Devil words," which have negative ones, and "Charismatic terms," which fall under neither good or bad but are words associated with intangible, observable phenomena (like "progress.").

Also known as "power words," these terms invoke basic needs in either a positive or negative way to appeal to the reader. Find a full list atChanging Minds.

How to use it:不要过度使用它 - 多年来,电源词列表已经广泛流传了,任何曾经看过广告牌的潜在客户,如果您在每个句子中使用电源词,都会确切地知道您在做什么。


  • 在要求最大的拳头之前或在请求中使用电源单词。例如,获得一个认为购买软件的潜在客户会使他的职位多余,通过写新技术将会出现bob电竞官方下载empowerhim to work on more long-term, strategic projects.

你如何使你的销售电子邮件更有说服力吗?Let us know in the comments below.

This post was originally published in January 2016 and has been updated for comprehensiveness and accuracy.

Hubspot CRM

最初发布于2017年6月13日7:30:00 AM,2018年3月14日更新


Persuasion in Sales