Win-loss review analysis is one of the most difficult parts of the sales process. If you lost the deal, it feels like you're taking it upon yourself to rub your nose in your own defeat. If you won the deal, it's likely you and your sales team are celebrating. You got the business -- who cares why? Now let’s drink.

Maintaining a positive mindset is essential to being a successful seller, but probing into a recent failure is likely a one-way road to Depressionville.



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What is a win-loss review?

A win-loss review is an interview that helps determine why a sales opportunity was won or lost. These interviews are often conducted over the phone, and can be performed by your company or a third-party service.

When developing your review strategy, you should be able to answer the following questions:

  • Who will be conducting the interview?
  • 选择客户或潜在客户面试的标准是什么?
  • 将问哪些问题?
  • How long will the interview take?
  • When will the interview be scheduled?

Setting up a strategy for win-loss reviews will help you and your team more successful and close more opportunities. In a2017 study by CSO Insights, researchers found teams that regularly used win-loss analysis outperformed those that did not. These teams saw a 17.6% increase in seller achieved quota rates. And win rates increased by 14.2% for those who consistently used win-loss reviews.

Whether it’s conducted in-house or through a third-party, via a survey or a conversation, here’s a list of questions that to include in your win-loss review. (Just make sure not to ask all of them -- in-person interviews should be no longer than 15-20 minutes.)

Win-Loss Analysis Questions

1. What was the biggest consideration you based your decision on?

它如何帮助:这将浮出您赢得或输掉的高级理由。请记住,尽管您非常熟悉您的产品或服务及其利弊,但潜在客户并没有拥有相同的经验。如果您对回答这个问题产生的观点感到惊讶 - 例如,一项被认为是劣等的功能knowis better than the competitions’ -- use that insight as a jumping-off point for implementing targeted change.

下一步:Beware of accepting vague reasons like “price” or “the competition seemed to ‘get’ us better.” Price issues are usually tied to a problem with communicating value, and the common “they just get us” objection points to a problem with your sales process. Keep pressing (gently!) until you uncover the deeper dirt.


How it Helps: Personalization is the name of the sales game today. Rather than presenting a canned pitch to each and every prospect, sales organizations should be carefully customizing every detail for the potential client’s needs. A lackluster response here is a gigantic red flag.

Next Steps:如果您由于缺乏个性化而失去交易,则可能会出现不确定的买家角色或对买家旅程的不良理解的问题。您的销售人员能否迅速确定他们正在处理的前景,以及在哪些购买阶段适当调整演示文稿的阶段?如果没有,您有一些工作要做。另外,您的代表可能需要教练才能聆听更多,少说话并提出更好的问题。

3. Did you define your decision criteria? If so, what were they?

How it Helps: Sellers aren’t always privy to buyers’ decision checklists. Knowing how clients are evaluating your product or service can help you decide what features or aspects to play up or down the next time around.

Next Steps: Watch out for criteria out of left field. If potential clients are looking to your product or service for something that it flat out doesn’t do, marketing messaging needs to be adjusted. Conversely, this could be an opportunity to develop an area that your prospects are clearly looking for your company to deliver in.

4. Did you talk to any references about our product/service? What did they have to say?

How it Helps:如果你像我们其他人一样,y的第一件事ou do when choosing a restaurant is read Yelp reviews. Same goes for business purchases -- everybody loves to get dirt from a good reference. Getting a sense of what references are saying can help you get a handle on your company’s brand perception.

Next Steps:如果您听到二手参考文献的负面反馈,则应将特定的投诉转给您的管理团队,以便他们可以将更多的资源投入到bob体育苹果系统下载安装持续的客户满意度. Stem the tide of detractors ASAP.


它如何帮助:As Jill Konrath writes in her book敏捷销售,“我们的出售方式比我们出售的更重要。”即使在我们的数字时代,人类元素仍然是购买过程的重要组成部分。

下一步:Be sure to keep this question open -- don’t restrict it to solely address the sales team. While prospects primarily interact with salespeople, they could also cross paths with marketing, customer support, or executives -- either in person or virtually. If the prospect was left with a bad taste in their mouth after an interaction with any person from your company, probe into what behavior in particular was to blame, and circle back.






下一步:If road map concerns were a primary reason a prospect signed on with a competitor, direct their concerns back to your management team to possibly adjust your development agenda. If the road map was a primary reason a prospect chose your company, relay this feedback to parties involved in future offers to ensure you can deliver.


它如何帮助:特别是在中端市场和企业级的薪酬anies, buying is a complex process that involves multiple parties. It’s entirely possible that one person, say the CMO, could be 100% on board with your product, but procurement vetoed the deal. Don’t lose as a result of neglecting to get all the key stakeholders together.

下一步:Identify and round up all relevant parties the next time your team presents to a similar company in terms of size or industry. Address each person’s specific needs -- what a CMO wants is different than what procurement is looking for.




10. Why did/didn’t you decide to buy now?

它如何帮助:In B2B sales, you’re not just competing against rival companies; you’re also combatting the dreaded “no decision.” Understanding why a prospect did or didn’t buy can bring to light trigger events or deal-derailing problems that your team may not have been aware of.

下一步:Incorporate any new trigger events into your sales research process. Develop plans to proactively address and diffuse issues that could put off a decision.




12. What was the biggest difference between us and the other solutions you considered?

它如何帮助:This is a more tactful way of asking, "为什么/不选择我们而不是我们的竞争对手?" It opens the door for your prospect to share what differentiated you from other solutions in your space -- for better or for worse.



它如何帮助:While not always possible, you want to make it easy for your prospect to choose your solution.

下一步:If you receive feedback your service was missing a crucial offering making it easy for your customer to choose another company, take that intelligence and improve your service.


它如何帮助:Your customer or prospect has just finished taking a deep dive into the industry. Make the most of that and ask them what they found.


15. Do you have any additional suggestions or comments?


下一步:Whether the feedback is positive or negative, evaluate it and see if there are any ways to improve your processes or service options to meet the customer or prospect expectations.

Win-Loss Analysis Template

It's helpful to have a defined process for conducting win-loss review analysis. Here's a template for how to structure your reviews for success:

1. Conduct a pre-meeting strategy session -确定您对这次失败评论的目标,您应该问哪些问题,谁将举行会议,谁将协调后勤以及谁将向团队其他成员传播发现。

2. Facilitate the win-loss review -Keep your meeting short -- no more than 30 minutes -- to respect your prospect/customer's time. Ask your agreed-upon questions and listen intently. Avoid the tendency to get defensive or jump in with additional comments. And end by thanking them for their time.

3.分享关键会议外卖 -Write up the most salient points from your win-loss review and share key takeaways with internal stakeholders at your company. If a feature was lacking, reach out to your product team. If your customer service package is what set you apart, congratulate your CS team.

无论您做什么,都不要坐在这些好的信息上 - 分享,迭代反馈,建立更强大的公司和更好的销售团队。bob全站app寻找更多?学习如何举行有效的验尸next.


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Originally published Feb 25, 2019 5:00:00 PM, updated April 29 2019


Win-Loss Review