Sales forecastingis an important activity for every sales force. Yet, few organizations are happy with the accuracy of their forecasts. Despite spending a lot of time and effort on the task, revenue predictions frequently, well, suck. And no amount of pressure from senior leadership seems to improve the issue.

So, what causes all these terrible forecasts? And, more importantly, what can you do to改善预测结果?Vantage Point对预测和发现了两个基本问题进行了研究。

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你是Using the Wrong Forecasting Framework

Many sales organizations use a forecasting framework that doesn’t reflect the way their salespeople sell.Our research显示85%的B2B公司根据估计交易规模的机会管道使用预测方法,陷入公司销售流程的阶段,分配了赢得的可能性,并在未来的近日预测。bob全站app


我们对62个全球销售组织的研究发现了74%,相信其预测应基于某些东西其他than a pipeline of opportunities; however, only 34% of those same companies use alternative approaches.

如果您的预测基于与您的销售队伍不相关的模型,很容易看出您的预测吮吸为什么。你是开发预报using data and assumptions that don’t reflect what’s actually happening in the field.

It would be like trying to read this article while moving your eyes from right to left rather than left to right. Similarly, many companies try to shoehorn their forecasts into an opportunity-based model with stages and percentages when it just doesn’t make sense to do so. Unsurprisingly, these forecasts don’t make sense either.

Alternate ways to conduct a revenue forecast


  • Account level forecasting:Use this if you have a business model where a high number of deals flow from a handful of existing customers.
  • Territory level forecasting:Use this if your salespeople cover geographies with dozens or even hundreds of accounts.

So, if you’re using a traditional, opportunity-based forecasting model and suffer from erratic forecasts, consider whether you should be using a different method to develop your forecasts -- one that more closely reflectsthe selling motion of your sales team。否则,您将继续在一个永远不会产生更好的结果的活动中投资大块时间。这比实际预测糟糕了。

你是Making Random Assumptions

第二次缺点销售预测是随机假设。无论您的预测方法如何,您都需要根据一系列假设进行一些数学 - 以及这些假设是重要的。


The surprising thing here is sales organizations have plenty of historical data to inform the most likely deal size, win rate, and sales cycle length for a particular type of opportunity. Yet, salespeople are allowed to plug in their best guesses -- as viewed through their optimistic eyes.


如果您有历史数据,可以帮助消除喂食您预测的假设的随机性,请使用它 - 特别是如果您在预测中有大量优惠。

The law of large numbers dictates the variations in individual deals will average themselves out to the most likely outcome. Sure, that $100,000 proposal might be 75% likely to close on December 31st -- but, probably not.


There are many factors that influence the accuracy of a sales forecast. If you’re basing yours on the wrong methodology and you’re populating that with faulty assumptions, you’re off to a bad start.

向您的预测中添加一些严格的严格将在将其作为通信和规划工具中提高其价值来进行很长的路要走。每个人都希望更准确的预测,每个人都花了很多时间做到这一点。有些人只是比其他人更好 - 通过设计。


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Originally published Sep 21, 2018 5:41:00 PM, updated December 06 2018

