Sales calls' value extends beyond their main purpose. Yes, the endgame of any sales call is to move prospects through your sales process, but the information gathered through these kinds of conversations can be a big help in other ways as well.


不可否认的是,销售电话的计划和内容具有巨大的效用,因此问题就变成了"How can you document and capitalize on these conversations?"

One of the most tried-and-true, straightforward means of doing so is writing sales call reports — crucial business documents that track the most important aspects of sales calls for future reference.

Free Resource: 10 Sales Call Templates for Outreach

Sales call reports come in different shapes and sizes — with varying degrees of thoroughness. Here's an example of what one might look like:

sales call report template

Image Source: Find Word Templates

While this example is useful in its own right, it's not necessarily the ultimate standard for what these reports need to be. The report template you use might wind up being more extensive, more streamlined, or formatted differently depending on your goals.

Why Reporting Sales Calls Is Important

One might argue that filling out reports is not a great use of reps' time, but a meaningful report is well worth that time. Here's why:

1. Tracking the duration of specific aspects of calls can expose flaws in your messaging and sales process.

Say your team's average sales call is running much longer than you'd like it to and producing mediocre results. If your reports reflect that trend, they give you cause to further analyze what might be going wrong.


That would offer a starting point for addressing nagging flaws in your sales process. Without sales call reports, it could take you a lot longer to pin down that issue and set yourself in right direction.

2. They can help you adjust the way you train reps.

Like the previous point, this is an example of how sales call reports can be taken collectively to direct organizational change. By referring to report components like call summaries, you can identify particularly problematic concerns or skill gaps that your team could be having trouble with.

这种见解使您可以知道如何调整培训方法 - 提供您需要的东西,以找到压力或修改需要充分利用团队销售电话所需的点。

3. They let you identify buyer, competitor, industry, and product trends.

The content of a sales call can be very telling into different trendsbeyond your company. Prospects might raise points about competitors they might be considering, shed light on shifting preferences in consumer behavior, or point out flaws in your product or service.


Prospects have a lot to say, and maintaining records of that correspondence can be an invaluable asset when you try to improve your company's overall direction.

4. They provide insight into why individual reps might be struggling.

In many cases, the problems you run into with your sales calls won't be team-wide. Individual reps often underperform, and it can be difficult and time-consuming to get to the bottom of their problems without some sort of context.

Tracking a rep's sales call reports can give you some of that insight. For instance, if you notice their preparation reporting is less than stellar, you can sit down with them and see if it's a legitimate area of concern that you can address with some extra attention.

One way or another, a sales call report can provide a jumping-off point for conversations and considerations that can ultimately help a struggling rep get the most out of their sales efforts.


Sales call reports don't have to be massive documents that your reps should be writing for hours on end, but that doesn't mean they should be ignored or glossed over. Ideally, your sales call reports will be actionable and thorough — without taking much away from your reps' day-to-day.


Though there's no definitive model for a sales call report, there are some action items, summaries, and information that yours should cover.


This is probably the most fundamental component of any sales call report. It goes without saying, but it's hard to get all that much out of a sales call report if you don't have any record of who your rep was speaking to. As hard as it might be to forget this one, it still warrants a mention on this list.

2. Contact Phone Number

同样重要的是,这是fairly straightforward but still worth a mention. If you're interested in following up with a prospect, it helps to have their number on hand in their call's report.

In some respects, this is a matter of convenience. If you're looking over a sales call report and want to touch base with the prospect it covers, it might be nice to have their contact information readily accessible — so you don't have to track it down.

3. Prep Notes, Call Plan, and Call Purpose

This point is central to understanding individual reps' performance on sales calls. Always keep a pulse on how your reps are approaching calls and the degree of effort they're putting into that process.


4. Call Date, Time, and Duration

This point is for both organizational and performance-gauging purposes. For one, it's important to know when calls were conducted. Understanding the day of the week and time of day a call was conducted is key to determining the most effective times for reaching and resonating with prospects.

Call duration is another factor that can help you get a better feel for a rep's performance. For instance, if you notice a rep is consistently conducting long but unsuccessful calls, it could be time to check in on the specific messaging and tactics they're using — letting you see if they're having trouble with hitches like long-windedness or being overly passive when handling objections.

5. Call Summary and Results

This might be the most important factor to consider in a sales call report. It's the clearest indicator of how well a sales call went, the issues that might have hindered it, and the most effective methods a rep employed to shape favorable results.

Looking over this component of sales call reports over time can show you trends in your team's collective performance. For example, you could notice your reps' summaries are constantly referencing trouble with objection-handling. In that case, those sales call reports would let you know that you might want to conduct or refine training on the topic.

6. Follow-Up Date

It's important for reps to note when they intend to follow up with prospects. It lets you track and monitor how they're moving through your sales process — all while keeping your team members on their toes and organized.

7. An Analysis of the Call

稳定的销售电话报告通常涉及一定程度的分析 - 最终应该取决于您。此步骤可以涵盖销售的各个方面,例如决策者的姓名和角色,帐户的潜在长期价值以及关闭的可能性。所有这些因素以及可能的其他因素都可以提供宝贵的见解,以告知所讨论的代表如何接近下一步。

同样,对于报告的这个元素应该涵盖的内容,没有明确的蓝图,但是如果您希望您的代表尽可能有效地解决销售的其余部分,他们需要对期望的东西有所了解 - 周到的呼叫分析是到达那里的更好方法之一。

8. Required Materials for Next Steps

这是您的销售代表行为将派上用场的分析的地方 - 他们可以在上一步中运用他们拼凑在一起的见解。

Follow-up calls will only go as far as your reps' preparation will take them — winging it is a recipe for disaster. Reps have to have a thorough understanding of what to expect, a carefully plotted course of action, and the necessary resources to carry it out effectively.


How Conversational Intelligence Can Help Sales Call Reporting


For one, having an accurate transcript of a sales call takes a lot of the guesswork and potential human error that stem from having to remember the details of a given call out of the equation.

Reps also stand to gain a lot from conversational intelligence software's capacity to identify and reveal particularly pertinent subjects, talking points, and points of contention. With that kind of information at their disposal, reps can better understand prospects' interests and make better educated, more thoughtful call analyses.


sales call templates

sales calling prompts

Originally published Apr 21, 2021 1:30:00 PM, updated July 22 2021


Sales Reports 业务见解