There’s nothing more frustrating than getting your prospect’s commitment to buy — before realizing they’re not the decision maker. It’s going to take much longer to get the deal done than you’d anticipated (that is, if you close at all).


Before we discuss how to find the decision maker, let’s get clear on who the decision maker is.

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When looking for the decision maker, do not reach out to the first person you can get ahold of and ask, "Are you the decision maker?"Everyone wants to feel important and valued, even if they’re not the ones signing on the dotted line. This question could make your point of contact feel unimportant.


Let’s review how to identify and connect with decision makers the right way.

1. Know your unique value proposition.

First and foremost, make sure you are clear on the value your offering provides so you are ready to have a meaningful conversation with the decision maker when the time comes. As you begin identifying who to reach out to, outline the benefits of your product, and be able to clearly articulate how your product can be of value.

2. Create a decision maker persona.

As a sales professional, you are no stranger to buyer personas and you likely have your ideal customer clearly mapped out. When looking for the decision maker, you should take the same approach. Before approaching a company looking for the right contact, make sure you understand what qualities that contact should have. This will help narrow down your search.

Some key qualities of a decision maker include:

  • Job title- 关键决策者通常会担任经理,执行董事或副总裁。
  • Manages budget— Has the authority to make purchasing decisions on behalf of their company or department.
  • 监督策略— Those who are responsible for implementing strategy at their company are often looking to solve problems their company is facing. They are often on the lookout for solutions that can help their company overcome a challenge.
  • 任期- 虽然在公司花费的时间并不总是与一个人的决策机构相关,但任期更长的个人可能bob全站app具有更多的机构知识,而这些知识依赖于购买决策。


3. Research the company.

Next, learn as much as you can about their company. Familiarize yourself with their org chart to understand how the company is structured. Look to see if they have been mentioned in the press. Understand what is happening in their industry as a whole. This will give you the information you need to deliver a strong pitch to the right person.

4. Use LinkedIn to learn more about your contact.

许多专业人员将其LinkedIn个人资料保持最新,并了解其工作声明的标题和信息。如果使用您的个人LinkedIn个人资料搜索联系人,则不会带来您想要的结果,LinkedIn销售导航器(with plans starting at $64.99 per month) has advanced search functionality to make pinpointing the right contact even easier.


5. Identify common connections.

Once you identify your contacts, look to see if you have any common connections. These connections can help make referrals or can verify if the person you want to get in touch with is, in fact, the right decision maker for your sale.

6. Connect with an associated gatekeeper.

一个看门人是典型的ly an executive assistant or associate who has direct contact with the decision maker. In many instances, it is challenging to connect with the decision maker without connecting with the gatekeeper first. This can actually be a good thing, as gatekeepers are often a valued partner to the decision maker. By building trust with the gatekeeper, you can gain a trusted ally who can help you identify the right decision maker, and who can vouch for you when it comes time to pitch the sale.

7. Ask qualifying questions.

Once you have a contact on the phone who can point you in the right direction, you can begin asking qualifying questions lead you to the right decision maker.



  1. 还有谁参与此过程?
  2. Who will be using the product? (If they say,"I will,"跟进,“您的经理也正在审查此购买吗?他们将评估什么?”)
  3. Which evaluation criteria are the other stakeholders using?
  4. What was the last product in this category you bought? Who was involved in buying it?
  5. 购买批准过程是什么样的?
  6. Have you bought a product like this before? (If they say no, ask,"Would you like my help figuring out who to bring in, based on my experience selling to companies like yours?")
  7. In the past, my customers have asked [job title] and [job title] to participate in this decision. Does that make sense for [prospect’s company]?
  8. Will any other teams or departments be using [product]? Will they want a say in the selection process?
  9. 以前如何做出这样的决定?
  10. At the end of the day, how can I help you get this purchase approved?
  11. Is there anyone else I should be meeting with to get the full picture of how you and your colleagues will be using [product] and what your needs are?
  12. [Name], do you handle [product category] decisions for [prospect’s company]?
  13. 我发现有[X责任]的人几乎总是希望在这个决定中发表意见。我们应该把他们带入这次谈话吗?
  14. 我敢肯定,您已经亲眼目睹了这些天的平均购买决定有多复杂。让我们一起工作,这样[公司]可以尽快开始体验[特bob全站app定利益]。我们需要与谁见面?
  15. How does your [team, department, business] make buying decisions?
  16. Is there a committee assigned to choosing a [vendor, supplier, solution]?
  17. What’s your role in the decision making process?
  18. Should I be aware of any priorities or concerns from other stakeholders?
  19. Who will sign on the dotted line? Would you like any insights I’ve picked up on positioning the solution to people in [X role]?
  20. 您已经研究了这种解决方案多长时间了,为什么开始?(他们的答案将揭示他们是否是负责初始供应商研究的初级决策者。)
  21. 与我的其他客户在一起,通常[X Professional]喜欢分享她的想法。我们应该邀请她打来电话吗?
  22. [可能的决策者]是否有兴趣与[您公司的匹配人士等级的人交谈]?bob全站app(如果您的潜在客户不愿让您访问,此问题可以帮助您获得预算授权。)
  23. Are you the sole owner of this [project, initiative, purchase]?
  24. How can I help you sell this internally?
  25. 您是否需要我的任何材料才能将其呈现给您的老板?



Originally published Nov 26, 2019 8:30:00 AM, updated November 26 2019


Account Based Sales