Putting together a resume is never a fun task. What’s the latest protocol? What buzzwords should you include? How will you set yourself apart? It’s not easy -- and it’s especially nerve wracking when you’re putting together a resume for the first time. What’s relevant? And how can you spin that frozen yogurt slinging job into useable experience?

Luckily, sales is a job in which diverse work backgrounds are welcomed and useful. Your career behind the frozen yogurt counter becomes a customer relations job where you helped eager buyers make a speedy decision and, hopefully, upsold them with extra toppings or a bigger size.

When it comes to prepping your resume for a job in sales, all experience is welcome. And as for what sets you apart? I asked HubSpot reps and recruiters for the resumes they used to get hired and the advice for others hoping to land a gig in sales. Here’s what they had to say.

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Sales Resume Examples

卡罗琳·阿特伍德(Caroline Atwood),入站销售协调员,哈布斯特剑桥


She says, “I created this resume for HubSpot when I switched industries from outdoor and environmental education to sales. I wanted to condense my hydrology fieldwork in Massachusetts and my teaching in coastal Alaska into relevant skills I could use to pitch myself as a salesperson."

Instead of viewing her non-sales background as a weakness, Atwood used it as a strength on her resume. "I wanted to represent myself as a multidimensional and curious person who enjoys learning about the world and connecting with others -- a crucial part of the sales profession.” Obviously HubSpot felt the same.


Hubspot Cambridge频道客户经理Chris Moore

Moore already had impressive sales and business experience, but he wanted to put in extra effort to set himself apart. He says, “I recommend doing something that stands out --like I did here. My resume is straightforward, but the delivery is different than most others.我的网站是对话的开始者,也是通往我简历的门户。”

通过建立自己的网站ore demonstrated his willingness and ability to overachieve. And he was able to customize the site with a personalized headline and message to his hiring manager.

He explains, "It showed HubSpot I'd put in the time to be noticed and stand out. There are so many free services available to make one-page sites like these."

Moore isn't the only one who sees the value of creating a website. He says, "I’ve even done it for several of my friends, and they’ve all been hired by one of the first two companies they interviewed with. I’m sure most of it was because they were highly qualified for the position -- but some of it must have been because of the presentation, right?”


保罗·里奥斯(Paul Rios),国际销售和战略经理,剑桥大学

保罗是一位长期的hubspotter,已经成功地在公司内部成功转移了几次角色。bob全站app他说:“量化所有内容。销售 - 与许多其他工作不同 - 是黑白的。模糊的销售简历对我来说是一个危险信号。如果您是表现出色的人,这是您展示成就的机会。”


保罗 - 清点

保罗 - 清点-2


玛丽·伯布里奇​​(Mary Burbridge),高级剑桥大学高级入站成长专家

Is your resume built of buzzwords? Mary recommends including plenty of data to back up your claims. “Always include metrics that indicate a track record of success. If you were an over performer, by what percentage? If you had the highest MRR recorded all year, how much?”

德文·布朗(Devon Brown


凯尔西·弗里德曼(Kelsey Freedman)

Freedman warns a resume能够get too data-driven. She says, “Buzzwords can be detrimental, but when it comes to a resume, recruiters and hiring managers like to see them!"


But don't think you can leave those numbers out entirely. She explains, "Don't be afraid to add numbers in there, either. The hiring team wants to know how you performed in previous roles -- so why not include it in your resume?"

Freedman also has advice for salespeople just starting out. “For an entry-level resume -- consider the characteristics and skills needed for a sales role. For example, hiring team's often look for someone competitive. Always include experience you've had in a competitive environment.”

并且不要回避使用学校或运动目标作为您的动力证明。她说:“另一个例子是解释您实现目标的时间。招聘团队希望看到您受到目标的动力,并且可以实现目标 - 即使这有时意味着要克服失败。”


HubSpot Remote销售总监Dan Tire

谁比追求的职业导师和HubSpot销售总监Dan Tire更好地学习?他没有在灌木丛中击败,他说:“在LinkedIn个人资料上花费五倍,是简历上的五倍。并将您的简历限制为不超过两页。哦,如果您有Hotmail或AOL电子邮件地址 - 如果您没有找到工作,请不要怪我。”


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最初发布于2018年4月27日7:30:00 AM,2018年4月27日更新

