动机不仅仅是文斯·伦巴第(Vince Lombardi)的报价和古怪的海报。这是随着时间的推移持续销售成功的最重要组成部分之一。

As a sales manager or director, you can only influence your team’s sales performance in two dimensions: Their skill set (what they can do) and their motivation (how repeatedly or passionately they do it).

Improving your team’s skill set is a largely objective process. By evaluating current performance metrics and comparing them to a successful end state, you can diagnose what areas need improvement and act accordingly.


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1. Build trust with the people on your team.

动机的基础是信任。如果您的团队不信任您,并且不相信您将自己的最大利益开始,那么他们很难受到他们的工作的启发和驱动。当销售人员没有动力时,除非您对他们的挑战和目标进行公开和诚实的对话,否则您将无法重新启发它们 - 如果没有信任,这种情况根本不会发生。这是一个恶性的或美德的循环。

Managers have to create trust and then maintain it by engaging with their team in a consistent, nurturing fashion. The best way to build trust is to be completely transparent. Simply discussing trust can be a great way of starting off on the right foot.

In my 30-year career, I’ve used one simple soundbite to kick off this conversation. It might seem like a squishy question, but it’s never failed to work. I simply say,“茱莉亚,我想确保我们信任relationship. How can we build trust between us?”



I always tell new team members three important things:

  1. Everybody’s personality is different.
  2. I want to be an effective manager for your work style and personality.
  3. I can modify my behavior to fit your needs. How do you want to be managed?

Just as different prospects will require different selling styles and effective salespeople understand how to adapt to those styles, effective managers understand that the best way to get results out of their team is to fit into their reports’ worlds, instead of forcing one method of communication or strategy on everyone else.

Here are some questions I ask my direct reports to help them figure out what their work style is like:

  1. What is the pace of interaction that you prefer? Do you want to meet with me once a week, every other week, or multiple times a week?
  2. How do you want me to give you feedback?
  3. Do you prefer public or private praise and feedback?
  4. 您喜欢哪种反馈?
  5. If I hear something amiss, do you want me to tell you, email you, wait until our one-on-one, or something else?
  6. If something I do gets on your nerves, will you let me know?

3. Understand your direct reports’ personal and professional goals.

You can’t motivate someone unless you know what drives them. Understand what your direct reports each want to accomplish in their personal and professional lives. This will not only show you the type of person they are, but also give you insight into what things will motivate them the most.

Once you understand their goals, ask them the following questions:

  1. Are you motivated right now?
  2. 是什么激励您长期?
  3. What can you do to motivate yourself?
  4. How will I know if you are not motivated?
  5. What do you want me to do if you don’t appear motivated?

Even if it seems obvious, you always need to ask. If they can’t tell you the answers to these questions, give them 48 hours to figure it out. Forcing your reps to be self-reflective makes it more likely they’ll give you thoughtful answers, which will be better for you both in the long run.


销售人员的动力总是会遭受痛苦,而他们不照顾自己。您团队的结果受到 - 甚至可能取决于 - 持续的睡眠,运动和健康的饮食。

Robert Yao, the founder and CEO of EpiFinder, so strongly believes in this idea he’s created a “Robert Yao Hierarchy of Needs.” Whenever someone on his team seems disengaged or demotivated, he shows them the pyramid and asks,“你需要什么更多的呢?”

If they point to “food,” he’ll buy them lunch. If they point to “sleep,” he’ll tell them to take a nap. If they point to “exercise,” he’ll say,“出去走走。”

While you don’t have to take things this far, stressing the importance of a balanced lifestyle will make a sustained difference on your salespeople’s motivation levels.



Different salespeople are motivated in different ways. Some people are motivated by team-wide sales contests. Some are driven by quota achievement. Some are motivated by qualitative improvements. Some people are motivated by their impact on the organization. Some people are motivated by money.


  • Daily:This is a very short-term goal designed to break a rep out of their funk. The SPIF should be something fun but lightweight, since the rep isn’t doing that much to earn it.
  • Weekly:这是一个更tangible goal with defined business impact. Set metrics for improvement, then work with your reps on a plan to applying the necessary skills on a daily basis to achieve this goal. This should be a slightly more involved reward such as a round of golf that will influence meaningful results.
  • Monthly:The largest of the three goals, monthly goals are accompanied by higher-value rewards based on extraordinary performance. I prefer not to give cash, because once you spend it, it’s gone. Instead, I’ve given physical SPIFs like speakers and TV sets. Every time your rep looks at that item, they’ll remember the process they went through to earn it.

6. Figure out where the issue lies.

There are two main aspects of motivation every sales manager must handle: Individual motivation, and group-wide motivation.

Before you do anything to boost motivation, ask yourself,“How many people seem like their spirits are flagging?”

If the answer is“只有一两个,”您正在与异常值打交道。如果这个数字是三个或更多,则整个团队都有问题。

7. Let people pick their own rewards.

销售人员总是做得很好,选择奖品 - 毕竟,他们对自己想要的东西有最深刻的见解!另外,这使您的工作更加容易。

I use a three-step process to getting people to design their own sales contest.

First, I ask them if they need motivation. I’ll say,“How do you feel? Do you need a kick in the pants?”

They’ll either say yes -- in which case I’ll move to the next step -- or“No, we’re fine.”If it’s the latter, I’ll say, “听起来您今天没有动力,但是如果您可以在没有额外提升的情况下达到[活动或货币目标],那对我有用。”The team will always respond,“不,不,轮胎,我们需要动力。”

Then I’ll ask, “Okay, what do you think the objective should be?”


Lastly, I’ll ask, “What reward do you want [within X budget]?”

This strategy is straightforward yet highly effective. My reps love it.

8. Give great rewards.

Sometimes, you may need to give your salespeople some inspiration. Here are my favorite personal SPIFs to suggest:

  • 他们的前景
  • 购买(也许还有几个朋友)午餐或晚餐
  • Cook them lunch or dinner
  • Clean their house (or hire a company to clean it for them)
  • Babysit their kids
  • Walk their dog
  • 洗车
  • Give them the full day off

Unlike a traditional cash prize, these rewards are motivating to the entire team. Everyone will be rooting for the individual rep -- because who doesn’t want to see their manager cooking their coworker dinner?

When you’re offering a team-wide SPIF, use these ideas:

  • Take everyone out to the movies in the middle of the day
  • Go bowling
  • 参加运动游戏
  • Throw a pool party or BBQ
  • Volunteer at a soup kitchen or local philanthropic organization (great for bonding)
  • Play paintball or dodgeball
  • Visit a go-cart facility


  • Dress like a taco
  • Shave your beard or head
  • Grow your mustache
  • Go in a dunk tank
  • Sing at karaoke
  • Perform a dance
  • 保证放弃咖啡一周
  • Eat your least favorite food for lunch
  • 穿一个有趣的衬衫去上班

The goal: Do something playful and memorable.

Interestingly, sometimes the best SPIFs aren’t ones that seem to have any value at all to an outsider. I used to work with唐·布伦斯at Lotus, and we had a plastic doll we called the Tiny Little Baby Award. It got passed around to the best rep on a monthly basis and was displayed at the winner’s desk. People loved it -- the doll had no inherent value, but it was a way of recognizing people’s achievements, and reps cared more about the accomplishment of getting the baby than the baby itself.


As we previously established, trust is paramount to establishing a relationship with your team and getting their participation, buy-in, and motivation. In order to establish that trust, take a look at how you communicate with your team, both on an individual level and team-wide.


It also helps to have mini check-ins during the day, whether that's with a short motivational email or an encouraging word when they're not busy.


Examples of a Motivational Email to Sales Team

If you the next step to improve the level of your sales leadership is more touch points with your team, consider sending them a motivational email from time to time. This is an especially good tactic for remote sales environments where you might not get that face-to-face interaction between calls or at the water cooler. The goal is to acknowledge the hard work they're doing and encourage them to keep their energy up.




Editor's note: This post was originally published in July 2017 and has been updated for comprehensiveness.

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Originally published May 21, 2021 1:15:00 PM, updated May 21 2021


How to Motivate a Sales Team