

Scaling effectively is vital for long-term business success. Consider, for instance, how所有初创公司的一半失败在头五年内。尽管企业失败的原因有很多,但一个主要的原因是,随着组织的发展迅速,无法维持成功的流程。


Fortunately, there are a few key strategies you can implement as a sales leader to ensure your sales team — and sales process — doesn't experience serious growing pains as your business scales.

Keep reading to learnAWSPrincipal Startup Advocate马克·伯奇's tips for preparing your sales team for growth and long-term success.





And that's an important call-out: Maybe the new revenue projectionsare您当前的团队无法实现。

To prep for an increase in demand, it's critical you build out your team now, not later.

As Birch told me, "Many sales leaders only think about hiring when they know they have an identified need, and they're working towards those dates. However, in most rapidly growing organizations, companies hire as they have that uplift in need and activity, and so they never get ahead of where they need to be from a revenue standpoint."

Consider, for instance, the following scenario: You have the same five sales reps you had in 2020, and you're aware of how much revenue they can generate as a team of five. However, by the end of 2021, you're expected to hit much higher revenue goals compared to last year.

在数学上,这是一个不可能的情况for your existing team. You need to hire additional reps to ensure you can meet your company's new goals.

As Birch puts it, "You want to make sure that you're hiring before the year even starts, so you have enough time to get through the hiring process, plus onboarding and training your new hires, so they can hit the ground running by the start of the year."


As your team grows, you'll begin noticing a shift in your team's culture. And that's normal.

但是,等到您向您的团队添加新员工才能开始thinking about culture is a big mistake.

Birch recommends sales leaders take the time to think about the principles or core values that matter most to you and your team. Additionally, he encourages leaders to write these values down on paper.

Once you've identified the values that make your team uniquely qualified to get the job done, Birch says leaders should use those principles to shape how they recruit and hire.


Birch adds, "What I mean by that is that in your hiring process you need to have questions you've pre-determined to ask every candidate that gives you a clear indication of how they align with the cultural aspects you've found important for your team. This way, you can hire according to your stated principles."

Mark told me HubSpot Advisor and former Chief Revenue Officer of HubSpot's Sales Division Mark Roberge writes about this concept in his, "The Sales Acceleration Formula: Using Data, Technology, and Inbound Selling to go from $0 to $100 Million."

In HubSpot's early days, Roberge built an effective sales team by creating a rubric for determining the core traits and skills he identified as important for a sales culture — including curiosity, coachability, and intelligence.

Consider how you might do the same for your own team.

Additionally, it's important to iterate on your interview process over time, as you identify the questions that work — and don't work — for selecting the best candidates for your team's culture and values. Birch told me a big mistake he sees in sales organizations is sales leaders who don't take the time to modify their interview processes over time.


One of the biggest deterrents to any strong, lasting culture is exclusivity.

It's why so many leaders invest so much time and energy into creating a more inclusive culture.

例如,考虑如何83% of millennials are actively engaged当他们相信自己的组织培养一种包容性文化时,只有60%的千禧一代在组织时积极参与不是培养包容性文化。

If your reps don't feel they work in an inclusive environment, there will be less trust, less engagement, and less commitment to meeting your team's goals.


"The biggest challenge that happens in sales organizations as they grow is that there's a wall which begins to form between the first group of sales reps, and the second group of sales reps," Birch says.

He adds, "That [divide] only grows over time because none of them really talk to each other, even though they may be on the same team. It's like you have cohorts, and those cohorts form their own micro-cultures, which excludes people who join later on."


"In order to break-up those cohorts," He says, "you need to require the reps that have been there for a while — the veterans — to take the time to speak with new reps in a structured mentorship program."


  • 随着团队的缩放,开始分解不同队列之间的墙壁
  • Helps to inculcate the culture of the organization into the new reps, so they understand what they need to know to be a successful rep on the team

If you don't already have a mentorship program, consider developing one. As you scale, you can't singlehandedly protect your team's culture — and you shouldn't have to. Your veteran reps can take on the key role of teaching and engaging with new reps to ensure your team grows一起, not apart.



转向remote workwas challenging for the workplace as a whole — but some might argue it wasmostdifficult for salespeople.

"The shift to remote was a serious change in mental modes for sales leadership," Birch told me. "I would say that if I mentioned bringing on a remote sales team, well over nine out of 10 sales reps would tell me,“那不是我们想做的”."

Unfortunately, the pandemic made the choice of remote or in-person sales obsolete. Leaders didn't have an option — they needed to pivot, quickly, and learn how to serve their sales reps as they adjusted to a work-from-home environment.

(It's important to note we're primarily talking about sales organizations at SaaS, B2B, or technology organizations. The larger enterprise sales teams that spend their time on the road follow a different model.)


"In-person nudges sales reps to want to work harder, and collaborate, and figure out what works and what doesn't."


Over the past two years, a key challenge for sales leaders is figuring out the answer to the following question:我们如何在偏远世界中复制销售楼层?而且,如果我们不能复制它,我们如何才能围绕着我们看到的合作启用一些相同的动态?

创建一个协作环境而工作的g remotely, technology is key. You might consider using a销售仪表板为了使代表与同龄人相比看到他们的表现 - 这可以帮助您促进您在销售层中发现的一些竞争力。


Additionally, Birch told me, "It's about trying to employ different types oftechnology and communication tools保持人们参与并互相交谈。我利用自己的经验堆栈溢出, which definitely had a remote culture built-in … we often used Slack as our lifeline to communicate with each other, even if we were in the same room."

And, lastly, Birch recommends pairing up your reps. He says, "Pair together two or three reps to create mini-cohorts. They can encourage and support each other, and having smaller teams gives you a sense of closeness to people you can trust."

mark birch quote on sales floorUltimately, leading a sales team is more art than science, so it's important you land on the strategies and tools that will best inspire your sales reps as you scale. Ideally, you can use some of the tips listed above to get you started.

请记住,正如伯奇(Birch)所说的那样,“您的团队的移动速度很快,您的结果与团队的平均水平一样快地移动” - 因此,至关重要的可以感到支持并准备好尽其所能。



最初发布于9月30日,2021年上午8:00 am,2021年9月30日更新


Sales Leadership