An outreach campaign can be a double-edged sword. When you dedicate the time and effort to prepare them properly, cold emails can be a valid and effective method for connecting with new people within an industry or sector. However, if you don’t apply the right formula, you can end up in the spam bin and your reputation can suffer.

Segmentation is key when trying to achieve the right formula for outreach campaigns. Let’s see how this pivotal ingredient solves some of the biggest challenges of cold emailing and how to start segmenting your cold email lists.



When it comes to cold emailing, one of the primary concerns for salespeople is being a “spammer.” This is somewhat justified because sloppy outbound will rarely have positive results.



Now ask yourself three questions:

  1. 哪些是您的“反垃圾邮件”本能告诉您删除而不打开的第一个?您删除的第一组电子邮件具有不良的主题行(不清楚或欺骗性)或可疑发送者,很可能两者兼而有之。

  2. Which ones will you report as spam?You’ll probably take the time to report spam emails that you’ve received one too many times and/or the ones with a misleading subject line that had nothing to do with the content of the email or with you.

  3. 您会单击哪些?You’ll probably read and click on those that offered you some value.

在线有几种资源bob体育苹果系统下载安装best practices for crafting the subject line of a cold email。但是,为您的电子邮件列表中的人提供价值要非常棘手。要发送带有相关内容的冷电子邮件,您必须拥有有关收件人和正确细分的准确信息。


Segmentation refers to the process through which salespeople and marketers group different types of customers. Even within very targeted markets, there’s room for segmentation.

For instance, if you are selling an application for writers, you may discover that your software is very useful for scriptwriters, journalists, fiction writers, and bloggers. Each one of these groups has its own characteristics and looks for a unique set of features and purchases in different places. That means you have to talk to each one of them in a personalized way.


Recipients are75%的可能性要单击分段广告系列的电子邮件,而不是未分段的电子邮件。这就是为什么营销人员通常会根据他们的潜在客户和客户的特征将其电子邮件列表细分为量身定制消息的原因。





For example, you can personalize the name and other details by using个性化令牌。这些是您可以用来个性化电子邮件广告系列的一小部分代码。


Even if you don’t have that much data about the people you are reaching out to, there are some basic characteristics you might have access to that make all the difference. Try to have at least two of the following before you segment your audience:

  • bob全站app公司名
  • Location
  • 行业
  • 经验等级
  • 专业领域




例如,主题行说:“恭喜!您是赢家”可能会获得更高的开放率,但是如果他们打开您的电子邮件以看到您实际上提供了完全不同的东西,他们会感到失望 - 并且不太可能信任您的品牌。

In their book “可预测的收入,”亚伦·罗斯(Aaron Ross)和玛丽卢·泰勒(Marylou Tyler)在冷电子邮件中表达了诚实的重要性:“您真的想用谎言开始关系吗?如果您是首席执行官或销售经理,请不要允许或鼓励任何侵蚀完整性的事情。”

在设置第一个冷电子邮件活动时,您可能需要一些参考。建议查看successful cold email campaigns。但是,避免使用其他所有人都使用的相同的“自由模板” - 请记住,关键是要使其独特而个性化。



For example, if you sent out your email to 1,000 people and only 20 answered, but 200 clicked on it, you might still have a chance with that last group. They’ve become “less cold leads.” Make sure they receive a good follow-up email to create more engagement.



It’s normal to have different sources or business tools collecting the contact information that you need to fill out your lists. But if you are thinking about a CSV file, you are going to waste time and run the risk of making errors.

Automation platforms为您提供应用内集成和第三方解决方案,以同步业务工具之间的联系人信息。这样,您就不必担心过时的信息或导入/导出数据。

In some cases, you can even make sure that the segmentation you created in one application using tags, categories, labels, or any type of attribute is in sync with your other business application. This type of synchronization works in the background, so you can set it up once and your data will always be up-to-date and available in the right place.

Another process you might want to automate is follow-up emails. You’ll be surprised by how easy it is to create automatic email sequences.

Contact Segmentation & Cold Emailing



Finally, though “automation” may sound contrary to personalization, it’s actually a good practice and an efficient way to segment your data.




Originally published Oct 1, 2021 10:48:19 AM, updated October 01 2021

