
Caroline Forsey
Caroline Forsey



over 740 million active users,LinkedIn无疑是最受欢迎的社交渠道之一 - 也是最受欢迎的社交渠道之一trustedsocial networkused by business professionals.

sales rep using linkedin for social selling

这使它成为一个好地方social selling

但是它的受欢迎程度也使其成为一个拥挤的平台脱颖而出 - 如果他们不适当地撰写他们的信息,销售代表冒着听起来过于促销的风险。

To understand the elements of an effective social selling conversation starter, I spoke with four sales experts. Let's dive into what they had to say now.



Before we dive into more specific expert-backed advice, let's go over a few general best practices when starting a conversation with anyone on LinkedIn.

If you're aiming to start a one-on-one conversation, you'll want to start by connecting with the person and including a brief message explaining why you want to connect.


  • 做n't张嘴
  • 做n't发送通用的“嗨,你好吗”问候
  • 解释您如何知道它们或为什么要连接
  • show personalized interest in their LinkedIn activity

For instance, rather than connecting with someone and saying, "Hey there, I thought it would be good to connect", try saying something like:"Hey there. I found your recent post on social selling very interesting — It would be great to be in your network to continue sharing content."

或者,也许您发送这样的东西:"Hey [Name]. It looks like we both attended Elon University. Would love to connect, and if there's anyone in my network I can introduce you to, please let me know."

额外的ly, if you're hoping to engage with a prospect, it's likely best to post on your own LinkedIn to attract interested viewers, or comment on a prospect's post before directly messaging them. Forming a meaningful connection with the prospect ahead of cold-pitching them is going to be the most effective strategy.


1. Leverage video posts.

亚历克斯·韦德本(Alex Wedderburn),战略帐户总监兼高等教育主管hootsuite,告诉我他认为在LinkedIn进行对话时,视频帖子非常有效。

As he puts it, "I use LinkedIn to publish video posts to highlight the amazing things I experience while working at Hootsuite from both an individual and company-wide perspective. Let's face it — text is the medium and format foreverything。它在我们的手机,我们的电子邮件和演示文稿上。我们整天不断地跨多个数字设备和屏幕消化文本,因此,当视频出现时,它脱颖而出,它不同,它很有趣且真实。”

Alex W Social Selling Conversation Starters Tip

Wedderburn says, "Video can offer that genuine, unpolished, true version of yourself that people can relate to — and that often opens conversations on LinkedIn."

有一些最佳实践when using video to sellto prospects, including:

  • Be concise
  • 不要太脚本
  • 做your research

As an example, take a look at Wedderburn's recent LinkedIn video in which he highlights three things happening at Hootsuite in a quick one-minute rundown:

However, using video can add a personal touch and help you connect more quickly with the prospect on LinkedIn. Plus, it will help you stand out.

Wedderburn补充说:“视频为成为人类提供了机会 - 以新的方式与人们建立联系,并倡导人类联系的力量,并与观众建立真实的事物。”

2. Use hashtags.

最近Co-Founder & CEO Kate Bradley Chernis told me her best conversation starter garnered 278 comments — and it was a single sentence containing 73 characters, plus three hashtags (all of them made up spur-of-the-moment) and a 24-second video attached.

Chernis told me, "Why did it work? For one, shortalwaysworks; everybody's algorithms are set to boost 80 characters or less. Secondly, hashtags thatcontextualizeyour message versus try to pile on a trend or work as indexers (the opposite of what any marketer will tell you) crush it every time. For example, my highest performing hashtag is #peeingmypants, which I used when Gary Vee tweeted about Lately.ai!"


"Certainly, this particular post was of the moment — COVID had basically just happened, which meanteveryonewas all by themselves; hence, there's crowd-sourced sympathy at work here. In addition, there's enough mystery about what I wrote to most people not utterly immersed in Venture Startup Land that they were curious to ask questions or Google it (why is $1 million ARR remarkable?)."


In short: Selling on LinkedIn doesn't have to look like, well, selling. It can look like excitement, joy, passion, or humor as it relates to your brand — which will attract and engage viewers and, ideally, result in new leads and prospects.


Sprout Social's VP of Acquisition and Growth Sales, Dan Summers, reminded me that most buyers are 70% of the way through their buyer's journey before they engage with sales. So how do you capture the attention of a buyer who isn't already interested?

他告诉我:“买家很忙,专注于实现自己的目标。要吸引他们的注意力,必须通过您的外展激发和教育他们。There are many ways to approach this, but I've seen a few that have been incredibly effective."


  • Lead with information the buyer might not have about their industry, competitors, or their brand — start with value, and tailor your approach to their unique needs
  • Share thought leadership on your social channels, which enables you to demonstrate your expertise, increase credibility with buyers, and show you're on top of your industry
  • Share your personal experiences with their brand if you use their own products or services, which conveys authenticity — if you don't have personal experiences to share, consider sharing customers' experiences on social or review platforms that tie to the value your solution provides


Dan Summers Social Selling Conversation Starters Tip

4. Ask a question, try something new, or share a cold-calling war story.

Jed Mahrle,PandaDoc's全球销售开发经理为销售代表提供了三种策略,希望将LinkedIn用于社交销售。

To start a conversation on LinkedIn, Mahrle advises, "First, ask a question. The sales community on LinkedInlovesto share their opinions. If there's something you genuinely want the answer to, ask."

Consider, for instance, how Mahrle recently ended one of his posts with a question to his audience:

"Second," He adds, "Try something new for a week and share the results. Gather new ideas from people like Josh Braun, Founder of Josh Braun Sales Training, or Jason Bay, Chief Prospecting Officer at Blissful Prospecting, as well as podcasts like30 Minutes to President's Club。记录结果。然后分享您学到的知识。”

Finally, he adds, you could share a cold-calling war story.

"Everyone in sales has an interesting cold call. Share the transcript of a recent one (good or bad) and see if there's a lesson to be learned from it."

最后,勒t's dive into 15 social selling post ideas to engage your prospects.




  1. “很棒的见解,[名字]。在[X情况]中,您会给某人什么建议?”
  2. "I love what you said about [specific point] -- so true, even though most people think [different opinion]. Which experiences led you to that conclusion?"
  3. "[Name], this was a great read. Have you seen the latest news on [topic]? What's your take?"
  4. "I've never considered [idea] from that angle. Do you think it still holds true [under X circumstances]?"
  5. "I've read a couple other posts on this topic, but yours was the most [convincing, thought-provoking, well-researched, well-argued] by far. What do you believe [topic] will look like in five years?"

Use Comments to Forge Relationships

Giving the prospect some praise will make them feel good -- which, in turn, will make them like you more. But of course, this strategy only works if you're being genuine, so don't compliment something you don't truly appreciate.

  1. "Well-said, [name]. I especially liked your point on [topic] -- in my experience … "
  2. "Yes! This article should be required reading for people in [role, industry, position]. Just forwarded it to a couple friends."
  3. "Spot-on analysis of [subject]. Your explanation of [X], in particular, was fascinating. I'd be eager to read a follow-up post on [X] alone."
  4. "Thanks for pointing out why we shouldn't do [X]. I'm definitely guilty of doing that in the past -- to stop, I adopted [strategy]."
  5. "Haven't read anything this accurate in a while, [name], awesome job. To add to this, I've found [related idea]."

Use Shares to Boost Egos

Everyone wants more views, so sharing your prospect's post (or share) will almost certainly score you some points.

  1. "Looking for advice on [subject]? @prospect, expert in X, has your back: [link]."
  2. "Are you up-to-date on [topic]? Check out @prospect's comprehensive article: [link]."
  3. “@Prospect关于[主题]的最新帖子绝对值得您花时间。[链接]”
  4. "Impressed with the solid insights in this post on [topic] from @prospect. [Link]"
  5. “ [帖子的简短报价] - @prospect。[link]”


Ultimately, conversation starters aren't easy — but the more personalized, authentic, and human you can make them, the more likely you are to see meaningful responses in return.

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Topics: 社会销售


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