Do you struggle to get prospects to open your emails? For some people, writing clever, witty, clickable subject lines can be a challenge -- and that's where subject line tester tools can come in.

Check for spam triggers, get suggestions for making your subject lines more emotive, and get an overall grade on how clickable your emails are. 立即下载:25个经过验证的销售电子邮件模板[免费访问]

In this post, we'll run through tools to improve you email subject lines for better clickability and deliverability to get more replies from more prospects.

1.考试科目by Zurb


  • Price:Free

是否想知道您的发件人名称,主题行和预先显示的文本将如何出现在当下最受欢迎的移动设备上?此工具为您提供了即时的预览,了解如何向观众出现复制。您知道,在那些时刻,您想避免某人的iPhone 6转动”万无一失的产品“ 进入 ”Products for fool …”。

2.Email Subject Line Graderby Net Atlantic

它测试了什么:Overall effectiveness of copy, word count, word mixture and balance, and type

  • Price:Free

Receive an overall numerical score on how compelling your subject line is, along with suggestions on how to improve it. You’ll also learn how close your character and word count are to the ideal length (50-65 characters or six-to-seven words).


3.垃圾邮件检查by Postmark


  • Price:Free

You spend time crafting your emails, and you don’t want them to get caught in someone’s spam folder, right? Copy and paste your subject line, pre-header text, email message, and sign-off into this tool, and find out exactly what will trigger spam filters and trap your emails in “The Upside Down。”



  • Price:必不可少的,69美元;专家,99美元;企业,$ 297

This is a deluxe tool that’s probably best for whole teams rather than individuals. Depending on your tier, you’ll receive subject line testing functionality, email reporting, segment testing, filter options, and technical support.



  • Price:Free

This tool doesn’t beat around the bush. Get an overall score for your subject line, see where and why you lost points (i.e., “Does not contain a sense of urgency” -15 points), and advice for how to make it better.



  • Price:Free


7.标题分析仪by CoSchedule


  • Price:Free

This tool was built to analyze blog/article headlines, but it works just as well for subject lines. Headline Analyzer gives you an overall headline score and provides tips on structure, grammar, and word placement.



它测试了什么:Readability of copy

  • Price:Free

不是文学爱好者吗?传奇作家欧内斯特·海明威(Ernest Hemingway)以其直接的写作风格而闻名。他的书中没有温暖的日落散步。海明威会写道:“We took a walk. It was warm. The flowers were in bloom.


9。Emotional Marketing Value Headline Analyzer由高级营销学院

它测试了什么:Emotional Marketing Value (EMV) words

  • Price:Free

Did you know 20% of the English language is made up of EMV words? Find out if your headline appeals to the intellectual or empathetic side of your prospect’s brain, and learn which side youwant呼吁给定电子邮件的目标和内容。

10。电子邮件主题行关键字检查器by Adestra


  • Price:Free

This tool asks you to select a business sector and type in your keyword -- the main point of your subject line. For example, if my email subject line is, “Checking on contract status“我会输入“合同” as my keyword.




  • 价格:免费


This tool will score your subject lines and provide useful tips for improving them to increase email opens and clicks. The Email Subject Line Analyzer is designed to assess and score your subject line based on its click potential. It also helps you optimize your subject line’s length and emotional appeal to increase clicks.

Email Spam Checker Tools

Email spam checker tools scan your subject lines and email copy so they won't get automatically marked as spam and downgrade your email deliverability.



  • 价格:免费

不是垃圾邮件has you actually send your email draft to them, and they deliver a report within a few minutes, grading everything from your subject line, email body copy, and HTML code for deliverability, with specific suggestions for improving it if it doesn't make the cut.



  • 价格:起价39美元/月

Like Is Not Spam, but with paid features you can share with a team and track over time, Email Spam Tester conducts a thorough grading of all elements of your email drafts and gives you guidance for how to improve them.

Subject lines are the most important part of your email. In fact,33%的电子邮件收件人报告仅根据主题行打开电子邮件。充分利用收件箱的注意,并确保每次都会吸引主题线。

To learn more, read about在Gmail中管理多个收件箱下一个。

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