So you've decided to get aCRM software。恭喜!确定何时获得CRM的合适时机本身就是一个重大决定。

You've cleared one major milestone, but then you're faced with a second, even bigger hurdle — choosing which system in particular to adopt. How can a first-time buyer sort through the bells and whistles to parse out what features are truly necessary?

If you're a CRM newbie试图浏览有时令人困惑的CRM景观,不要一个人去。本指南可以使您的视角将基本要素与无关紧要的分开。

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CRM Features

在其他所有方面,CRM系统对其最终用户应该很有用:销售代表,经理和领导者。选择一个CRMsystem with the following eight features will both enable and empower a sales team.


一个选择CRM系统没有联系人管理功能,实际上就不会实现太大的目的。所有CRM系统都允许销售代表创建联系记录,并存储潜在客户和客户信息。但是,那best CRM systems尽可能减少和简化联系数据输入。易于使用来判断此功能。

2. Deal Stages


从一个阶段到另一个阶段,也应该很容易地将交易沿着销售流程移动。在里面HubSpot CRM, advancing a deal is as simple as dragging and dropping:

Hubspot CRM交易阶段“width=

3. Daily Dashboard

Reps need to be able to see certain data on a daily basis, such as their progress to date against quota, how many deals they have in their pipelines at which stages, and what tasks they need to complete. Similarly, managers and leaders need to be able to view these categories for the aggregated sales team. Evaluate this function based on visual appeal and simplicity.

4. Task Management



销售量people spend a lot of time hunting for销售支持content. If that doesn't strike some fear into your heart, I don't know what would. To cut back on wasted time searching for content, look for a CRM system with an embedded content repository. Not only can sales reps save the collateral they send to prospects most frequently in an easy-to-locate place, they can also file away customizable email templates so they're not reinventing the wheel with each new contact.

6. Automated Data Capture


To ease this pain, HubSpot CRM automatically logs calls made and emails sent from the system, and posts them in a timeline-like view on a contact's record page:

HubSpot CRM电子邮件时间表联系记录“width=

7. Reporting

一个CRM system is only as good as the insights it provides. Be sure that your CRM provides reporting features that make it easy to export and distribute the trends the system reveals.

如果您拥有现场销售团队,则移动功能尤其重要。将只能通过笔记本电脑访问的CRM系统将代表绑定到如果他们不断旅行的情况下,它们必定会惹恼它们。如今,大多数CRM系统允许销售人员从平板电脑和智能手机等移动设备上登录应用程序 - 请确保您正在考虑使用的设备。


如果您的公司使用bob全站app营销自动化软件,请确保bob电竞官方下载CRM you choose可以与之紧密整合。毕竟,“客户关系管理”的基本概念是为每个潜在客户和客户提供完整的生命周期视图。营销自动化与CRM之间的差距可能导致信息和机会丢失。

10. Personalized Sequences

Send targeted, timely email templates to your prospects exactly when they need to hear from you. More importantly, make sureyour CRM当他们回复或预订会议时,将从序列中解开序列的潜在客户,以便您不会向已经回复的联系人发送罐头电子邮件 - 从来都不是一个好外观。


11. Canned Snippets

这些short, reusable blocks of text允许您通过电子邮件和聊天创建可重复使用的消息。在联系人,公司和交易记录上使用它们,并在早期的勘探阶段节省宝贵的时间,并通过对常见问题或提示(例如,”(例如您有兴趣了解我们的定价吗?“or "Would you like to schedule a demo?

12. Email Integration

Connecting your email inbox to your CRM is crucial to streamline your outreach process and get the most from your system. Make sure your CRM integrates with your preferred email provider, such asGmailorOutlook

从那里,你CRM should log email addresses, names, and email messages to your contact records — making it easy to keep track of who, when, and what you've emailed — without ever leaving your inbox.


Want to buildcustom formsthat connect to your contacts database? Your CRM should be able to do that. Make sure yours has user-friendly form creation capabilities like a drag-and-drop functionality.

Everyone who fills out your form should be automatically routed to your CRM making it easy for you to set up reminders to follow up with a personalized email sequence or phone call. And your CRM should allow you to embed these forms on your website in seconds — without needing a degree in computer engineering.

14. Meeting Scheduling

销售人员举行了很多会议。那么,您的CRM也不应该为您处理吗?确保它们具有应用程序或集成meetings tool这与您的Google或Office 365日历同步,与潜在客户共享您的可用性,并实时更新。

Bonus points if that meeting tool can be embedded on your site.


顺便说一句,如果您进入CRM部分,但“购买”不多,Hubspot CRM是完全免费的。您所要做的就是注册和去。

Editor's note: This post was originally published in July 2019 and has been updated for comprehensiveness.

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最初发布于2020年10月20日4:30:00 AM,更新于12月2日2021年


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