

有时,我们需要定义和强调我们的差异化,以引起我们的前景和对我们业务重要的其他人的注意。But分化,distinction,或存在uniqueisn’t the end game.

The end game is moving someone to take action: To respond to our email or voicemail, grant us an appointment, to do business with us, and to follow our recommendations.


  1. 关联:What makes you different isn’t worth a hill of beans if you aren’t relevant. How many times have you had someone tell you about their product or service, but never took the time to know if what they offered was relevant to your world -- or at least make an attempt to learn your world first to tailor how they communicated their value?youever been guilty of just talking about your value before getting to know the receiver of that message?
  2. Compelling:在这种情况下,compelling方法move to action. We cannot move someone to action until our message is relevant to them.然后,我们必须继续提出问题并以一种行动的方式讨论我们的价值 - 否则,我们只是在没有有意义的行动的情况下创造了有礼貌的兴趣。


我们如何谈论我们的价值应设计为attractthe right prospects into our world and simultaneouslyrepel错误的前景。





被正确的适合。你的前景必须perceive you as the perfect fit for them or they’ll keep looking. Like I said, being a little distinct can draw someone to you at first, but if they don’t continue to see the relevance in your solutions, you’re history.


1) Targeted

In just about every industry we could name, generalization has given way to specialization. If you haven’t already done so, get super clear on the demographic and psychographic characteristics of your ideal client. A targeted value proposition is at the heart of all the elements that follow.

This targeting, or narrowed focus on who you are trying to attract into your business, creates what I like to call "macro relevance."


不用说,我们想谈谈our value in a way that attracts people toward us. Being targeted helps, because the prospect will think, “This gal understands my world” or “He gets me.”Probably the most important aspect of an attractive value proposition is your “personal why” or “personal mission.”这是你成为的地方真实的to your prospect, which is what makes you attractive.

3) Authentic

有you ever heard someone talk about value in a way that may have been “different” but just didn’t seem genuine or “real?” Tricky, trite, or cheesy value props are often associated with the elevator pitch. Having a short, concise, and interesting way to communicate our value is important. But if what we develop does not feel genuine to us, we won’t use it (nor should we).


This is probably the most important of all these elements, and you can probably surmise that the first three feed into this one. More than anything else, your prospects want to know, “Why are you the right fit for me?” Meaning… “Why are you, your value, your solution, and your mission most relevant to me?” How do you create relevance?

There are two phases to being Micro Relevant. First, before you contact a new prospect, learn as much as you can about that prospect before you even reach out to them. When you look at your prospect’s LinkedIn profile, their Facebook page, their bio on their company website and what you can learn from your referral source, you become super relevant to that prospect.

Do you want to look different in the marketplace? Do your research before you contact a prospect. You will find your emails get returned and your voice messages get answered.


At some point in your sales process, if you sincerely believe you are a good fit for the prospect’s situation, tell them that and tell them why. Tell them why you believe your offering is relevant to them. They want -- no,need- 知道这一点。

永远不要以为买家会自己得出这个结论。自信并为下一个逻辑步骤提出建议 - 无论可能是什么。


当您问的每个问题,您所说的一切都是相关的to your prospect, you are attractive, authentic, targeted, and distinctive. You will appeal to the emotional component of the decision making process and will win the new client.



