根据斯坦福大学进行的一项纵向研究over 70% of relationshipsend within their first year. Anyone who has spent much time on the dating scene probably isn't too surprised by this statistic, but what really stands out from the study is how quickly those breakup rates decline as the years go on.

For unmarried couples, the annual risk of a breakup drops to around 20 percent after five years in the relationship. For married couples, the rate sits at a mere three percent.


In many ways, these relationships are reflected in the business world.

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Just like a successful romantic relationship, these business partnerships require genuine effort from both you and your client. With that in mind, here are a few unorthodox ways you can better manage your client relationships.

7 Tips for Managing Client Relationships

1. Involve your client in the goal-setting process.


The importance of collaborative goal-setting is perfectly highlighted in the field of medicine.This processhas "repeatedly been associated with improved outcomes … as a component of high-quality care."

Medical focus groups subsequently described these successful collaborations as "a caring relationship where patients and health care providers: (1) listen and learn from each other; (2) share ideas; (3) agree on a measurable objective; and (4) support goal achievement."

Doesn't that sound like the way you and your clients should set goals together? When both parties are actively engaged in the goal-setting process, you'll achieve far better results that are truly tailored to their needs.

2. Don't allow the client to come to you with questions.

Okay, so this doesn't mean you should forbid clients from asking you questions. That's a recipe for disaster. What this really means is that client relationships are all about proactive communication -- and in a business relationship, you have to be the one who takes the initiative.


Sounds like a bad dating relationship.

Instead, you should be proactive by reaching out to your clients and keeping them updated on your progress. Essentially, you become so good at keeping your clients "in the loop" that they don't have to ask for updates or information because you've already provided it.

So what can you do to make yourself more available to your clients?

Communication tools like Slack and Trello are great ways to stay in touch and manage projects together. Better yet, they create opportunities for you to reach out and address potential concerns or questions before the client has to ask.


Whether you're creating a marketing campaign or helping a client manage their shipping and inventory needs, you probably won't be successful if the client is completely detached from your processes. In fact, to achieve success, the client likely need to do some work themselves -- especially since there are likely certain items and information that you won't be able to obtain without their help.



This setup greatly simplifies what the client needs to do, making it much more likely that they'll respond positively and deliver needed assets quickly when a request from their agency comes in.

For collaboration on documents or the sharing of basic data, you can't go wrong with Google Drive or Dropbox. These intuitive, easy-to-learn systems make it easy to share documents between you and your client.


No matter what role you take in your relationship with the client, you ultimately have the responsibility toaddress their pain points并找到帮助他们实现目标的方法。


By putting yourself in your client's shoes and addressing problems before they come up, you can build trust and deliver better results. If you really want to make a good impression with your clients, you shouldn't just wait for them to come to you with their problems.


当您确定客户可以做得更好的方式时,请采取主动行动并向他们提供解决方案。更好的是,您可以识别客户的东西will need将来,展示您的能力和奉献精神。


At first glance, email seems like it would always be the easiest way to communicate with clients. After all, the ability to type up a message and review what you've written before hitting "send" can help you avoid mistakes and save some time.

但客户欣赏更多的个人接触a phone call -- and quite frankly, there are many situations when a phone call will prove more effective than a lengthy email thread in the first place.

Even though we tend to think that nobody communicates via phone calls anymore, the data shows the opposite to be the case, especially when a major decision is involved.

AGoogle studyof its click-to-call services found that 61% of customers want the ability to call the business when they are ready to make a purchase, with the majority citing the need to get a quick answer or to talk with a real person as their primary motivators. A phone call can often help you achieve quicker resolutions to problems and demonstrate a more personable touch for your clients.

6. There's no place for pettiness, so don't allow it.



According toTIME Magazine, even the pettiness of "being intentionally attentive to trivial details affects relationships and the way people perceive one another … researchers repeatedly found that petty behaviors made people seem less likable, even when the actions objectively benefited others."


7. Be transparent, even when it's not a good look.

Everyone makes mistakes.


没人想要to work with someone who hides the truth in an effort to protect their reputation or maintain higher sales. The notoriousEquifax data hack已经看到了公司的股票和信任bob全站app下降,因为它等待了很长时间才能披露信息。

By not disclosing information earlier, the company opened itself up to lawsuits, legal investigations, and the loss of major contracts. Though a timely disclosure likely wouldn't have eliminated all these consequences, a more honest approach could have lessened the damage.

A pest control service provider perhapssaid it best: "The majority of the time if you give customers the real situation and are honest with them, they'll be able to see you have their best interest at heart and will be on board."

An enduring relationship requires significant time and effort -- both for those seeking romance and for businesses trying to find quality clients.


To learn more, read about how to preventbuyer's remorsenext.

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Originally published Jan 31, 2019 8:00:00 AM, updated June 15 2021


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