






It may influence you to choose one strategy over another based on how much you value the person with whom you have a conflict or the issue over which you are conflicted. It may not seem worth it to continue a long-term conflict if you're worried about ruining your relationship with someone, but it also may make your relationship stronger to come to a consensus.




同样的,如果你不你可能觉得后果enter the conflict. Perhaps, those will be personal, moral consequences for not standing up for your beliefs. Or, maybe, a wrong decision is made and executed because you didn't bring in a conflicting perspective. Regardless, give yourself a clear overview of all the positive and negative consequences beforehand.



此外,更重要的是 - 确保您足够关心冲突,值得您每天倒入它所需的能量。如果对您没有意义,那么与他人一起来回讨论一个话题可能会很累。


The 5 Conflict Management Styles



This style could be appropriate to use when you care less about the issue than the others, want to keep the peace, feel as though you are in the wrong, or feel like you have no choice but to agree to the other point-of-view.

2. Avoiding

An avoiding style completely evades the conflict. You would neither pursue your beliefs nor those of the others involved. Simply, you would continuously postpone or completely dodge the conflict whenever it comes up.

This style could be appropriate to use when the conflict seems trivial, you don't have the time or need more time to think, you feel as though you have no chance of winning, or you're afraid of being met with resentment.

3. Compromising




A collaborating style attempts to find a solution that will meet the needs of all parties. Rather than trying to find a middle ground solution, you would aim for a solution that actually satisfies everyone and ends up being a win-win situation.


5. Competing

A competing style takes a firm stance and refuses to see the perspectives of the other parties. You would keep pushing your viewpoint at others or keep rejecting their ideas until you get your way.


Now that you're familiar with the different ways to approach conflict, let's see how these styles can be used in day-to-day conflicts.




Company policy can often be a roadblock to customer success, and it can put employees in a difficult position when dealing with a frustrated customer.

Imagine that you have a long line in your store and at the front is a customer who's demanding your employee to give them a refund. The customer's purchase was made over a year ago which is well past the company's “firm” one-month return policy. As your rep unsuccessfully tries to explain this to the customer, impatient people waiting at the back of the line are starting to return their products and leave the store.

这使员工处于一个棘手的境地,他们需要履行两者customer's needsas well as the company's. In these cases, an accommodation approach is the best strategy because it produces a beneficial outcome for all parties involved.



客户总是正确的 - 至少这就是客户的想法。客户喜欢正确,当您的企业告诉他们时,不容易摇摆。即使细节是微不足道的,客户也会花时间争论他们的观点,从而对其产生负面影响客户体验



Instead, go through the steps with them and show them that the product works. The customer will be smart enough to realize that user error may have played a larger role than they originally had thought.


Customers, whether they feel like it or not, are logical humans just like you and me. They're capable of recognizing stressful and difficult situations, and they aren't interested in escalating them either. Customers are willing to come to a comprise so long as it allows them to continue working towards their goals.

One example of this can be seen in the food-service industry. Have you ever ordered a late-night pizza only to be disappointed that the toppings were wrong? Even though you're rightfully frustrated, you're probably not grabbing your keys and driving straight for the store.

Instead, most customers will call the business to report the issue. If it's before closing hours, the restaurant will send a complimentary pizza. But, if it's after-hours, the store will compromise with the customer by offering store credit for a future purchase.


4. Collaborate With Willing Customers

对冲突的最佳决议是双方受益的情况,而不必放弃其他任何回报。这些情况非常适合建造客户忠诚度but can be difficult to create and recognize. When your company does find chances to collaborate with your customers, it's important to capitalize on these opportunities and develop mutually beneficial relationships.









Conflict Management Personality Types

Damian Killen and Danica Murphy wroteType®和冲突简介,一本书,揭示了与16个人格类型相关的冲突管理风格Myers-Briggs Type Indicator® (MBTI®) assessment

Their theory states that the last two letters of someone's Type® are the strongest indicators of their conflict management strategy. The third letter determines how you make decisions: by Thinking (T) or Feeling (F). The fourth letter determines how you approach the outside world: by Judging (J) or Perceiving (P).

Thinking vs. Feeling



Judging vs. Perceiving


Those who are prone to Perceiving use facts and check assumptions, exercise negotiation, actively listen, take breaks, and seek mediators to ensure harmony.

Any individual can have one of four combinations of these letters. We have analyzed the best conflict management styles based on these specific aspects of MBTI® personality types.

1. Thinking-Judging (TJ)

If you are a TJ, you will handle conflict logically and attempt to reach a solution sooner rather than later. However, you may not take the time to listen to everyone's opinions and might rush into an unstable solution. This might also mean that you ignore the emotions involved in the conflict by considering them to be distracting.

TJs will likely approach a Competing conflict management style.


To be successful with this conflict management style, you should use it when you feel strongly about your stance and feel that others aren't respecting you, rather than overrunning the valid opinions of those below you or on the same level.

2.思考 - 感知(TP)


TPs will likely approach a Collaborating conflict management style.




If you are an FJ, you will strive for peace and a cordial end to a conflict. However, your need to end on friendly terms might lead you to end a conflict too early or be upset by those who try to logically analyze and prolong a conflict.



To be successful with this conflict management style, assess each situation separately. If the issue is way more important to others than yourself, it makes sense to put their concerns first. You don't wanna ruin an important relationship over a petty conflict.



To be successful with this conflict management style, understand that avoiding a conflict isn't going to keep harmony and improve your relationship with that person. Only use this style when you simply need more time to plan or need to focus on other larger tasks and conflicts first.



FPs will likely approach a Compromising conflict management style.

Since you patiently listen to what others have to say on the issue and quickly push off negative options, you will probably prefer a Compromising style. The pros of this are that it's a faster option than attempting to come to a win-win situation, it can provide a temporary solution until a better one is found, and it lowers stress between parties since everyone had a say in the final solution. The cons are that it may end up in a lose-lose situation if everyone is only partially pleased, it doesn't quite build mutual trust, and it may require returning to the issue at a later date.

To be successful with this conflict management style, only use it as a temporary fix when time is of the essence on difficult decisions. If not everyone is pleased with the solution, the issue should be reopened later so that it can be further discussed.

Next, read this post on冲突解决方案将您的冲突管理技能进行测试。

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最初发布于2019年3月19日4:41:00 PM,更新于6月9日2021年6月9日


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