Twice a month, I receive a message at the top of my Inbox from Gusto with the headline: " Hooray! Ben, you got paid today."



And today, being acutely aware of service is more important than ever.根据毕马威(KPMG)的说法,有88%的首席执行官关心客户忠诚度,意识到掌握客户议程至关重要。





这re's a whole host of reasons that motivate entrepreneurs to create new enterprises — passion, money, fame, glory, independence. But regardless of the motivation behind the establishment of a company, there's one tenant that's common to all enterprises:






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Proof,我为工作的SaaS公bob全站app司,我们的核心价值之一是“痴迷于客户”。每个人都知道这一价值,我们可以每天在工作中使用它作为参考点。如果我们决定启动一项功能或是否建立合作伙伴关系,我们可以问“这对客户有帮助吗?”bob综合博彩下载如果答案是否定的,我们通常会远离它。这个指导问题帮助我们建立了一个customer-centric culture关于我们的营销,销售和客户服务团队。

Customer-centricity doesn't stop with your marketing efforts, either. Your sales team can also get on board with this approach and create a more customer-focused strategy.

And when someone does something that benefits our customers, we celebrate that victory as a team — because a win for our customers is a win for our team.




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1. Anticipate Customer Needs

这re's a great quote from Henry Ford that says:

"If I had asked people what they wanted, they would have said faster horses."


福特说,如果他只听了客户认为可以建造的东西,他就不会生产汽车。他正在考虑竞争之前的光年,因此他创建了一种预测市场未来需求的产品。福特知道客户在客户知道他们甚至想要它之前想要什么 - 这是改变游戏规则的业务举动。

We can see similar styles of future-forecasting in Steve Jobs and Elon Musk. These visionary CEOs pushed the envelopes on what people would want in the future, giving the world the iPhone, iPad and the Model X — and companies with valuations of $1.08 trillion and $48 billion, respectively.

While most customers are able to accurately provide an account of what they want today, gauging what they want on a longer time horizon is extremely difficult for most people. They rely on companies to do that work for them to anticipate他们的需求- 并相应地提出有用的建议。




  • 聊天
  • 电子邮件
  • 短信
  • 电话
  • 应用内消息
  • FB Messenger
  • 留言板

Today, valuable communication can occur on so many different platforms.

每个部门都应使用所有沟通渠道来了解客户 - 从这些消息中收到的量化洞察力的庞大,当您调整产品路线图时,您会从这些消息中获得的量化洞察力。

但是,还有一定程度的定性反馈,您需要积极主动地收集。虽然您公司可能已经发生了上述沟通,但用户研究是您的。bob全站app可能be ignoring.



By telling your customers that you're not perfect, you can gain insight and track your performance. The most successful companies in the world already know the value of surveys, and by conducting a regular顾客满意度调查或产品调查,您可以为大量反馈提供途径。


向任何设计师或PM询问用户测试的价值,他们会赞美。现代的digital marketing tools例如usertesting.com和hotjar提供了一个简单的框架,可以从真实人那里收集有关您的产品的反馈。为了建立一个以客户为中心的组织,这可以帮助您验证您的预感并指导您的工作迈向最大的影响项目。


Have a friend that always insists on talking over the phone rather than text? I'd take a gander that that friend is one of your closer confidants. There's something more personal about a conversation outside of the digital realm — by simply picking up the phone, you're able to get a more robust form of feedback from customers.


Our CTO J.P. Morgan practices this technique weekly — and he swears by the feedback he collects from his customer calls:

“与客户可能是最破碎nt thing I do all week. While there's a level of product development that requires you to take a stance and anticipate needs — it's impossible to do that without an understanding of your customer's current situation."

3. Be Easily Accessible




On the other spectrum, there's Zappos, the online shoe retailer with a completely opposite approach to customer success.

Zappos identifies that when a customer wants to talk to them, they should make it as easy as possible. Note how they include their phone number prominently on the top bar of every page with the note "Available 24/7."

Zappos首席执行官Tony Hsieh,描述了他的理由for that decision as:

"A lot of people may think it's strange that an internet company would be so focused on the telephone, when only about 5% of our sales happen by phone. But we've found that on average, our customers telephone us at least once at some point, and if we handle the call well, we have an opportunity to create an emotional impact and a lasting memory … Our philosophy has been that most of the money we might ordinarily have spent on advertising should be invested in customer service, so that our customers will do the marketing for us through word of mouth."

确保您的“联系我们”页面is highly visible and easy to access — and that it actually answers common customer questions you see crop up time and time again.




Today, in most businesses, this is not the case. Don't get me wrong, the other advances from the digital economy have provided great benefits. While your potential touchpoints for feedback are far greater due to technology, there is less in-depth contact.



例如,考虑Sofi的主动性主持人社区活动across the country. While it's likely a substantial expense, there's a positive externality. And they don't hide it. They claim the benefits of a direct channel to interact with and get feedback from their members, as well as a way to build brand affinity. Not to mention, its lots of fun, too.

5. Provide Proactive Customer Service

One of the best ways to differentiate your business from its competitors is to provide your customers with added value that extends beyond the point of purchase. This shows them that you're truly invested in creating a delightful customer experience and will go上方to deliver it to them.

提供附加值的一种方法是包括积极的客户服务特性。积极主动的客户服务给你铜stomers resources that help them solve problems on their own, without having to reach out to your business for support. This way they can resolve simple issues and avoid waiting on hold for your customer service team.


A pricing page may seem like a simple addition, but it completely changed WashCard Systems' lead generation process. In 2018, the pricing page became the website's most visited page and was responsible for nearly two-thirds of the company's online conversions. Rather than dissuading customers, the pricing page encouraged them to reach out to WashCard Systems and learn more about what the business had to offer. This type of proactive customer service demonstrated the business's customer-centric approach to improving the buying experience.

6. Adopt Customer Service Tools



One company that does an excellent job of utilizing customer service tools is the insurance company,柠檬水。Lemonade认识到,其最困难的挑战之一是改变客户对行业的看法。大多数人讨厌与保险公司交谈,因为客户体验通常很乏味和令人沮丧。因此,柠檬水投资了聊天机器人帮助改变客户的经验。

Lemonade的聊天机器人“ Mia”与用户进行了轻松友好的对话。MIA为客户提供清晰简洁的答案,并就最适合其预算的计划提供建议。

In an interview with HubSpot's增长表演, the company's CEO, Daniel Schreiber, highlighted that this chatbot has made their customer service experience more "playful and instantaneous." Additionally, Lemonade has been able to cut costs and reduce prices for customers as a result of added automation.


归根结底,您的业务目标是让客户购买您的产品或服务。但是,当客户购买一次时,您需要确保他们再次购买。毕竟,studiesshow that it costs nearly five times more to attain a new customer than to retain an existing one.






One of the best methods for optimizing your product's value in the eyes of the customer is setting up a detailed onboarding process. An onboarding process introduces your products and services to the customer and explains how to use them to fulfill their specific needs. Each customer's needs will be unique, so your team should personalize this process to ensure every customer is properly set up for success.

一家从采bob全站app用入职服务中获利的公司是SaaS商业,退款911。退款911used HubSpot's飞轮concept to analyze different pain points in the customer's journey. After assessing their sales and marketing tactics, Chargebacks 911 realized a major flaw in its customer experience: new customers were churning during the setup process.

To remedy this, the company decided to enact a new policy where the customer's sales rep would assist during the onboarding process. The benefit of this was that the sales reps could reference customer needs outlined during previous interactions. Then, the onboarding rep could identify products and features that would help the customer fulfill those needs. This ensured Chargebacks 911's customers were deriving the most value possible from their purchases.

要了解有关以客户为中心的更多信息,请阅读我们的清单customer success tools

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