您的客户是您最纯粹的质量控制形式。没有他们的批准,您的业务不会增长和成功。因此,当客户抱怨时,重要的是要听取他们的声音,因为这些都是机会improve the customer experienceand prevent potential churn.


If you want to increasecustomer retention,您需要为他们将面对的场景做好准备difficult or frustrated customers。在这篇文章中,我们将分解不同类型的客户投诉以及团队可以解决每个类型的步骤。



1. Long Wait on Hold

如果您的团队在呼叫中心工作,平均时间(ATH)是您最重要的呼叫中心指标。顾客想要快速回答s and can't afford to spend their afternoon with a phone glued to their ear. In fact,studies证明大约两分钟后,客户可能会挂断电话,而34%的客户则不会回电。这意味着您可能仅仅因为您的速度不够快,可能会损失三分之一的客户群。

How to resolve this customer complaint:

长时间保持显示两个问题。首先,它could mean that your customer demand is too high for your customer service team. In this case, you should consider hiring more reps to meet the needs of your call center. In the meantime, your reps should apologize for the long wait times and work to ensure first call resolution.

The other issue may be that your call center lacks automation.Call center software可以为您的服务团队提供简化操作并自动完成任务的功能。通过采用这项技术,您可以通过从日常工作流程中删除Menial任务来优化团队的生产。这应该减少时间投诉并创造更令人满意的服务体验。

2. Unavailable or Out of Stock Product

It's usually a good sign when a product goes out of stock, but if it stays out of stock, customers can become impatient for its return. They may demand a special order or repeatedly call for product updates. This typically indicates a time-sensitive need for your product which should be fulfilled immediately.

How to resolve this customer complaint:

As a customer service rep, you might not have any say in when a new shipment will be ordered. Reps should report these issues to their managers who can notify both sales and product management teams. Service reps should encourage customers to remain patient and let them know that they'll reach out when the shipment arrives. This type ofproactive customer servicewill assure customers that you're aware of their time-sensitive needs.

3. Repeating the Customer's Problem

Customers hate repeating their problems to your reps. This happens when they're either transferred to new reps or dealing with an agent who isn't paying close attention. When customers have to describe their issue multiple times, it's both a frustrating and time-consuming experience.

How to resolve this customer complaint:


A long-term solution to this problem is to invest inhelp desksoftware. A help desk can manage and distribute incoming service requests to the most ideal agents. That way, your customers are connected directly to reps who are best suited to resolve their problems.

4. Uninterested Service Rep

无论是他们的语气,人格,甚至只是the time of day, some customers simply won't get along with your customer service reps. When a rep fails to meet their needs, some customers think it's due to a lack of interest in their case. Sometimes this is true, other times customers have expectations that are higher than what your team can provide. Regardless of where the fault lies, when your reps fail to appear invested, your business's reputation takes the hit.

How to resolve this customer complaint:

When dealing with this type of customer complaint, reps should consider what they can do to provideabove-and-beyond customer service。Every business has protocol, but it's sometimes worth bending the rules if that meanspreventing customer churn。At the very least, reps should pay attention to their tone and body language to ensure they're displaying a motivated and attentive demeanor.

If a customer does report an issue with a rep, management should always investigate the issue. Managers should give their reps the benefit of the doubt but try to get every possible detail. Rather than criticizing the rep's approach, look for opportunities to teach the agent about preventing these types of situations. If these issues continue to occur, it may be time to take more severe actions.


When your product breaks, you can expect the customer to complain. In some cases, the product isn't broken, rather, the customer doesn't understand how to use it. Other times, customers aren't a good fit for your product or service, but they blame your company for failing to fulfill their needs. No matter how customers arrive at this conclusion, your team needs to know how to prevent them from turning to your competitors.

How to resolve this customer complaint:


For a long-term solution, consider adoptingcustomer feedback toolsto survey customers about your product. You can useNPS®surveys to measure customer satisfaction and learn how you can enhance your product's features. These feedback tools provide both quantitative and qualitative data that you can use to improve product development.

6. No First Call Resolution

When customers call your service team, they expect their issue to be resolved after the first call.Studies如果在第一次互动期间满足服务请求,则可以避免使用67%的客户流失。虽然这并不意味着您应该在电话上召集客户,但这确实意味着他们应该追求第一个通话决议。

How to resolve this customer complaint:

When your reps begin a customer interaction, they should make note of the case's urgency. If the customer has time-sensitive needs, try to resolve the case in the first call but don't waste time repeating steps or researching irrelevant information. If your reps don't have the answer, they should ask politely to follow up and explain why that process will yield a faster resolution.

您可以提高第一个呼叫分辨率率的一种方法是增加self-servicesupport options to your company's website. Tools like community forums and a知识库可以帮助客户找到自己的解决方案,并完全避免使用服务电话。这为您的客户创造了更愉快,更便捷的服务体验。

7. Lack of Follow Up

When you do have to follow up on a case, customers will often have different expectations for follow-up communication. Some customers will expect an ongoing chain of updates while others will be more patient. If your reps aren't consistently clear about response times, your customers may think you've forgotten about their case.

How to resolve this customer complaint:

If you do have to follow up on a case, your service rep should make communication expectations clear. Ask the customer if the proposed frequency works for them, and if not, establish a system that works for both your rep and the customer. Your reps should be dedicated tocustomer needs, but customers have to give your reps space to work on the issue independently. If your reps are constantly providing updates, customers will wait longer for solutions.

If your team is having trouble keeping track of follow up, you should consider adopting a票务系统。Ticketing systems document incoming requests and make it easier for you to manage active service cases. And, you can integrate it with yourCRMso tickets will be directly attached to customer profiles.

8. New Product or Feature Request

This one isn't necessarily a complaint but is something that customer service teams encounter on a daily basis. If your product or service doesn't meetallof your customers' needs, they'll ask if they can propose a new product or feature. While some of these are helpful, most fulfill specific use-cases that don't apply to the bulk of yourcustomer base

How to resolve this customer complaint:


Resolution handling with the goal of turning dissatisfied customers into glowing evangelists of your service experience comes down to these techniques:

1. Be accessible.


Make it easy to solve issues by providing self-service options and being easy to connect with across channels.

2. Use active listening to understand their complaint.


  • Ask clarifying questions.
  • Stay focused on their needs.
  • Empathize with them.

3. Acknowledge their frustration.

The best thing you can do for a dissatisfied customer is acknowledge their frustration and validate their feelings. Empathy is one of the most importantcustomer service skills, and acknowledging their frustration helps them feel heard and appreciated.


Show that you were listening by stating their issue back to them. By doing this, you're confirming your understanding and getting approval from the customer.

5. Seek a first-call resolution.

With more contact attempts in pursuit of a solution comes more friction. With more friction comes more frustration.

For a truly stellar customer experience, all effort should be made to completely resolve the issue during the first call. Not only does it increase customer satisfaction, but it also reduces the load on the support team as a whole.


If you're unable to provide a solution on their first call, set expectations for what comes next.

  • 他们会听到你的回音吗?
  • When?
  • What will you be doing in the meantime? (getting necessary information, etc.)

如果您知道他们的问题是由于您的系统局限性或其他原因而没有解决方案的问题,请确认他们的挫败感和详细说明您根据他们的反馈(将他们的关注点转发给适当的部门,升级机票), ETC。)。


Net Promoter, Net Promoter System, Net Promoter Score, NPS and the NPS-related emoticons are registered trademarks of Bain & Company, Inc., Fred Reichheld and Satmetrix Systems, Inc.

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Editor's note: This post was originally published in July 2019 and has been updated for comprehensiveness.

Originally published Aug 13, 2020 8:00:00 AM, updated August 27 2021


客户服务技能 Help Desk & Ticketing Software