What's cooler than gaining a customer? No, not gaining two customers (though I have to admit, that's still pretty cool). It's getting customers to come back to your business.




迈克尔·特雷西(Michael Tracy)和弗雷德·维尔塞(Fred Wierserma)的《客户亲密关系》背后的原始思想的一个很好的概述,”客户亲密和其他价值学科“。特雷西将客户的亲密关系描述为“……精确地对市场进行细分和定位,然后量身定制产品,以符合这些利基市场的需求。在客户亲密关系中表现出色的公司将详细的客户知识与运营灵活性相结合,因此,从定制产品到满足特殊要求,他们几乎可以迅速响应任何需求。结果,这些公司具有巨大的客户忠诚度。”

Customer intimacy isn't just about taking a proactive approach with customers. It’s about targeting a specific subset of customers whose desires you know you can meet.

在文章中,这些作者以Home Depot的示例为例。它的员工被指示花时间与每个客户一起确保他们为需求选择合适的产品。店内帮助被称为店内咨询公司,这导致了店内销售。下次有人在家中遇到问题时,他们会知道他们可以进入Home Depot,而不仅仅是购买所需的东西,还可以找出他们需要购买的东西。

Customer intimacy is a way of inserting value into the market. You have to understand what value your customers want and how you can deliver it. Below are different strategies companies of any size can use to be better attuned to customer sentiment and loyalty.

8 Customer Intimacy Strategies Any Company Can Try

8 customer intimacy strategies any company can try

1.实现优先级的操作实践the customers.


For example, instead of measuring and evaluating support reps solely based on the number of calls they take, include a goal to improve their customerNet Promoter Score®(NPS)在每次通话后。

2. Create, enforce, and adopt more customer-centric policies.


Zappos is well-known for being a customer-centric company, thanks to policies like:

  • 您不喜欢免费的鞋子寄回鞋子的能力
  • 免费送货两种方式降低客户风险
  • 365天的退货政策


例如,Zappos最初并不是从365天的退货策略开始。但是,内部公司文化将客户放在首位bob全站app,并允许自己测试和调整其业务流程,这鼓励了回报政策随着时间的推移的发展。正如托尼·赫(Tony Hsieh)所说,“最初,我们的回报政策只有30天,但是我们在敦促客户的敦促下不断增加它,随着我们延长回报期,他们变得更加忠诚。”


在告诉客户他们的反馈和投入时,步行走路。您可以通过任命客户咨询委员会,为客户沟通或与之接触的论坛来做到这一点high-value customers以及产品bob综合博彩下载推出之前的合作伙伴以获取其意见和想法。


分享积极客户体验on the platforms your prospects and previous customers frequent most can be a great strategy for customer intimacy.



Once you've built a customer base that's engaged and excited about your brand, start incentivizing them to be your忠实拥护者。举办竞争,或创建基于点的系统,以奖励客户进行倡导活动,例如在社交媒体上共享您的内容,并留下客户评论, or writing a testimonial, so they can redeem points for free swag, purchase discounts, or other valuable prizes.


由于这些天无触觉的业务如此之多,因此面对面和电话互动的最少,面对面或数字活动可能会大有帮助建立客户的亲密关系。网络研讨会,培训,贸易展览和事件可以进一步建立信任和情感驱动的关系better predictors of loyalty比仅客户满意度。


If you sell a robust product or service that's widely adopted within your industry, create客户培训课程和认证。客户可以实现这些服务,以成为您的产品或服务中的行业专家,并允许他们提供咨询以帮助他们提高个人资料并赚更多的钱。

8.免费分享教育资源来帮助自定义bob体育苹果系统下载安装ers derive more value from your products.


在会议上询问了Geek Squad的创始人,为什么它会运行YouTube频道,教人们如何解决自己的问题,而这会破坏其提供的核心服务。

回应是,Geek Squad成为许多对技术感兴趣的人的首选故障排除选择,一旦他们用尽了其他选择,就只会寻找专业人士。这意味着,在观看了几个小时的怪异小队视频之后,观众信任的极客队能够帮助他们。通过视频内容创建的信任来转换客户。

因此,Geek Squad所做的是创建与其核心服务相关的增值内容,从而为受众增加了额外的好处;客户和非客户都可以 - 任何初创公司都可以做到这一点。

As a bonus, these resources function as marketing materials, but they also provide tips, tricks, and new info to your existing customer or user base. Instead of just telling your audience how good your product is, give them extra value that they can benefit from.

Customer Intimacy for Startups

If you're working at an early-stage startup and wondering how you can implement customer intimacy and build a community of early adopters, take these steps to understand your target audience.

  • 你可能不知道你的客户的需求但是,因此您需要找到它们并深入研究它们。
  • 当您没有很多客户时,您可以更多地关注每个客户并个性化他们的体验。这有助于使您的客户感到受到重视,同时还可以深入了解他们的特定需求以及您的业务与这些需求的关系。
  • 您可以测试和使用自己的产品,以便您可以理解它给您的价值以及从头到尾的体验。

Once you have a greater understanding of your customers' needs, you can start thinking about how you’ll fulfill them. For a customer intimacy approach, think about adapting the product to meet requirements. And, consider how you can provide added value, and other strategies listed above, as you scale — instead of working backward and fixing older policies that don't foster customer intimacy.


This brings us to how you can measure your customer intimacy efforts. The primary metrics you'll want to look at include:

  • Word-of-mouth sentiment
  • 产品采用
  • 客户流失
  • NPS



Trying to understand word-of-mouth metrics requires asking your customers or clients how they heard about you in the first place. If you're selling high-level professional services, this is easy as you'll be interacting closely with your clients. If you're selling a product via an external outlet — like a supermarket — then there are more obstacles between you and understanding the customer's purchase decision.


产品采用can give you a good baseline for that last scenario, as it shows increasing customer demand for your product. A good measure of customer intimacy could be found deeper within product adoption. If you have a brand and you're attempting to maintain a close relationship with your customers, when you release a new product line you want to see existing customers adopt your new product out of loyalty.




Ultimately, metrics around purchasing, using, and continuing to do both, are the best ways of measuring customer intimacy. If you can compare those rates to competitor performance, then you'll be in a great position to understand how your customer intimacy program is measuring up in the real world.



  • Make your company customer-centric.
  • Create an amazing customer support system.
  • 为您的主要受众和客户增加额外的价值。



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最初发布于2021年10月6日1:00:00 PM,更新于10月6日2021年


客户体验 Support Ticket System