


That's why creating a strong customer service culture is important.

Shep Hyken,,,,a customer service expert, accurately observed, "The reason an organization can deliver good or bad customer service comes down to one thing; what is happening on the inside of that organization. To sum it up in one word: culture."




Below, let's dive into the actionable steps you can take to create a strong customer service culture that puts the customer first.

1。Hire for culture.


事实上,cre最切实的事情你可以做ate a positive customer service culture is hire the right people who embody your values.

当您雇用员工时,除了拥有正确的经验和技能,,,,you should ask questions that can help you determine if it's a good culture fit.

这意味着您询问有关您的价值观的问题。您可以问一个问题,"Tell me about a time when you had to be adaptable in the workplace?"

例如,在HubSpot,我们的值是(humble, empathetic, adaptable, remarkable, and transparent). Those values play a large role in who we hire.



同样,建立强大的客户服务文化的唯一方法之一就是评估自己。问你自己,"How do we treat employees?"and“如果我是入门级员工,我想在这里工作吗?”

Happy employees want to perform well. They want to do right by the company. To make sure your employees are happy, consider your benefits. Do your benefits communicate respect and make your employees feel heard?


Additionally, culture comes from the top. If your leadership team truly embodies your values, employees will be proud of where they work and they'll be happy coming to work.

While not every employee will love what they do, it's important that they respect and trust their employer. If these foundational elements aren't met, you'll create a toxic work environment like the one I described above.


To truly achieve acustomer-orientedservice culture, it's important to create camaraderie on your team.

For people to do their best work, they have to enjoy the people they work with and view their job as a team effort.

One way to do this is to participate in团队建设活动that will bond your team. By creating a teamwork environment, your employees are more likely to value the team over the individual, which is the first step to creating a customer-oriented team.

4. Build psychological safety on your team.

We've written about building psychological safety on your team before (here,,,,here,,,,andhere), but it bears repeating.

If your team doesn't have psychological safety, they won't feel empowered to try new things or communicate effectively.

This means that people might try to hide the fact that they made a mistake. To truly empower your employees, they have to feel safe at work. They should feel safe to make mistakes and learn.


With psychological safety, employees will have the freedom to provide constructive feedback. This means that you have to listen to your employees and take their feedback seriously.

5. Invest in professional development.



Plus, they have to be knowledgable about your product or service. To empower them to do this, you should be providing continuousprofessional development opportunities


Your customer service culture should incentivize employees to follow through on your values in their interactions with your customers.

To do this, reward employees who are providing excellent customer service and tell them what they're doing right.

On the other hand, if employees aren't quite grasping a concept, provide constructive feedback so they can improve.

By doing this, you'll help reinforce what you want your customer service culture to be.

7. Define and reinforce your culture.

Not to get too rudimentary, but your customer service culture should be written down. You should have your values, mission, and vision written out and clearly communicated to employees and customers.

This means that your managers and employees will have a guiding philosophy to help them make decisions. Plus, it helps inform customers what you're hoping to achieve so they can provide feedback.

So, you might be wondering, "这在行动中是什么样的?”让我们回顾下面的一些示例。




That's why our co-founder, Dharmesh Shah, took the time to write it down in the HubSpot Culture Code.

According to Shah, "Like HubSpot, the Culture Code is a perpetual ‘work in progress,' so we'll update it periodically. To date, we've updated it more than 25 times, and what you see is our latest version. It is a culture of amazing, growth-minded people whose values include using good judgment and solving for the customer. Employees who work at HubSpot have HEART: Humble, Empathetic, Adaptable, Remarkable, Transparent."

By publishing and talking about our customer service culture, both employees and our customers understand what we stand for. That creates a sense of belonging on the team.


When I studied Organizational Communication in my undergrad, Zappos was the first company I researched.

It's well known for providing excellent customer service, even if that means helping a customer with a problem that has nothing to do with a Zappos order.

Zappos的创始人Tony Hsieh说:“对我来说,Zappos文化体现了许多不同的元素。这是要一直在寻找新的方式来使我们接触的每个人都感到惊讶。这是关于建立像家庭一样对待彼此的关系。这是关于团队合作,玩得开心的,不要太认真地认真对待自己。这是关于个人和专业的成长。这是关于以更少的人的身份实现不可能的事情。这是关于开放的,冒险的,不害怕犯错误。这是关于成为一部分的一部分。一个永远不会停止展开的故事。这是关于相信如果我们做正确的事,那么,从长远来看,我们将成为建造伟大事物的一部分。”

如果你会注意到,这两个公司HubSpot Zappos但书ders who are passionate about their customer service culture. Both companies discuss it and have been intentional about creating a positive environment for both employees and customers.



Creating a company culture has to be a work in progress. Slack understands this and they've worked to improve their company culture throughout the years.

In fact, they said that company culture is something that needs to be intentional because letting culture form unchecked can vary between fair to disastrous.

At Slack, they value diligence, curiosity, and empathy. Nolan Caudill, the previous Engineering Chief of Staff, said, "At Slack, we want to work with people that have the skills to do their job and the gumption to do it well. They possess great empathy, as designing and building a great product is made up of countless acts of empathy, not only for the users but for those you do the work alongside. Diligence, persistence, an unrelenting bull-headed pursuit of Quality — this drive is what compels the kind of person we look for."


All these companies take culture seriously and have it embedded in their strategies. It's important to note that these examples can provide inspiration, but they shouldn't be copied exactly.

You have to take a look at your company and see what works for you. To really get started on customer service culture, look inward, and evaluate how your team functions.

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最初出版于7月1日,2020年7月5:00 am,更新于2021年6月15日


Customer Service & Support Training Customer Service Tracking Software