
当然,他们专注于客户服务 - 既可以提供反应性客户支持,又可以主动为客户提供解决方案和策略。但是,除了所有这些技能外,CSM还需要在内外学习产品或服务以回答问题。他们需要能够写有用的电子邮件,knowledge base content发送给客户。最重要的是,他们需要能够导航有关畅销和交叉销售




1. Empathy

为了帮助客户,日复一日和日复一日,CSM绝对需要是善解人意的人 -emotional intelligence

Whether they're answering the same question for what seems like the millionth time, or they'recounseling an angry customer through a pricing change,理解和分享他人感受的能力对于CSM有效地降低了艰难的客户情况,了解客户的目标和期望成果至关重要,并为客户提供公司内部其他团队和部门的倡导。bob全站app

2. Resourcefulness


CSM需要快速回答客户问题 - 如果他们无法回答他们的问题,他们需要在其他可以的部门中追踪资源或同事。这意味着,潜在的CSM候选人必须表现出愿意和准备跨部门合作的意愿和准备,以及无论大小,能够解决问题的记录。

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CSMs need to answer questions and teach customers — over the phone, on live chat or email, or in a knowledge base article. They also need to share and teach best practices to other team members — as well as identify trends, feedback, and user data to share with other teams within the organization. Excellent oral and presentation skills are important to evaluate in the interview as well.


这似乎很明显,但是值得在这里强调:一个好的CSM需要能够建立融洽的关系with just about anyone in order to get the job done. And this is a hard skill to teach.


5. Technical Acumen


Even once they get to an expert level with the products and technologies a company uses, a CSM will need to break it down from the beginning for new customers, or customers thataren'tas technologically savvy — so being able to useexplain different technologies will be key.


CSM应该是不需要要求额外的英里或排名110%的人。聆听答案,这些答案表明候选人何时超越了问题,以解决问题并为客户获得答案 - 或示例候选人何时花费更多时间和精力来帮助CSM或销售代表以实现他们的共同目标。

Now that we've outlined the skills you should be looking for in a candidate, let's review the questions you should ask during an interview.





事情发生了。询问候选人他们如何在外交上分享艰难的新闻,同时使客户积极和敬业度 - 或者基于过去的客户支持问题CSM必须解bob官网官方网站决的情况 - 以了解他们适应挑战并反弹的能力。


“I deliver bad news to customers by getting on a Zoom call, if possible, since it's easier to gauge their response when I can see their body language. If Zoom is not an option, I'll communicate this information through a phone call as I feel it's important to deliver bad news in a real-time setting where you can answer questions and provide support immediately."


CSMs can't answer every question right away -—and they can't always promise the customer a solution. Ask candidates their strategies for managing long-term requests and following up with customers — and how they handle letting a customer know if their feedback or request won't be taken into account by the product team.



If the product could make the feature, great! I'll share the timeline for when the feature will be created. If not, I'd communicate the reason why to the customer, re-emphasize the alternatives provided earlier, then share some channels they can use to pitch this idea formally to my company."


3. What's the toughest case you've ever handled?



“One customer called me demanding a refund for their purchase. They were clearly upset because they felt they had purchased the wrong product and that the sales rep they worked with only wanted to close a deal. Thing is, the product they had was exactly what they needed, they just needed to learn how it could help them achieve their goals.

I apologized for the frustration they must have felt and asked them to walk me through the problems they had with the product. Once they shared all of their feedback, I aligned myself by telling them that their concerns were fair and that what they wanted the product to do, it wasn't designed to do it. But, I told them if they used the product slightly differently, they might see different results. I then offered to walk them through how I'd recommend using the product, and it became clear to them that they misunderstood how to properly use our software.

这是清理后,客户很兴奋about using the product moving forward. They decided not to cancel their subscription and we agreed to follow up in a couple of weeks to make sure everything was still going well."




“I will often refer customers to sales reps if it's clear that there is a product that they but do not currently have. I will only do that, however, if I truly feel that product will help the customer achieve their short- or long-term goals.






“ HubSpot的Workflow工具可以为您的业务自动化任务。工作流程以客户必须完成的触发器或操作开头。完成后,启动了一系列按时间顺序执行的操作。您还可以在工作流中设置分支机构,该分支在工作流程中充当充当的部门次要触发器。如果客户完成该操作(或未完成),则根据客户的行为而改变工作流程的下一步。”


这个问题与前一个问题相同,但它将揭示候选人分解他们每天可能使用的工具的技能,这是绝对初学者new customer onboardingcalls.


“ Twitter是一个平台,您可以在其中与同行,陌生人和企业分享简短的想法和评论。创建帐户后,您可以自定义个人资料并在Twitter上与其他帐户互动。您共享的消息称为'Tweet Steets'而且这些消息具有设定的字符限制。除非您编写后续推文,否则您将无法超越该限制。

You can also engage with other people's tweets by commenting on them, liking them, or "retweeting" them, which essentially means you're reposting their tweet to your account to show support. Who you can engage with depends on which accounts you're following. You can also use hashtags, too, but we'll get to that later on once you've mastered the basics."



与新客户的第一个电话是关系未来的关键构建块 - 通常是客户是否会流失或保留的人。



“I demonstrate value by immediately aligning myself with the customer and their goals. I show that I understand what they're trying to achieve as well as the roadblocks they're facing, and that I have the resources they need to be successful. I let them know I'm on their team and I'm available for support in whatever way is needed. This helps build rapport and establishes my value early on in the relationship."



要求候选人演示他们如何开始对话将告诉您他们是否理解best practices- 以及CSM在销售过程中的作用。









“ HubSpot的产品可帮助企业增长更好,更快地扩展速度,而不必雇用那么多员工。”


This is another question that tests the candidate's understanding of the company — but takes it a step further by evaluating how well they understand customers and users, too.

CSM必须解释客户的声音(VOC)和share it with the broader organization, and answering this question will give you an idea of how they'd do that in the role.










“I always take failure as an opportunity to learn and improve myself for next time. If possible, I'll ask for feedback or advice on where I can stand to improve. Then I apply that learning moving forward and move on to the next case."

13. What skills are you hoping to develop in this role?

As with any position at your company, applicants should consider how they'll develop in their role over time. They should be familiar with the skills needed to be a successful CSM and create a roadmap that will outline how they'll acquire those abilities. During their response, pay attention to the skills they describe, as this will outline some of the candidate's weaknesses.



Questions to Ask Customer Success Manager (CSM) Candidates


The answer to this question will tell you two things: It will tell you how the candidate was evaluated in the past, and what concepts and metrics they're familiar with. It will also demonstrate the candidate's views on individual vs. team success, and how the team's success contributes to business success. You want a CSM who's highly motivated to achieve goals, but is also looking toward making a bigger impact for the team, and for the business as a whole.



15. What would you add to our culture, or what would you change about it?



“I would love to add a diversity and inclusion program to your company's culture. This would make everyone feel more involved and appreciated while working on our team. It would also show that we're paying as much attention to our employees' needs as we do with our customers'."

16. How would you prevent customer churn?

As a CSM, your job is to preventcustomer churn。因此,您需要一个热衷的候选人客户保留愿意去above and beyondto retain a user. Consider laying out a mock scenario for your candidate, then ask this question to see what they'd do to ensure the customer reaches their goals.



并非所有客户都擅长接收坏消息。bob官网官方网站有些人将不愿意帮助他们实现自己的目标,这将感到不安。bob全站app在这些情况下,您需要一个可以扩散的CSM生气的user and salvage their customer experience. While your company should always strive for perfection, what matters most is how your success team responds to your organization's mistakes.


“De-escalation starts with aligning yourself with the customer. You need to show that you truly understand why they're upset and what they want to change. If possible, physically align yourself by sitting on the same side of the table as the customer. This symbolically shows that you are on the same side of the issue as they are- 不在相反的地方,在发生摩擦的地方。




This question will help you understand the candidate's ability to manage time. Customer success managers need to be adaptive and capable of changing their routines on the fly. Sometimes they'll provideproactive customer service,而其他时候他们会处理入站服务请求。您的CSM应该能够考虑其所有日常任务,并始终如一地按时完成它们。



19. If you saw a customer using more seats than they're paying for, how would you handle it?

This one is a bit of a trick question because there really isn't a right or wrong answer. Instead, this question demonstrates the candidate's ability to think critically about a complicated customer situation.




如果客户的订阅接近续约,我会让他们知道情况,但是向他们保证,直到即将续签之前,他们的费率才会增加。如果这感觉像是一个问题,我会与客户谈论他们目前的选择- 要么支付更多座位,要么以更少的座椅使用相同的方式来使用相同的使用产品的方式。

如果客户的订阅不接近雷内wal, I would touch base with my team. Since we made the clerical error, it doesn't feel right that the customer has to suffer. I would see if we could continue with their rate until the next renewal. If not, I would be proactive and immediately reach out to the customer to brainstorm solutions."




“I would love to see a little more transparency with the interview process. While I feel confident enough to speak to anyone, it would be nice to know how many interviews I can expect to participate in during this process and who those conversations will be with."

Hiring the Right Customer Success Manager


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