As an introvert, sometimes I get nervous when it comes time to start a conversation with someone.


Have you ever had a hard time starting a conversation like that?

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即使您的答案是否定的,重要的是要记住您的客户有时可能会为此而苦苦挣扎。这就是为什么您可能需要带头并在实时聊天中开始对话 - 这种策略称为proactive live chat.

Proactive Live Chat

In this blog post, you'll learn about what proactive live chat is, when you'd implement it, why it's important, and seven tools to help you get started using proactive live chat on your website.


Proactive live chat is similar to the salesperson in a retail store who comes up and asks if you want any help. Essentially, proactive live chat is when a chat pops up with a message before a user has clicked on the chat widget on your web page.

If you're anything like me, sometimes those salespeople bother you. But other times, they approached me when they noticed I was standing somewhere for a while and I genuinely had a question but was too shy to ask — in those instances, their support was helpful.


Below is an example of what proactive live chat looks like in action on HubSpot's website.

HubSpot uses proactive live chat on its home page.


此外,如果用户以前曾在您的网站上使用,则您可能不会向他们展示与新访问者相同的主动实时聊天 - 这种个性化体验可以帮助您增加转换的机会并个性化客户体验。

You can tailor your proactive chat message based on a number of factors including how long a user has been on the page, what page they're on, how many times they've visited your site, or how many pages they've viewed.


Why is proactive live chat important?


正如您之前可能听到的,重要的是要在正确的时间通过正确的消息与合适的客户联系。这就是积极主动的实时聊天可以帮助您实现的目标 - 它可以帮助您增加潜在客户并提供更好的客户服务。

Now, you might be thinking,"What software will I use to implement this?"Let's review some options below.



HubSpot的免费实时聊天软件 - 与您的bob电竞官方下载service softwareCRM- 允许您快速实时与网站访问者联系,而无需任何代码。自定义您的实时聊天小部件,以补充您的品牌,并在访问者降落在您的网站上时脱颖而出。

Create targeted welcome messages with your live chat when visitors arrive on your web pages. You can also target specific audience segments with your welcome messages to increase chances of engagement.

你所有的即时聊天对话automatically saved to your Conversations Inbox and on the visitor's timeline in HubSpot. This allows for efficient record-keeping. You can also respond to live chat, schedule meetings, place calls, and schedule follow-ups from the Conversations Inbox so you never have to leave the tool.


最后,此工具连接到HubSpot's Chatbot Builderwhich further automates the process of providing effective and efficient customer support via chat whenever your visitors need it.

Pro Tip:使用HubSpot的免费实时聊天软件与您的网站访问者进行实bob电竞官方下载时连接,以将其转换为潜在客户,完成更多交易并提供更好的客户支持。


front live chat example of a proactive live chat software

前面is a multi-channel communication platform that helps you manage all of your communications in one inbox. This includes your email (both individual and shared email addresses), and other customer messages including live chat, email, SMS, etc. As your communication platform, you can set up proactive live chat messages and manage them all from one platform.






他主动即时聊天的另一个很好的选择lpwise. With this platform, you can set up lead capturing options with your proactive messages. That means that you can capture contact information from website visitors and convert them into leads, enabling you to reach out to them when they leave your site.


livechat live chat tool example of proactive live chat


6.The Chat Shop

the chat shop proactive live chat tool

If you're looking to learn more about proactive live chat, The Chat Shop is the place to go. You can outsource your live chat or just use their chat software internally. Additionally, receive live chat training to learn how to use proactive live chat on your website.


userlike live chat tool proactive live chat example

用户般can help you offer support for your customers throughout the entire customer journey. Whether they're in the attract or delight stage, you can set up UserLike's proactive live chat to nurture them.



Editor's note: This post was originally published in September 2020 and has been updated for comprehensiveness.

live software


Originally published Apr 15, 2021 4:15:00 PM, updated June 16 2021