如果您的组织正在创建和销售新产品,那么您可能会有一个产品开发团队。该团队特别重要,因为您的产品的复杂性增长 - 即,随着您开始开发同一产品或多种产品的新版本。产品开发团队可以管理这些产品的技术,提出新的创新想法,并使这些概念栩栩如生。


There are several roles that make up a solid product development team. One of these is the product owner.



Since organizing tasks by priority can be difficult, product owners typically work to transform it into an agile framework.


Agile is the set of ideas that serve as the main goal for a product. This is a great way for product development teams to structure their daily responsibilities based on a common end result. Using agile principles, teams can select the best agile framework to meet their needs for collaboration, task management, research, and more.

有许多敏捷框架,但产品负责人s are involved with the Scrum framework. This is effective for teams who have to regularly provide value to customers. Teams have consistent, fixed work intervals — referred to as “sprints.” Products are delivered at the end of each sprint, after being approved by the product owner. Sprints keep teams focused on when they need to deliver an item, so teams with Scrum frameworks are against changing deadlines or tasks during a sprint.


What Does a Product Owner Do?




Creating a product vision requires input from multiple sources. If product owners want to build a successful product, they need to survey internal and external stakeholders across the organization. That way, they'll have a product vision that captures both客户的需求以及公司的目标。bob全站app





At the end of the day, your products are for your customers. So, your product owner should be closely connected with your客户群if you want to create effective products. He or she should routinely interview customers and analyze their feedback for trends and insights.



Product owners don't just interact with customers, they also engage with key stakeholders across the business. For example, they'll work closely with the product manager to set deadlines and create a perfect产品路线图。他们还将与高管和高层管理人员举行会议,以获得为产品愿景添加新功能的批准。他们甚至可以与营销,销售和客户服务团队合作,以帮助他们为产品发布做准备。

As the master of the product's vision, product owners need to make sure everyone at their company understands the product and how it will benefit their customers.

5. Ensure product quality.

产品愿景和积压完成后,产品所有者就需要退后一步,让Scrum Master和产品经理执行产品路线图。但是,这并不意味着产品所有者已经脱离了。



In order to execute these tasks, product owners must possess a variety of skills. Let's review a few of them in the section below.

Product Owner Skills





Since product owners spend time working with customers, they'll need to possesscustomer service skills。这些是软技能,专注于与人建立关系。这包括同理心,主动聆听,灵活性等。





As we learned from their job description, product owners work with different stakeholders throughout the company. Some they'll meet face-to-face, others will strictly be through emails and phone calls. This makes it imperative that the product owner is an excellent communicator across a variety of mediums. They need to able to effectively dictate their point regardless if it's on a call, in text, or in person.


It's the job of the product manager to alert the product owner when there's a problem with the product vision or roadmap. When this happens -- and it's bound to -- the product owner must act quickly as a problem-solver. They need to come up with creative solutions that not only bypass roadblocks, but do so while still meeting the original deadline. Having this skill helps product owners meet the expectations that they set out for the key stakeholders at the beginning of the sprint.

6. Conflict Resolution


Other times, the product owner must quell disputes and justify their original design. This takes a degree of skill as product owners need to communicate these points in a way that won't offend the stakeholder. After all, they may have to tell an executive that a potential feature doesn't make sense for the product. If they don't know how to position their argument, the company will end up with a poor product and the product owner will still take all the blame for it.


Product Owner Traits


  • Superb leaders who can bring a vision to the product development team and guide their deliverables
  • 能够放开控制权,并允许产品开发团队在积压项目上占据统治
  • Quick decision-makers who can trust their intuition and expertise when deciding on the priority of backlog items
  • 优秀的研究人员可以发现该领域的创新功能并将其介绍给他们的产品
  • 在发展阶段受过良好教育
  • Clear and efficient communicators who can provide regular feedback to the development team
  • Open to feedback from the development team, as well as from other stakeholders
  • 灵活和了解开发团队伴随的一致变化bob全站app


根据玻璃门, the national average salary for a product owner is $115,102 per year. The average additional compensation — including bonuses, tips, commission, and profit sharing — is $7,822.



有关更多信息,请阅读有关difference between a product owner and a product managernext.



最初发布于2019年12月5日上午8:00:00 AM,2019年12月5日更新

