
Plus, when the crisis at hand has the potential to significantly (and sometimes permanently) damage your reputation and relationships with your customers, there is only added stress.


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Social media has made reputational risk scenarios even more dangerous for businesses as consumers can quickly (and easily) take to their accounts and share experiences with global audiences. In addition, breaking news sources can also easily disseminate information on multiple platforms.

Types of Reputational Risk

There are four main types of reputational risk, which we’ll cover below.

1. Direct actions of your company and company practices.


  • Not complying with regulations, like federal or local laws or industry regulations
  • Data breaches due to unsafe practices that threaten the personal information and safety of consumers and employees
  • Consistent inability to meet customer needs or falling short of customer expectations
  • 涉及您的业务的法律行动,成为公共知识
  • Layoffs and internal scandals that become public knowledge
  • Poor working conditions for employees or exploitative working conditions
  • 质量差的产品和服务
  • Purposeful misaction that consumers become aware of


These risks typically occur because someone with direct ties to your business acts unacceptably, or engages in unfair practices. Here are some possible scenarios:

  • C-Suite employees engaging in unethical conduct
  • 商界领袖与负面声誉,或者那t develop negative reputations through specific actions
  • Employees involved in misconduct that becomes publicly known
  • 员工向他人代表您的品牌很差
  • 个人员工不当行为对客户
  • Negative social media posts by or those associated with your business

3. Direct actions by partners or suppliers.

Partners and suppliers often provide critical support that helps businesses run, but their behavior can pose a reputational risk to your business, especially if you have an established relationship. Some possible scenarios:

  • Partner experiencing service interruptions that critically affect a pillar of your business, like malfunctioning software
  • Partners or suppliers engage in misconduct that becomes public knowledge
  • bob综合博彩下载合作伙伴或供应商对您的业务进行负面评价


Customers can have a significant impact on your business reputation, especially if they have a bad experience. Some example scenarios include:

  • 消费者的负面社交媒体帖子有关他们在您的业务的经验
  • Negative reviews left by customers on public review sites, especially if based on false experiences
  • 负面文章和媒体

The possible situations listed above are just examples of reputational risk scenarios that can cause serious damage to your reputation. Next, let’s go over some real-life examples of experiences businesses have had that put their reputation at risk.

Reputational Risk Examples

Kendall Jenner and Pepsi Cola

Reputational risk caused by direct actions of your company and company practices.

一家软饮料公司百事可乐(Pepsi Cola)于2bob全站app017年与美国名人肯德尔·詹纳(Kendall Jenner)发行了广告。在广告中,詹纳(Jenner)参加了抗议活动,并将一罐百事可乐交给了警察,以便和平提供。

Consumers were immediately outraged, as they felt the ad trivialized the Black Lives Matter movement and widespread protests of police brutality that were happening that year. Many interpreted the ad to say, “All it takes for us to get along is to share a can of soda,” ignoring the years of systemic oppression felt by marginalized communities.

百事可乐拉了广告并道歉,但由于品牌经验丰富,它损害了他们的声誉并与美国消费者站在一起nine months它在八年内看到的最低感知水平。此外,与千禧一代的批准评级是具有重大购买力的一代人,今天下跌了。

Jenner experienced similar fallout, as consumers believed her apology was insincere. Her participation in the advertisement isstill referenced frequently在社会媒体频道近6年后一个d has become somewhat of a meme. An文章甚至于2021年5月出版的标题为“这就是为什么肯德尔·詹纳(Kendall Jenner)永远不会摆脱百事可乐广告的强烈反对的原因。”


Reputational risk caused by external factors and direct business action.

79-year-old Stella Liebeck bought a cup of coffee from fast-food chain McDonalds in 1992 and experienced third-degree burns after it spilled in her lap. Liebeck sued McDonald’s for damages in court, which put the business’s reputation at risk because of the publicity of the lawsuits.


Uproar from this specific event has died down today. Still, McDonald’s has shown commitment to rebuilding public trust through actionable steps like providing significant warnings about liquid temperature and serving hot drinks in sturdy foam cups that are less likely to tip over.

Reputational Risk Management

声誉风险通常是意外的和令人惊讶的,因此没有特定的方式为它们计划。但是,那临时计划您的业​​务应该已经创建并保持一致reputation managementwill help you deal with situations if they occur.

These plans you’ve created likely outline individuals responsible for taking immediate action, and sample action items to be followed. If you were to experience a threatening situation, responsible individuals can act on the existing plans and tailor the response to the specific risk at hand.

例如,如果风险情况是前雇员的爆炸性推文,则您的基线crisis management planmay be adapted for a social media response.



In addition to general crisis management, standard business practices that lessen the likelihood of reputational risk scenarios occurring are all things that your businesses should already be doing, like:

  • 优先考虑客户关系和客户满意度
  • Listening to customer feedbackand acting on their needs.
  • Compliance with legal rules.
  • 在线管理有关您的业务的对话(例如回应Google评论)。
  • Safe storage of consumer and employee information, especially when collecting secure financial information.
  • 始终监控产品质量。
  • Maintaining safe work environments for employees, both physically and mentally.
  • Internal groups conduct routine checks of all business operations to identify possible risk areas or areas for improvement.
  • 理解一切都会影响公众对您业务的看法,并有可能冒着您的声誉冒险。

How to Mitigate Reputational Risk

Mitigating reputational risk involves lessening the blow when a threat occurs, essentially getting out in front of the problem. Acknowledge that it is occurring, and have PR teams create crisis messaging that will help your business explain what is happening to consumers. Explain what you’re going to do about the issue, and, most importantly, be transparent.

As mentioned above, crisis management plans and strategies that your business already has created will help you mitigate reputational risk if it were to occur; you just have to tailor your responses to the specific crisis at hand.



As Warren Buffetsays,“建立声誉需要20年的时间,并将其毁灭五分钟。如果考虑到这一点,您会做不同的事情。”

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Originally published Oct 18, 2021 8:00:00 AM, updated October 18 2021

