Obtaining customer feedback is difficult. You need strong调查问题that effectively derive customer insights. Not to mention a distribution system that shares the survey with the right customers at the right time.但是,调查数据不仅对自己进行分析并分析。您需要一个致力于筛选调查结果的团队,并突出营销,销售和客户服务团队的关键趋势和行为。在这篇文章中,我们将不仅讨论如何分析调查结果,还要讨论如何向组织的其他成员展示您的发现。









Before analyzing data, you should understand the four levels of measurement. These levels determine how survey questions should be measured and what statistical analysis should be performed. The four measurement levels are nominal scales, ordinal scales, interval scales, and ratio scales.

Nominal Scale




Interval Scale

间隔量表描述了值之间的顺序和差异。这些量表具有定量值,因为数据间隔沿量表保持等效,但是没有真正的零点。间隔量表的一个示例是在智商测试中。您可以分析这种类型的量表模式,中位数和平均值,并通过方差分析,,,,t检验, 和correlation analyses。方差分析tests the significance of survey results, while t-tests and correlation analyses determine if datasets are related.




Once you understand how survey questions are analyzed, you should take note of the overarching survey question(s) that you're trying to solve. Perhaps, it's "How do respondents rate our brand?"

Then, look at survey questions that answer this research question, such as "How likely are you to recommend our brand to others?" Segmenting your survey questions will isolate data that are relevant to your goals.


Close-Ended Questions






最好在执行调查分析时从定量数据开始。这是因为定量数据可以帮助您更好地了解定性数据。例如,如果60%的客户表示对您的产品不满意,则可以将注意力集中在有关用户体验的负面评论上。这可以帮助您识别障碍customer journey并纠正引起流失的任何疼痛点。


If you analyze all of your responses in one group, it isn't entirely effective for gaining accurate information. Respondents who aren't your ideal customers can overrun your data and skew survey results. Instead, if segment responses using cross-tabulation, you can analyze how your target audience responded to your questions.


Cross-tabulationrecords the relationships between variables. It compares two sets of data within one chart. This reveals specific insights based on your participants' responses to different questions. For example, you may be curious about客户倡导among your customers based in Boston, MA. You can use cross-tabulation to see how many respondents said they were from Boston and said they would recommend your brand.


Below is an example of a cross-tabulation chart. It records respondents' favorite baseball teams and what city they reside in.

survey analysis cross tabulation


5. Understand the statistical significance of the data.

As we mentioned in the last section, not all data is as reliable as you may hope. Everything is relative, and it's important to be sure that your respondents accurately represent your target audience.


Random sampling — selecting an arbitrary group of individuals from a larger population — can help create a more diverse sample of survey responses. Additionally, the more people you survey, the more accurate the results will be.

Survey analysis correlation

When you run an analysis on software likeSPSS— as shown above — it will tell you if a data point is statistically significant using ap值。If you look just below the table, it says "*. Correlation is significant at the 0.05 level (2-tailed). **. Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed)." This indicates which values are statistically relevant in your analysis.

If the statistical significance or p-value for a data point is equal to or lower than 0.05, it has moderate statistical significance since the probability for error is less than 5%. If the p-value is lower than 0.01, that means it has high statistical significance because the probability for error is less than 1%.

6. Consider causation versus correlation.

另一个重要spect of survey analysis is knowing whether the conclusions you're drawing are accurate. For instance, let's say we observed a correlation between ice cream sales and car thefts in Boston. Over a month, as ice cream sales increased so did reports of stolen cars. While this data may suggest a link between these variables, we know that there's probably no relationship.


While this is an extreme example, you never want to draw a conclusion that's inaccurate or insufficient. Analyze all the data before assuming what influences a customer to think, feel, or act a certain way.

7. Compare new data with past data.

While current data is good for keeping you updated, it should be compared to data you've collected in the past. If you know 33% of respondents said they would recommend your brand, is that better or worse than last year? How about last quarter?

If this is your first year analyzing data, make these results the benchmark for your next analysis. Compare future results to this record and track changes over quarters, months, years, or whatever interval you prefer. You can even track data for specific subgroups to see if their experiences improve with your initiatives.

Now that you've gathered and analyzed all of your data, the next step is to share it with coworkers, customers, and other stakeholders. However, presentation is key in helping others understand the insights you're trying to explain.




Graphs and charts are visually appealing ways to share data. Not only are the colors and patterns easy on the eyes, but data is often easier to understand when shared through a visual medium. However, it's important to choose a graph that highlights your results in a relevant way.

how to present survey results: use a graph or chart

这是我的团队使用Brand Allbird上的数据创建的堆叠条形图的一个示例。如果您在阅读时遇到麻烦,那没关系!我们收到的反馈意见令人困惑。那是因为数据并非以对我们项目不熟悉的利益相关者有意义的方式组织。

So, we decided to revamp our graph's image and came up with the design below.

how to present survey results: use a graph or chart

This bar graph is much simpler to read because it has individual bars for each variable and a clear key. And, the design fits the data that we're trying to display. A reader can easily understand the information we obtained from our survey.


2. Create a data table.


how to present survey results: create a data table

该表是根据交叉表分析创建的。我们删除了不必要的信息 - 统计意义,平均值,中位数等 - 并专注于我们要分享的数据:每个偏爱每种促销激励措施的性别的百分比。这给了我们一种格式,以证明我们希望与利益相关者分享的百分比。

3. Tell a story with data analysis.

Chewy商品销售副总裁,Andreas von der Heydt,在LinkedIn上分享了有关与数据讲故事的力量的深刻信息。在下图中,乐高积木以五种不同的方式排列:一个随机分类,颜色编码,以不同的高度排列,以视觉吸引力的方式定位并构造成房屋。



Communicating data can be tricky when your stakeholders have varying degrees of analytical savviness. But no matter how sophisticated (or not) your team is, a story will resonate no matter what. So take the time to identify the point the data leads to and structure a story around that conclusion.

4. Make a visual presentation.


how to present survey results: make a visual presentation






Using Survey Results in a Report


how to present survey results: present a report



Believe it or not, writing the intro to a survey report isn't always the best first step. To keep your report focused on a specific outcome that you want the reader to take away, start by explaining the outcome in detail. This section of the survey report will be included in the middle, but it's a great way to get your bearings when writing — especially with a longer report.


When writing this section, be sure that the data you've collected supports the outcome fully. It's best to avoid ideas that can't be substantiated by the other information in the report.



The research summary should be no more than a page long. To make it even easier to read, include headers above paragraphs to guide the reader through the content.



  • 简介 - 为报告设定舞台。
  • 摘要 - 总结研究的发现和关键要素。
  • 方法论 - 解释如何进行研究。
  • 结果 - 描述研究所揭示的内容。
  • Outcomes - analyzing the results in the context of your organization's goals.
  • Limitations - revealing any research oversights or areas for further research.
  • Conclusion - a summary of the research analysis and why the audience should care about it.



何时使用portrait layout for a survey report

Portrait landscape is best used when the report is text-heavy. Charts and graphs with more rows than columns also work well in portrait-style layouts. Avoid dedicating entire pages to images or infographics in this layout as it takes away space from important text-based content.

When to use landscape layout for a survey report

Use a landscape layout for your survey report when your report will be design-heavy. High-quality imagery, graphs, and charts work well in landscape because there's more space for text-based content to the side of the visuals. Too many text-heavy pages can make a landscape report feel much longer than it actually is.

5. Include the methodology of your research.

你的报告应该expl的方法论部分ain exactly how your survey was conducted, who was invited to participate, and the types of tests used to analyze the data. You might use charts or graphs to help communicate this data.

It's OK to be detailed here — the readers will want to know that the outcomes of the survey are valid and based on relevant research methods. Include the number of participants, how they were selected, and any demographic data you collected about them. Also, include your process for selecting the survey questions and why you chose certain tests for the analyses.



7. Add appendices if needed.




1. Geometrical Corporate General Report


survey report template example from canva geometrical corporate general report

2. Minimal Formal Annual Report



3. Digital Advertising Approach Presentation

Bold and punchy, the Digital Advertising Approach Template by Canva is a landscape-style presentation that can also be used for survey reports. It comes with several types of charts and graphs that you can tailor to your research and data. With more than 28 individual page templates included in this design, you'll probably run out of content in your report before you run out of ways to design it.


4. Empowerment Keynote Presentation


调查报告模板来自Canva Empowerment主题演示文稿的示例



Editor's note: This post was originally published in July 2019 and has been updated for comprehensiveness.


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Originally published Oct 4, 2021 5:00:00 PM, updated October 05 2021


Survey Creation