图片这个。这是1966年,你已经在全爆炸般的熔岩灯和你的熔岩灯突然出现了,你突然打开你当地的纸张,发现一个麻省理工学院教授发展了world's first chatbot





How Chatbots Have Changed Over Time

The First Chatbot, ELIZA, Is Invented

第一个Chatbot于1966年由一个名叫Joseph Weizenbaum的麻省理工学院教授发明。他的Chatbot - Eliza - 使用了一个精简决策树,选择了Prewritten的答案,以与其观众沟通。下面的示例向我们展示了这一决策树看起来像什么。




Chatbots Are Used for Phone Support


而不是必须将员工分配给每个入站呼叫 - 无论是与服务相关的还是否 - 手机树,通过让客户选择他们想要连接的部门或服务,自动化此过程。这样,当客户首次呼叫企业时,他们并不等待持有,只能被第一次代表转移到他们谈论并再次举行。

Chatbots Become Conversational


然而,在20世纪90年代中期的艾丽斯的创造时,这一切都即将改变。爱丽丝,谁你仍然可以跟today,能够与人类保持随意的谈话。它运行在名为人工智能标记语言或AIML的XML模式上。这项技术有助于爱丽丝从她那里选择更多相关答案知识库than ELIZA or PARRY were capable of.



The Launch of the Internet Era

你还记得AOL Instant Messenger吗?请记住创建自己的屏幕名称并自定义您的个人资料?

If you do, you may have had a friend on your "buddy list" named SmarterChild. SmarterChild was developed in the early 2000s and is considered to be the forerunner of Siri. It was designed with the intent to host fun, light-hearted conversations with AOL users, but in practice, it proved it could do much more. You could ask SmarterChild for stock quotes, movie times, even the weather.



While this would be expected by today's standards, this was fascinating in 2001 and it opened the door to a variety of uses that chatbots would eventually fulfill.

Chatbots Join the Customer Experience

此时,Chatbots足够强大enhance the customer experience。但是,企业尚未急于将其添加到他们的网站上。



Things really start to change when chatbots are integrated withartificial intelligence features。Think Siri, for example, which is an Apple chatbot that not only answers questions, but can also personalize itself to the user's preference. Amazon's Alexa is another good example. Its core features are similar to Siri, plus it can also play games, set reminders, and help you purchase products online.

These are what we usually think of when we talk about today's virtual assistants. And, this technology isn't just something that's used by big corporations like Amazon and Apple. Nowadays it's pretty widely available, and there is plenty of paid andfree chatbot softwarethat businesses can use to add virtual assistants to their service experience. One example isTars,这对财务,医疗保健,旅行和房地产等行业聊天模板。

The Future of Virtual Assistants

使用虚拟助手如此轻松访问,我们应该期望他们的受欢迎程度随着时间的推移而继续增长。消费者和企业已经走向数字转型,Covid-19大流行显着加速了这一变化。如果我们查看数据HUBSPOT的适应2020广告系列, we can see that live chat volume has increased over 100% since March 2020 and continues to show signs of growth as we move into 2021.


With more consumers shopping online and working remotely, the demand for virtual assistants has dramatically grown. As people become more comfortable with this technology, it will become a standard that consumers will expect to see moving forward. Virtual assistants are no longer the lighthearted afterthought that businesses use to show how tech-savvy they are, but rather an essential tool needed to provide digitalcustomer delight

聊天提供的功能也将继续扩展。一些聊天乐队 - 就像下面的Hubspot一样 - 有多项选择选项,用户可以从询问问题时选择。聊天设计师也在调查sentiment analysis tools这可以破译客户信息背后的情绪。目标是尽可能独立地制作聊天禁止,因此他们可以为客户服务案例做出贡献,就像他们是人类代表一样。



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Originally published Dec 7, 2020 8:00:00 AM, updated June 09 2021


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