Customer retention is an undeniably critical component of long-term success.

For instance, it's5-25倍购买新客户的昂贵than it is to retain an existing customer. So if you don't focus on having high customer retention, you're constantly wasting time and money seeking out new prospects.


All of which is to say:Customer experience matters

And chaotic growth, high employee turnover rates, or a poor customer support experience can all contribute to negative customer retention.

Fortunately, thereisa way to mitigate these risks and ensure your business grows effectively and sustainably. That solution? Business infrastructure.

In this article, you'll learn what business infrastructure is, how to start building it, and what it looks like. Let's dive in.

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What is business infrastructure?





It provides a foundation for support during threatening moments by focusing onoperations- 任何组织中看不见的后台和心跳。

How to Build Business Infrastructure

It might surprise you to know that many organizations of all sizes are unable to articulate what they look like on the inside.



That's why business infrastructure encompassesallareas of an organization by answering four main questions:


1. What work needs to be done?


下图展示了第一个练习。1. Gather your team together, either in-person or remotely.

2. Brainstorm all tasks or activities performed throughout your entire organization, no matter how mundane or complex.

3. Write those tasks or activities onto individual index cards.



  • 从人们的头上和纸上获取居民知识
  • Gives visibility into exactly what everyone does

专家提示:Jumpstart your brainstorming by taking existing job descriptions your company may have and extract tasks from those. You can also ask people you outsource work to (i.e., your accountant, lawyer, graphic designer) to send you a list of tasks they perform for your company. They may be doing things you're unaware of!

2. How is the work organized?

Now that you and your team have identified all tasks to perform, it's time to organize them into departments.




3. Group index cards with similar tasks into nine or fewer columns.

4. Place a blank index card, preferably a different color, above each column.



  • Communicates what your organization looks like on the inside
  • 消除对工作和信息流的歧义

专家提示:在他的著名论文中The Magical Number Seven, Plus or Minus Two,哈佛大学cognitive psychologist乔治·米勒理论上,普通人可以轻松地回忆起七个或减去两个信息。通过将任务组织到九个部门或更少的部门,您可以有效地创建一个易于理解和遵循的结构。




Of the tasks identified, three are assigned to the Technician and two to the Chief Operating Officer (COO). The color-coded circles next to them indicate that the COO role is a filled, full-time employee one and that the Technician role is vacant.

1. Focus on one department at a time and its associated tasks.

2. Remove all other index cards from the table.

3. Spread the remaining index cards across the table again.

4.拿一个棍子数字或不同的颜色索引卡,并写出角色的名称shouldperform each task.

5.Identify each role by type: employee, outsourced/freelancer, intern, volunteer.

6. Identify which role(s) are vacant by writing the title(s) in red font.

7. Repeat steps #1-4 until all roles are identified for all tasks in each department.



  • 使每个人都应该做什么明确
  • 建立围绕工作定义和范围的明确界限

专家提示:Just because you can, doesn't mean you should! This exercise helps you figure out how and where to delegate. When assigning roles to tasks, write whoshouldbe responsible, not who's currently responsible. The results might surprise you!

4. How is the work performed?

Now it's time to group the tasks you and your team brainstormed earlier into processes.

The illustration below demonstrates how tasks within the Operations department are sub-grouped into an Order-to-Delivery process. Those tasks are then placed in sequential order with tools to use during the process also identified.


2. Remove all other index cards from the table.

3. Spread the remaining index cards across the table again.

4. Sub-group tasks that, when grouped together, form a distinct process.

5.在每个地方不同的颜色索引卡sub-grouping of tasks.

6. Write the name of the process the sub-grouping of tasks describes.

7. Identify all tools (including software, equipment, checklists, and templates) by placing yet another different color index card near each sub-grouping of tasks and writing the names of all tools onto it.



  • Gives insights on how to perform the work identified
  • 提供了优先级和文档的基线

专家提示:过程是“橡胶遇到道路”的地方 - 太僵硬了,人们感到被他们监禁;太灵活了,人们会发展自己的做事方式。通过定义的流程指标促进自下而上的报告结构使人们在某些界限内拥有其工作所有权。


So, what's the value of writing on index cards and continuously moving them and stick figures around?

The outputs!

These outputs serve as your organization's armor and include:

Job Descriptions & Organizational Chart。Including the identified tasks for each role into new or updated job descriptions gives a level of transparency that arms you with the information to hire the正确的人们。定义的部门和相关角色使您可以轻松地传达组织的报告结构和促销路径。

Records Management。Knowing the departments of your organization makes it easy to structure both physical and digital files. Your team can quickly locate information by organizing files and records according to department and assigning appropriate access levels. This can be a game-changer when responding to customers to provide support.

工作区布局。Arranging your physical workspace into zones that mirror your organization's departments is invaluable when ensuring efficient work and information flow. This even applies for one-room and home-based offices.

Processes。Documenting processes based on the tasks identified within each department ensures consistency in product and service delivery. Documentation eliminates guesswork and communicates how performance is measured.

通往的门户Customer Experience

Now that you've completed this exercise, it's understandable how business infrastructure links all operational elements of your organization and why a change in one area can impact others. Gone are the silos and miscommunication. They're replaced with seamless workflows and visibility into all parts of the organization.

That's why it's critical for customer-centric organizations to be backed by a solid business infrastructure. Similar to收入运营, a subset of business infrastructure, it promotes consistent, quality customer experiences coupled with a support framework that lets customers know what to expect and that you care.

(在HubSpot的RevOps & Operations Community。)


As your organization grows, you'll want to remain proactive to ensure your business' foundation is sustainable for the long run. Start building your business infrastructure now and rest easy knowing that you have a foundation to revert to when danger strikes.



Originally published Oct 28, 2021 8:00:00 AM, updated October 28 2021