
More than 5.3m people have died from COVID-19 -- including more than800kin the US. During the worst of the pandemic, many had to forgo memorial traditions, and funeral homes became overrun with business. The National Funeral Directors Association reported a YoY rise in cremations in 2021, with an estimated57.5%选择火葬而不是埋葬。北美的火葬协会项目将增加到72.8%by 2030.

葬礼行业每年产生超过$ 16B的成果,使其成为新业务的吸引力。为了缓解失去亲人的过程,Deathcare Pare初创公司正在兴起,这既可以为纪念死者纪念死者的方法,又是对如何处理火化遗体的实际答案。

为了Eterneva,使死者关闭的最美丽(和豪华)的方法是将灰烬变成钻石。该公司成立于2017年,使用火化遗骸中的碳bob全站app作为创建实验室种植钻石的基础材料。客户可以选择克拉重量,颜色和切割。对于无色钻石,价格从.1克拉石头的3k美元到3克拉的$ 50K。该过程需要7-10个月才能完成。

Eterneva在2021年7月举行了一场1000万美元的A系列资金回合 - 这是联合创始人Adelle Archer表示,该公司成为有史以来第二次筹集1000万美元回合的DeathCare Startup。bob全站app阿切尔说,该公司的年收入在“高七bob全站app位数”中,他们已经看到了三位数的同比增长。她还指出,该公司引起了Tiktok用户bob全站app的共鸣,积累了120万关注者。


一组钻石Photo courtesy of Eterneva

根据纽约市悲伤辅导员的说法Jill Cohen,用物体对亲人进行纪念是一种非常有效的应对工具。“当有人死亡时,这些公司提供的一步比说‘我所爱的人在我心中还活着’ - 实际上,当他们不再在这里时,这使送葬者更接近该人。”

分开石头, founded only a year before the pandemic in 2019, has seen an outpouring of gratitude from customers impacted by COVID. The startup creates smooth stones by using a ceramic process: refining the ash until it forms a clay-like material, solidifying in a kiln, and polishing. The process takes 8 weeks and costs $695.

分开石头’s founder, Justin Crowe, says the company has seen 130% YoYrevenue growth in 2021 and has served ~2.8k families to date. He also notes that an important part of what they aim to accomplish is using the entirety of human remains -- making the stones an alternative to cremated remains and freeing people from the burden of handling ashes.

克劳说:“美国有7000万人生活在火化遗体中。”“When I talked to people about that, they would tell me that they were embarrassed to have the urn out when they brought dates home, or they were scared to scatter the ashes because they’d seen too many movies where the wind blows the wrong way. We wanted to make a new form of human remains that was more comfortable, and that’s what we did.”

The loss of group mourning rituals amid the pandemic made deathcare companies even more appealing, and oftentimes, necessary for bereaved consumers.


There’s a product out there for every taste. AndVinylycan turn your loved one’s ashes into a playable vinyl record,Boyce Studios使木制的骨灰一倍,作为种植者,然后Recomposetransforms human remains into soil through a process called natural organic reduction.

为了overwhelmed family members,慰藉was created by 2 former Nikedesignersto streamline the financial and logistical burden of the cremation process. For a flat rate of $895, the company will pick up the body, cremate within 48 hours, complete any necessary filings, and return the cremated remains in a temporary urn.

No matter the object a consumer chooses, the growth of the deathcare industry is a testament to the individuality of humans and the varied ways in which we mourn. Though the world has faced staggering loss, it’s also seeing a wave of innovation in the death industry that may hopefully bring comfort to those who have been touched by it.



Originally published Jan 26, 2022 6:00:00 AM, updated January 26 2022