If you’re building a website, then you’ll start withHTML. With this markup language, you can add headings, paragraphs, images, tables, forms, lists, and much more. But you can’t control how these elements are presented or laid out on the page.

That’s where CSS comes in.

CSS describes how a page should look to the browser, which renders it accordingly. CSS can be used for a wide variety of stylistic purposes, includingchanging text and background color on a page,removing the underline from links, andanimating images, text, and other HTML elements.

If you want greater control over the appearance of your site, then you need to know how to add CSS to your site. Let's get started.

Download Now: Free Intro Guide to HTML & CSS

Here's another way to summarize the three ways you can add CSS to HTML:

  • Inline CSS: Requires the style attribute placed inside an HTML element.
  • Internal CSS: Requires the tags and found in the head section of the HTML file.