

How is it possible to get completely different results when the queries are so similar? Keywords.


What Are Keywords — And Why Do They Matter in WordPress?

Keywords help connect user searches with your content. They succinctly describe what your site or service is about and they’re used by search engines to find the most relevant results to user queries.

For example, if you own a window-washing business in Chicago, you’ll want to use keywords such as “window washing services in Chicago,” “window cleaning and Chicago,” and “Chicago window cleaning.”




How to Add Keywords to Wordpress

Technique is just as important as the tool you use for adding keywords to WordPress. Below we’ll cover some basic tips for用相关和有针对性的关键字优化您的内容。这se tips will be specific to different elements on the page.




Lengthy title with front-loaded keyword


Pro Tip:Keep it simple. Titles are often the first thing users see and they’ll scroll by if titles are too long or complex.


On the SERP, the URL appears immediately below the title of the post or page, so it’s important to include your keyword here as well. In WordPress, aslis the part of the URL you can edit and put the keyword. To optimize a URL’s slug, get rid of any unnecessary words like “a,” “the,” and “to” and separate the remaining words with hyphens.

理想情况下,你的鼻涕虫应该类似于——但不是replicate — the title of the page or post. For example, the title of this post is “A Simple Guide to Adding Keywords to Wordpress” and the slug isadd-keywords-to-wordpress

Pro Tip:URL slugs that are similar to post titles give users confidence that the page will have what they’re looking for. Significant variation, meanwhile, can both impact SEO rankings and suggest that page content won’t match expectations.

Meta Description

SERP上出现的最终元素是元描述。This is the short blurb that provides more detail about what the post or page is about and can convince the reader to click. Within the recommended 160-character limit, you should include your keyword phase.

Since your meta description is also the default copy that appears on social media when you share your post, make it snappy. Take a look at the example below.

Metadescription of HubSpot blog includes keyword three times


Pro Tip:将其视为您页面的电梯音高。这是社交媒体用户看到的,如果没有立即引起注意,它不会驱使他们点击。简洁,清晰,并与您的元数据保持一致。

Header Tags

Header tagsare the bold headings that divide a page into sections. You may have noticed that this blurb is prefaced by an H3 tag, for example.

Headings are not only effective at organizing and displaying content in a digestible format — but they’re also an ideal place to include keywords. Search engines and readers look to your headings to understand what the web page is about at a glance.

Pro Tip:仔细看看我们的标题。虽然有些包含我们的键形式 - “如何在WordPress中添加关键字”,但大多数都不是。就像身体副本一样,标题中填充的关键字可能会导致相反的结果。

Image Alt Text

你可能看不到图像alt文字in this post, but it’s there. While alt text only appears if an image fails to load on the page, it’s an important step in making web content accessible.

Readers using devices with low-bandwidth connections, readers with visual impairments, and search engine bots look at alt text to understand how the image relates to the rest of the web page.

Ideally, your alt text should be less than 125 characters and only include your target keyword if it’s relevant to the picture. Don’t worry about jamming your keyword into every single image alt text input field.

Pro Tip:Context matters when it comes to alt text. If your keyword doesn’t naturally fit, don’t force it. Instead, use keyword-adjacent language. Check out the alt text of our first image. Instead of using “how to add keywords to WordPress” our alt text uses “adding keywords to WordPress” because it works with the image.

Body Copy

您可能已经知道,在帖子或页面正文中尽可能地提及目标关键字是nota best practice. In fact, this practice — known as keyword stuffing — is an example of黑帽SEOand is penalized by search engines.

So you want to strike the right balance between using your keyword enough to signal to search engines that your content is relevant to the search query but not so much that you’re spamming the search engine or reader. Mostly this is left up to good judgment, but some SEO experts recommend includingone keyword per roughly 200 words of copy

Pro Tip:To reiterate, don’t keyword stuff. But在副本中使用关键字上的变化。例如,我们在此页面上使用了短语,例如“向WordPress添加关键字”,“向WordPress添加关键字”和“优化WordPress网站”。

Now that we understand best practices for adding keywords to WordPress, let’s look at how you can do so quickly and easily across all pages on your site.



1。Yoast SEO

Yoast SEO插件is specifically designed to help you improve your blog’son-page SEO。One particularly useful feature is its focus keyword feature. With this feature, you can set one keyword or phrase that you want to rank for most on a post or page. You’ll find the input field in the SEO tab below the text editor.

Focus keyphrase input field shown in Yoast SEO Premium plugin metabox


In the results below, you’ll see suggestions to use the keyword phrase more frequently and evenly throughout the post, and particularly in the subheadings. You’ll also see “good results” noting that the author has included the keyword in the introduction, meta description, title, and URL slug.

SEO analysis results of blog post analyzed by Yoast SEO premium plugin

我们为什么喜欢它:Yoast offers a host of in-depth features and analyses to help you find and implement the ideal keywords for your site.

2。All in One SEO

All in one SEO

All in One SEO has more than 3 million active installations and has been helping sites improve their SEO since 2007.

这team behind AIOSEO believes that expert developers and designers shouldn’t be a requirement for sites to optimize SEO, and has prioritized the user experience to ensure site owners and admins can easily maximize their keyword potential.

我们为什么喜欢它:All in One SEO makes it possible for administrators to set up advanced features in less than 10 minutes — including XML sitemaps, optimized search appearances, SEO meta titles and SEO meta descriptions.

3。WP Meta SEO


WP Meta SEO使您可以完全控制SEO的所有方面,从批量内容和图像分析到404重定向通知和页面上的内容检查。

例如,WP META SEO使得可以从单个屏幕上编辑所有站点元数据,从而减少了管理员花费优化SEO所需的时间,并确保所有元描述都一致。

这plugin also lets you easily add Google analytics tracking into WordPress to assess the impact of your SEO efforts.

我们为什么喜欢它:Simplicity and speed help this plugin standout. Optimize your SEO without additional complexity.


All meta tags

所有的元标记is — as the name implies — all about meta tags. The biggest draw here is the plugin’s ability to easily and safely add custom meta tags without the need for an external editor.

Even better? The plugin works independent of any existingWordPress主题, meaning that even if you upgrade or change themes your meta descriptions will keep working.




Editor's note: This post was originally published in June 2020 and has been updated for comprehensiveness.

Use HubSpot tools on your WordPress website and connect the two platforms  without dealing with code. Click here to learn more.

Use HubSpot tools on your WordPress website and connect the two platforms  without dealing with code. Click here to learn more.

Originally published Nov 23, 2021 7:00:00 AM, updated November 23 2021

