
杰米·尤维勒(Jamie Juviler)
杰米·尤维勒(Jamie Juviler)



man using a computer to access an api endpoint




To fully understand this definition and where endpoints fit in the API model, let’s briefly review how APIs work.

For two software applications to通过互联网集成, one application — called the client — sends a request to the other application’s API. The client may request a resource from the app’s database or ask to perform an action on the server.


diagram of apis and api endpoints in the API request/resposne process

APIs typically allow access to many different resources on a server. For example, a social network’s API might let clients retrieve and modify post content, user profiles, and images. A news site’s API will allow access to its article content, authors, and media like podcasts and videos.


这answer is by using the correct endpoint. In their requests, clients specify an endpoint as a URL. This URL tells the server, “The resource I want is at this location.”






Twitter API端点示例

Twitter API暴露有关推文,直接消息,用户等的数据。

假设您想检索特定推文的内容。为此,您可以使用Tweet查找端点,有URLhttps://api.twitter.com/2/tweets/ {id}(在哪里{ID}是推文的唯一标识符)。

现在,say you want your website to stream public tweets in real-time so your visitors stay informed on a specific topic. You can use Twitter’sfiltered stream endpoint, whose URL ishttps://api.twitter.com/2/tweets/search/stream

We'll look at the filtered stream endpoint in more detail later in this post.

Spotify API Endpoint Example

Spotify的API使开发人员访问歌曲,艺术家,播放列表和用户数据。例如,如果您想get a specific album,您可以访问Spotify目录中的任何专辑https://api.spotify.com/v1/albums/{id}(在哪里{ID}是专辑的唯一标识符)。

或者,说您想发送一个请求让用户遵循播放列表。在这种情况下,发送带有端点的看请请求https://api.spotify.com/v1/playlists/ {playlist_id }/followers(在哪里{playlist_id}是播放列表的唯一标识符)。

YouTube API端点示例

YouTube API除其他外,还可以轻松地将YouTube视频嵌入到任何网站上。当您转到YouTube视频并复制嵌入式代码时,您会从YouTube的API中请求视频。



One of the first questions you ask about APIs is: Why do so many businesses share their data openly, for free?



HubSpot API作为另一个例子:通过通过API公开我们的软件的功能和数据,开发人员可以将bob电竞官方下载其应用程序与我们的技术集成在一起,从而导致app ecosystem这增加了我们的影响力,使希望与HubSpot一起使用其他应用程序的客户更容易。


How to Test API Endpoints

在讨论Web API时,我们通常在谈论API的类型called aREST API, which utilizes HTTP methods that tell the API what action to take. The four most common HTTP methods in API requests are:

  • 得到:检索资源
  • 邮政:创建资源
  • :更新现有资源
  • 删除:删除资源

让我们看看如何使用Twitter API提出请求filtered stream endpoint。请求通过编写HTTP方法进行格式,然后是端点URL。因此,对被过滤的流端点的请求看起来像:邮政https://api.twitter.com/2/tweets/search/stream



我们可以以规则形式将过滤标准应用于端点。为了构建这些规则,您将使用一组操作员。对于此示例,您可以使用两个Twitter API操作员 -从:and有:链接- 仅查看包含链接的某些帐户的推文。要指示过滤后的流端点以显示包含链接的帐户的推文,请使用以下规则:从:集线器有:链接


这re are several online tools available for testing an API endpoint. Here we’ll use卷曲,一个支持HTTP的命令行工具。它可以提出请求,获取数据并发送数据,因此很棒tool for testing APIs

Here’s what your request to the Twitter API should look like on the command line. To authenticate your request, you’ll have to replace the placeholder text$BEARER_TOKENwith your app’s unique bearer token which is available in your developer portal.

curl -X POST 'https://api.twitter.com/2/tweets/search/stream/rules' \

-h“ content-type:application/json” \

-h“授权:持有人$ bearer_token” -d \


“添加”: [

{"value": "from:HubSpot has:links"}



这Future of APIs in Business

We live in a world that now expects open and available content for all — the natural progression of this is for publishers themselves to release their own APIs so that customers can develop applications with them.

API sharing applies to all businesses: not just those that are web-based, but rather anyone who has a web-based tool or component of their organization. Of course, this concept will cause hurdles for some organizations, a major one being getting everyone on the same page of how APIs work.

It’s easy to get bogged down in the technical jargon of APIs. However, when applied to real-life cases, it’s easier to understand how and APIs work the way they do. Hopefully, you now have a better grasp of one of their key components, endpoints.

编者注:该帖子最初于2021年9月发表,并已更新以进行全面性。 coding templates


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