
Free Download: 77 Examples of Brilliant Web Design  如果你是building or redesigning a website对于您的面包店业务,您应该有相同的目标。最重要的是,您想让访客在炫耀自己的商标创作的同时感到舒适,甚至可以分享您的背景故事。是什么使您的零食与众不同,您将如何向潜在客户证明这一点?


To help get you started, we’ve found 20 bakery websites with unparalleled design. Each brings something unique to the table, so let’s dig in.




我们名单上的首先是Arthur Baking Company,这是一家员工拥有的面包店bob全站app,致力于负责任的食材,环境原因和慈善事业。它的网站是其产品的绝佳展示,展示了每个项目broken grid layout


2。Back Door Donuts



基于the serene island of Martha’s Vineyard, Back Door Donuts has a website that might just make you want to book a ferry ticket. The homepage features a prominent hero image slideshow, a令人愉悦的调色板,以及与其品牌一致的有趣的糖霜滴灌效果。

Visitors to the website can also explore the shop’s menu, backstory, store, and catering options. It’s an impressive testament to what the Bentobox website platform can do, though these design strategies can be carried over to any CMS or site builder with a bit of tweaking.

3。OWL Bakery



Owl Bakery的网站是一个优雅,可实现的面包店网站的另一个很好的例子,该网站设法既有其创作和和谐的故事。这家总部位于北卡罗来纳州的面包店专门从事自然发酵的面包和欧洲风格的零食(因此称呼旧世界左风)。

该网站非常利用视差滚动在其主页上 - 文本内容部分散布着大型,详细的食物图像,这些图像顺畅地滚动。在线商店组件也很容易且直观,使访客可以轻松填写​​卡片和下订单。


homepage for the bakery website Chambelland


在巴黎,在面包店或糕点店(或两者!)停下来是绝对必须的。因此,我们在此名单上介绍了巴黎的几个面包店网站,第一个是Folie-Méricourt附近的Chambelland。这个非常干净的网站捕获了modern appeal商店的同时保持眼睛和味蕾。

单击主页网格图像将使您进入产品列表页面,您可以在其中快速在线订购项目。滚动一点,您可以进一步了解公司的历史,食谱和bob全站app在一种独一无二的漫画中说明的过程。As a final helpful feature, the website lets visitors switch their site language to English, Japanese, or Dutch.


homepage for the bakery website Wildwood Bakery


基于澳大利亚,原始丛林面包店值得一停下来美味的treats down under, and the same can certainly be said for its website. What makes this site stand out are its subtle but effective animations and earthy colors, creating a unique energy that you don’t get on competing sites.

The designers recognized the beauty in simplicity, opting to limit visitors’ options to a store, deliveries, and subscriptions. Other aspects of the business — like sustainability — have been pushed to the footer. This way, the website limits information overload and channels our attention where it wants.

6。Steven Baker

面包店网站史蒂文·贝克(Steven Baker)的主页


You can almost taste the images on Steven Baker’s website — the homepage greets you with detailed closeups of cheesecake and other sweets. Scroll down for a classy卡木丝带有商店的签名产品,然后是他们背后的故事。


7。Salt N Sprinkles



Salt N Sprinkles is a food blog and purveyor of vegan treats — her minimalist, Squarespace-powered website tells you everything you need to know to be sold. The homepage features delectable close-up photos of baked goods, along with CTAs to her newsletter and blog posts.


8。La Cannelle de Martini

面包店网站La Cannelle de Martini的主页


总部位于巴塞罗那的面包店La Cannelle de Martini深入致力于天然,友好的食材,其纯素食,无糖,无麸质和无乳制品蛋糕。当您第一次登陆主页时,这很明显 - 该网站展示了其中一个蛋糕,上面放着海绵状树。

La Cannelle de Martini’s one-page website also has a unique scrolling experience. As you move down the page, images “paint” themselves on the screen with fun animations. It packs all visitors are looking for in one place, putting few obstacles between a first visit and an order.


homepage for the bakery website Sweet Mae’s Cookies


A departure from the more stripped-back designs we’ve seen so far, Sweet Mae’s Cookies goes all-out with its website’s visuals. The maximalist approach makes it one of my personal favorites here — the使用纹理,悬停的动画和开胃的特写都与完美的设计相结合。

Sweet Mae的Cookies网站是由WordPress和WooCommerce建造的,它诱使访问者订购尽可能多的创作。通过称其创作为“风味”,该品牌在邀请我们加入南方魅力的同时,吸引了我们对含糖零食的原始需求。

10.Jane The Bakery



该网站不仅仅是包含食物的图像 - 这是一本完整的美食拼贴画。著名的图像吸引了旧金山居民和游客,都可以到达其多个地点之一 - 毫无疑问,用甜美和咸味零食的照片淹没了我们的眼睛,对我们中的某些人来说必然会工作。



homepage for the bakery website Gruberbrot


The creators of Gruberbrot’s website understand the value of whitespace in creating visual impact. This site’s layout is sparse, but what visuals it does include are impactful, prominent, and a little off-kilter. There are also some subtle effects sprinkled in, including animations triggered by scrolling and a navigation menu with an interesting hover effect.


homepage for the bakery website Partake


Built with Shopify, the Partake Foods website invites users in with a warm pastel color palette and friendly copy. Its products are vegan, gluten-free, and free from common allergens — an inclusive snack merits an inclusive website, and this one delivers.

Product pages on this website are also a delight to browse. The product packaging is consistent and in line with the website’s branding to the point where everything feels visually coherent and pleasing.

13。Dominique Ansel Bakery

homepage for the bakery website Dominique Ansel Bakery


多米尼克·安塞尔(Dominique Ansel)的纽约面包店的网站与此列表中的其他内容不同,即导航。本主页没有在文本菜单中列出链接,而是为每个链接提供图像,并具有悬挂动画效果以表明选择。


14。Balthazar Bakery

homepage for the bakery website Balthazar Bakery


Here’s another NYC bakery that takes the opposite approach: The famous Balthazar Bakery has a website that mimics the look of a traditional restaurant menu, and keeps things consistent with a sepia color palette. This example demonstrates how, in order to capture the essence of your bakery, a throwback design might be more effective than a minimalist, modern design.




Justice of the Piece is another delightful bakery website that uses prominent images, parallax effects, and a touch of humorous copy to sell new visitors on its creations. It manages to balance a modern look and feel with a homey atmosphere.

Looking past the visuals, Justice of the Pies also emphasizes its story and its mission — visitors can easily learn more about the bakery’s backstory and learn how the L3C company gives back to its Chicago community.

16。Hovey & Harrison




17。Zak The Baker

homepage for the bakery website Zak The Baker


It’s clear why Zak The Baker’s website is special from the moment you land on the page — there’s a fullscreen animated video to welcome users aboard. The video adopts a watercolor aesthetic, depicting owner Zak departing his boat in the Miami harbor and heading to work. It’s a charming touch that adds a ton of character.

18。Yann Couvreur Pâtisserie

面包店网站Yann CouvreurPâtisserie的主页


Yann Couvreur Pâtisserie is another Paris bakery that gets enough buzz to sustain itself without a dedicated website, but went and made a beautiful one anyway. This site might feature my favorite food images so far (a major achievement), with its close-ups of bread, cakes, and tarts that drift into view as the user scrolls down the page.

单击,访问者可以访问面包店的电子购物商店并下达在线订单。在产品页面和结帐过程中,很明显,该网站始终保持其品牌和颜色 - 显然,在制作该面包店的在线房屋时,考虑了每个细节。

19。La Newyorkina

面包店网站La Newyorkina的主页


该列表可能会使用更多的色彩 - 进入纽约市的纽约市纽约市La Newyorkina。浏览此网站的经验可以用一个词来概括:有趣。从英雄幻灯片到订单页面,一切都浸入了鲜艳的色彩和迷人的图像中。

20.Gilles Marchal

面包店网站Gilles Marchal的主页


For our last example, let’s take one more trip back to Paris and visit the bakery (well, the bakery website) of Gilles Marchal. Perhaps the most contemporary take on a bakery website we’ve seen, Marchal’s website combines a slider effect, animated text boxes and colored brush strokes, and high-quality confectionery photography to bring users to its doors.

Where Else to Find Bakery Website Inspiration


Of course, you can (and should) also find inspiration in your own work: Beyond your creations, what story are you trying to sell? Are you looking to give off a homier vibe, or does a chic aesthetic better align with your taste? Food is such a visual medium, so use this to your advantage when crafting your site for lunch … ahem, launch. Sorry, I’m a bit hungry after writing this.

examples of brilliant homepage, blog, and landing page design

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Originally published Aug 9, 2021 7:00:00 AM, updated November 02 2021

