Online shopping is a different experience than in-person shopping. At a physical store, you can sift through multiple racks to find the perfect shirt and talk to a salesperson to find a particular pair of jeans. You also can get fashion ideas by looking at the store mannequins.



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An effective WooCommerce product slider can generate more sales for your store. That’s why it’s important to design your product sliders to fit the needs and interests of your website visitors.

Here are a few strategies to build your product slider:

  • Add a shopping cart button.By adding an add-to-cart button to your product slider, you make it easier for shoppers to purchase without hesitation. This technique will help increase your sales.
  • Highlight special deals.Today’s shopper is always on the hunt for a discount. Rather than have customers leave your site to find deals, you can showcase your limited-time offers on your product sliders.
  • Adjust to mobile screens.Consumers shop at their homes, on their jobs, and even during their lunch breaks. Shoppers are using their smartphones and tablets to browse products. Your goal is to design a responsive product slider that adapts to a smaller website layout. That way, your visitors aren’t zooming in and out just to see your products.
  • 添加用户生成的内容。客户是说服其他购物者的最佳拥护者。请您的忠实客户使用特定的主题标签在社交媒体上发布他们的品牌体验。然后,您可以将这些图像导入您的产品滑块,以说服不情愿的买家。
  • Conduct placement experiments.重要的是,将产品滑块定位在网站上的一个高度可见的位置。要找到该位置,您可能必须运行A/B测试才能找到最佳的位置。尝试在主页中间或博客底部添加产品滑块。

Now, let’s take a look at several plugins that can help you create a product slider.


WooSlider is a premium plugin created by WooCommerce. You have the power to control every aspect of your slideshow, including transitions, directions, and sliding speeds. Customize your product slider to display on a WordPress post or page. Also, you can set the number of products you want to show as well as add a shopping cart button to encourage purchases.

WooSlider for Best WooCommerce product slider plugins来源:WooSlider

2.WooCommerce Product Slider, Carousel, & Grid

You can create unlimited product carousels, sliders, and grids using this plugin. This fully responsive product slider will adapt to all screens, including smartphones and tablets. There’s also the option to display or hide the product title, price, star ratings, and cart button. Plus, no coding skills are required because the plugin automatically generates a shortcode for you to add the product slider to your WordPress website.

WooCommerce产品滑块Carousel Grid,用于最佳WooCommerce产品滑块插件来源:WordPress


A personalized product slider is helpful for gaining the attention of your visitors. This plugin includes features to add text to your product images, call-to-action buttons, and social share links. Also, the unlimited color options allow you to match the product slider to your brand’s style.


4.Product Slider and Carousel with Category for WooCommerce

With this plugin, you can create an e-commerce store with a product slider to sort and display products by category. You can even draw visitors to specific products with a slider dedicated to highlighting your best-selling products. This feature works well when you want to spotlight promotional products, too.


5。WPB WooCommerce Product Slider

WPB WooCommerce产品滑块可以显示您的最新,特色和标记的产品。是否想为您的滑块尝试新位置?该插件带有一个自定义小部件,可在侧边栏中显示您的产品滑块。您还可以升级到Pro版本,以通过SKU创建产品滑块,并从滑块中删除库存产品。

WPB WooCommerce Product Slider for Best WooCommerce product slider plugins来源:WordPress




最初发布于2019年10月25日12:02:29 PM,2019年10月25日更新

