Understanding how CSS affects the alignment of on-page elements can improve your design skills and enhance the user’s experience on your website. Even the most basic webpage designs can look amazing and function properly with CSS. As your website project gets more detailed, issues with aligning on-page elements may arise, and using CSS to position them can speed up your workflow.



请注意这些properties only work if the位置财产已经建立。它们还将受到位置价值的影响。




静态定位是每个HTML元素的默认位置。实际上,您没有什么可以改变它的。它不会受到某些可能影响其他CSS位置类型的属性的影响。无论您与什么价值最佳,right,底部, 和leftproperties, they will not change, and neither will thez索引property.


Example rendering of a relative css position. Example text is shown within a box outlined in yellow.


At this value, the element follows the render flow but will be shifted relative to its initial position. To determine the amount of offset, set values for the top, right, bottom, and left properties. The other elements around the one in relative position aren’t affected, but there will be extra space where the element would have been.


Position: Fixed

Example rendering of a fixed css position. Example text is shown within a box outlined in dark blue.


At this value, the element disregards the normal render flow. Instead, the element is positioned relative to theviewport(the area the user can see). It doesn’t move, even if the page is scrolled. There's no space left where it would have been located in the page layout.

Use the最佳,right,底部, 和left设置元素的最终位置的值。

Using the fixed value automatically establishes a new stacking context.




在此值下,该元素还忽略了正常的文档流,但不是根据视口定位,而是相对于最近的位置祖先定位。但是,像fixedvalue, there's no space created for it in the page layout.

如果没有定位的祖先,则该元素是相对于containing blockand moves with scrolling.

注意:定位元素是具有属性值的元素relative,fixed,absolute, or

The values of最佳,right,底部, 和left确定元素的最终位置。如果价值z索引不是汽车, it creates a stacking context.

Position: sticky

Example rendering of a sticky css position. Example text is shows text moving as the screen scrolls while the header stays still.


元素的位置由用户的滚动确定。取决于用户滚动的距离,其行为就像relativevalue element until the viewport meets a specified position — then it gets "fixed" in a spot.


Keep in mind that using a framework likeBootstrap CSS将为您提供这五个类,这些类在CSS位置属性中很常见,以及控制元素位置的另外三个类。


  • 固定顶:使元素修复到屏幕顶部,从边缘到边缘
  • 固定底:makes the element fix to the bottom of the screen, spanning from edge to edge
  • 粘性:makes the element fix to the top of the screen, from edge to edge, after scrolling past the element

如果您有兴趣,可以查看这些Bootstrap CSS位置属性类的代码和示例

现在,您了解了可以更改元素位置的不同方式 - 有或没有Bootstrap之类的框架 - 让我们仔细研究绝对定位和相对定位之间的区别。



Absolute position code color coded

Image Source


Relative CSS position code color coded
several red boxes of text with a blue box of text slightly over one them to demonstrate relative position

Image Source

Fixed CSS Position

ThefixedCSS位置就像absolute位置有一个差异:除非任何元素的祖先都有其transform,perspective, or筛选设置为以外的值的属性没有任何, the initial containing block established by the viewport is the element's containing block. If set to没有任何, the ancestor takes the place of the element's containing block.

This way, you can create a floating element that will gradually attain a fixed position where it will remain despite the scrolling.

Here's an example of fixed CSS positioning:

Fixed CSS position code color coded
Paragraph text with a blue box of slightly over the text to demonstrate fixed position

Image Source

Now that we've discussed the different position types and values, let's look at how you can put them to use on your website.


All of the same guidance regarding CSS positioning can be applied to styling images. Specifically, you'd define the image HTML as usual, adding any CSS class or ID selectors defining positioning.

Here's an example of how to position an image in CSS:



。relative {





Here's an example of how to position text in CSS:




。absolute {

位置: absolute;



CSS position property is an advanced web design skill that will take practice to master. Bookmark this page and come back to it as you explore CSS position positioning on your website. When you’re ready for more, check out our Beginner’s Guide to HTML & CSS For Marketers. New Call-to-action

css introduction

Originally published Jan 24, 2021 7:00:00 AM, updated January 25 2021

