
In fact, the internet looks so good nowadays that we can forget what websites really are — a bunch of files storing text and media content. In a way, the goal of modern web design is to make us forget that fact and simply enjoy the ride. For that, we have CSS to thank. Download Now: Free Intro Guide to HTML & CSS

After HTML, CSS isthe最重要的语言要学习在线体验。这是因为在过去的几十年中,前端网络设计的进步导致用户的期望不断上升。如果网站无法符合我们的视觉标准,它会削弱我们的经验:充其量,我们认为该网站背后的组织缺乏。最糟糕的是,我们离开页面,永远不会返回。

Basically, if content is king, CSS is second-in-command. So, any site owner or web-savvy marketer should at least know the fundamentals.


Before continuing, you should understand thebasics of HTML。我们将谈论很多元素,标签,classes, 和ids— make sure you have these down!

What is CSS?


CSS stands for Cascading Style Sheets. “Style Sheets” refers to the CSS document itself, and “Cascading” refers to how style rules are applied to page elements. I’ll explain what that means in more detail later on, but let’s first learn what CSS does.


Without CSS, the web as we know it would look nothing like it does today. To illustrate, takethis HubSpot blog post:

screenshot of a hubspot blog post with page styling


screenshot of a hubspot blog post without css styling




是的。我不在乎该帖子有多信息 - 看起来很糟糕。

这里的关键要点是CSS几乎存在于每个网站上,对我们的在线体验至关重要。CSS使我们可以为我们想要的任何页面元素设置样式。从color, totypography, to动态页面布局, CSS does the heavy lifting.



HTML (Hypertext Markup Language) determines the内容of a web page, including text, links, images, videos etc. An HTML file lists all of the “things” on a page, but it doesn’t specify how these things look when displayed in a browser.

CSS, as we now know, controls thestyle这些要素。CSS确保了HTML内容以设计师打算的方式出现在用户身上。


A brief history lesson: When HTML was first introduced in the 1990s, styling was much less of a consideration — the focus was more on just presenting information on a web page. Once developers had that down, the next step was adding rudimentary visual embellishments like colors and fonts.


You can imagine how this would become a tad maddening. Hence, CSS was created to style HTML without having to change the HTML files directly. Since then, there have been several updates to CSS that add new capabilities — the current standard isCSS3

Benefits of CSS


  • Less coding:Developers can use CSS to apply the same styling to multiple pages and page elements across a website, saving huge amounts of time and reducing the chance of errors. Modifying a site-wide style requires changing just a snippet of code.
  • 更多样式选项:您可以使用CSS做很多事情,远远超过原始HTML造型系统所允许的要多得多。有了清晰的视野,CSS的专业知识和一些耐心,您可以完全自定义一个网站,以符合您的喜好。
  • 标准化:由于CSS是用于造型网页的统一语言,因此开发人员或设计师可以通过查看CSS文件来了解任何网站的样式。
  • 更好的性能:CSS减少了重复的样式代码的量。较少的代码意味着较小的文件,较小的文件意味着更快的页面加载时间。


We’ve explored why the CSS language does and why it’s important (other than what “cascading” means — we’ll get there, trust me). Now, let’s code some.

Those familiar with HTML will notice that CSS syntax looks a little different. Instead of listing page content, CSS lists the style rules that are assigned to HTML elements, an entire HTML document, or even multiple HTML documents. These rules are processed by the web browser loading the HTML file.

A rule in CSS looks like this:



What is a CSS Selector?

CSS规则总是始于一个选择器。的希利ctor indicates the part of the document where the rule is applied. When processing CSS code, the browser uses the selector to “select” the targeted elements and apply style rules to them. The selector is followed by one or more declarations inside curly braces.


See the Pen元素选择器克里斯蒂娜·佩里奇(Christina Perricone)(@hubspot) 在CodePen


See the PenClass and Id Selectors克里斯蒂娜·佩里奇(Christina Perricone)(@hubspot) 在CodePen


See the Pen父/子选择者克里斯蒂娜·佩里奇(Christina Perricone)(@hubspot) 在CodePen

You can even assign the same rule to multiple elements with the grouping selector. The grouping selector comprises two or more element names separated by commas. Order is not important in the grouping selector — the rule will be applied to all listed elements:

See the Pen分组选择器克里斯蒂娜·佩里奇(Christina Perricone)(@hubspot) 在CodePen

You’ll see these basic selectors all over CSS files, but there are even more selector types that let you target page elements in various ways. To learn more about them, see ourCSS选择器指南


选择器出现后,声明块,一对包含一个或多个CSS声明的卷发括号。CSS声明告诉浏览器如何造型所选元素 - 它由属性和值组成。





这就是为什么CSS属性参考页面像这个包括一个“浏览器兼容性”一节。For each browser, the chart below lists the earliest compatible release (if available):


Image Source

Common properties likecolor宽度work on every browser, so you won’t have to worry about compatibility with these properties. When utilizing more obscure properties, however, keep cross-browser compatibility in mind — test your designs in common browsers (as well as desktop and mobile devices) to ensure all visitors will have the same experience.

What is a CSS value?

Every CSS property has its own set of values. The value specifies the styling of an element’s property. Here are some common properties and their values:

  • Color-related properties can take simple one-word values likebluered, as well as hex codes —#33e0ff#FF5733— and RGB values —RGB(51,224,255)RGB(255,87,51)
  • 宽度property takes can take a length value —Px(pixels), for instance — or a percentage, which sizes the element relative to the width of the parent container. For instance, a
    在 - 的里面<身体>标签设置为50%宽度将跨越视口宽度的一半。
  • font-family财产接受书面名称web-safe fonts喜欢Arial,Times New Roman, 或者导游

See the PenCSS值克里斯蒂娜·佩里奇(Christina Perricone)(@hubspot) 在CodePen

Some properties accept multiple values. The填充属性最多可以占用四个值,这些值分别设置了元素内容的上方,右下,下方和左侧的空间。

See the Pen带填充物克里斯蒂娜·佩里奇(Christina Perricone)(@hubspot) 在CodePen

You can learn more about how padding and margins work in our guide to theCSS框型号


像使用HTML一样,您可以写comments in CSS。浏览器会忽略评论,并在为您的代码提供上下文和注释中有用。



评论也可以用来测试您的CSS - 禁用规则或声明,只需“评论”代码,然后“删除”代码重新激活它:

See the PenCSS评论克里斯蒂娜·佩里奇(Christina Perricone)(@hubspot) 在CodePen


Of course, CSS doesn’t do us much good if it’s not linked to an HTML file. In this section, I’ll cover three ways to add CSS to HTML: external, internal, and inline.

External CSS

External CSS exists in its own file. This file is linked to an HTML document with atag. External CSS is the most common method for adding CSS to HTML, since one external stylesheet can dictate the style of multiple HTML documents. This enables developers to make site-wide changes with just one CSS file.

To create a CSS file, write your CSS code in any text editor orcode editor并使用.CSS扩展名保存文件。要将您的CSS文件链接到HTML文件,请将您的HTML文件和CSS文件放在同一文件夹中,然后将以下代码粘贴到其中<头>section of the HTML file:

...在哪里style.css是您的CSS文件的名称。此CSS文件中的规则将适用于任何引用它的HTML文件element above.

See the PenExternal CSS克里斯蒂娜·佩里奇(Christina Perricone)(@hubspot) 在CodePen

Internal CSS
