
拿我的个人Google日历(我也可以检查我的workGoogle日历,但是那在哪里有趣?)。作为一名创造性作家,我一直在寻找出版物可以将我的作品发送到的。许多人只接受特定提交窗口中的故事 - 我在访问他们的网站并发现他们对新作品的关闭后发现。


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此功能比我相信自己常规检查它的传统日历更好(这几乎是有问题的)。例如,我会在下午6:00设置一个提醒Strange Horizons为了提交意见而打开,因为我将不再上班,并且可以在短时间内提交一件作品。如果活动或任务要进行更多准备,我可以提前设置警报,例如婚礼前一周。

DevOps生命周期可以自动化,就像我如何自动化写作意见一样。在这篇文章中,我们分解了DevOps Automation是什么,实施它的最佳实践以及通过自动化工作流可以实现的目标。

DevOps and Automation

DevOps和自动化混合在一起那么的自然t it's easy to assume they're synonymous. In fact, automation is a core value of DevOps and supports the other values of the DevOps philosophy. With standardized notifications and reporting, communication improves between individual stakeholders. Automated handoffs now move the product through the pipeline for quicker turnarounds instead of team members transferring the code manually.


现在,团队成员可以专注于解决问题而不是识别问题,而是标记更快,并且人为错误的风险大大降低了。当DevOps Automation实施得当时,每个人都会受益。


Building Automation for DevOps in Your Company


Next, compare this map with any existing data you have on turnaround time, iterations, and other metrics that are important to your team. This data should provide additional insights into where automation can produce the most impact and help set measurable goals in the following step. If you do not have all the data that you would like, address this in your automation strategy.



  • 标准化
  • Flexibility
  • 一致性
  • Speed
  • 可伸缩性


What should you automate?


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  • Infrastructure management
  • Monitoring and reporting

We'll cover each of these sections in more detail below.

DevOps Automated Software Testing

bob电竞官方下载软件测试is a subset of DevOps automation focused on streamlining the testing process for applications before releasing them to the IT operations team. This process is an important piece of the DevOps lifecycle for catching and fixing issuesthe application is deployed to users. Naturally, automation will more thoroughly cover every aspect of an application and its features versus human inspection. Automation also scales to simulate thousands of users for stress testing software.


  • 单位测试:检查各个源代码以确保每个功能按预期
  • 集成测试:检查代码组,以确保它们按预期合作
  • 端到端测试:检查整个应用程序以确保其按预期工作
  • 探索性测试: examining the entire application in anunmethodicalapproach to mirror user interactions (since one user will probably not use every single feature of your application)



Once you have finished testing your application, it's time to deploy it. However, provisioning servers and networks can require a lot of manual work between the initial setup, configuration management, and maintenance.


A real-life example of DevOps automated infrastructure management is using tools such as AWS CodeDeploy to create software environments using predefined templates. These tools allow teams to deploy new applications and push out updates to existing applications instantaneously.



Rather than depending on user feedback — at which point the issue is already disrupting their experience — DevOps teams will implement automated monitoring and reporting for early warnings.


对于高阶问题,星期一itoring tools should flag these for human intervention with appropriate context to help the operations team respond. Assigning levels of priority to each alert will also help guide operator responses, so you should focus on basing levels of priority around the issue's impact on the application. Alarm fatigue is a real phenomenon; we've all received an email marked "URGENT" only to find out it was not critical.



Returning to my Google Calendar example, good automation depends on good tools. If Google Calendar wasn't flexible and responsive to my needs (e.g. I couldn't adjust the reminder notification time), I might be更糟的是跟踪应用程序中的提交日期。您已经看到了DevOps自动化工具highlighted in the earlier sections, so let's dive into some best practices for selecting the right tool for the job.

Let's run through each of these points.

1. Focus on tools that will integrate with other systems.


For example, you finish building the application and commit the production code to GitHub. Jira is integrated with GitHub so that all you need to do is check the task off within GitHub. Now the testing team is automatically notified that the task is completed so they can start testing the application.

2. Focus on reusable code and strategies.

A great DevOps tool will not only satisfy one use case but extend to others as well. The more universal the tool, the more return on the price and onboarding time invested.


3. Prioritize open-source tools.




A central value of DevOps is remaining adaptive to new approaches, so don't allow yourself to be siloed by tools that only work under specific environments. For example, if your testing tool only reviews Python, then that's another con for transitioning to JavaScript — even if JavaScript would provide greater functionality in the long run.

或者,如果您的工具仅在Linux中运行,那么这将是从过渡到Mac OS的另一个中断。显然,重要的是要权衡大规模变化的成本和收益,并确保短期破坏不会超过长期收益。无论如何,通过选择一种可以适应团队策略的工具来节省自己的头痛,而不是相反。





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Developer Operations