我听到谣言,DevOps牛肉和敏捷。It turns out they're both vegan.



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The DevOps Pipeline

DevOps is a software development pipeline designed to expedite and improve the IT software lifecycle. We achieve this through a continuous approach to development and operations as a joined effort.

DevOps是IT项目的工作流设计horten the IT lifecycle, combining the development and operation roles. The joined effort improves communication and efficiency. DevOps offers a continuous workflow and high-quality software at reduced workload through automation.



Depiction of a DevOps team

DevOps Pipeline Stages

1. Plan



The Code stage is when the coding begins for the project, and the design and development teams start creating the project.

3. Build

In this stage, the project code gets built into the development environment for testing purposes.

4. Test

The Test stage is vital because it ensures the project functions according to the plan's expectations. This stage is also where the team identifies existing bugs or issues.

5. Release



In the Deploy stage, the project gets deployed to production for use and observation.

7. Operate


8. Monitor


The Monitor stage is a very long process — and with the iterative nature of it — there is always room for continuous improvement and automation.

The Agile Methodology

The Agile methodology workflow — typically consisting of five steps — is done in individual sprints. The most common stages are: Identify, Plan, Design, Develop/Deploy, and Review. The exact number of steps and names may vary depending on your team's exact needs and workflow.

Agile Definition


The stages in the Agile Methodology maximize the benefits of communication and project planning. It also supports the idea that improvement should come in rapid, high-quality sprints. The Agile methodology utilizes the iterative process to run through the stages in a sprint. Repeating sprints regularly leads to continuous improvement in your team and project.

This image shows an Agile team hard at work improving workflows and setting up new Agile sprints.

Depiction of a team using an Agile workflow


1. Discovery/Requirements

This stage is where a team will identify and document the needs and requirements of the given task. These tasks and requirements inform the remainder of the sprint and shape the planning stage.

2. Plan

The Plan stage determines the course of action for the rest of the sprint. This stage handles the given task(s) goals according to the information identified in the discovery stage.

3. Design


4. Develop/Deploy

The Develop/Deploy stage handles everything from developing, testing, and finally, deploying the project.

5. Review/Monitor

The Review and Monitor stage collects feedback and responses from the audience after the Deploy stage. Review and Monitor also serves the information collected to the Discovery stage, setting the next sprint up for success.

DevOps vs敏捷


In the same vein, the Agile methodology can even be applied to its own stages — however, that may be a little redundant.



With each sprint, the existing pain points can be identified and backlogged for the next one. The length of the sprint depends on your team's pipeline and the needs of your project.



Depiction of a DevOps team using Agile methodology


Let's look at some final thoughts to take with you.

The DevOps Pipeline

DevOps is a software development pipeline designed to expedite and improve the IT software lifecycle. We achieve this through a continuous approach to development and operations as a joined effort.

The Agile Methodology


DevOps vs敏捷

Agile is a methodology designed to inspire processes like DevOps, while DevOps is a collaborative IT workflow.



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Originally published Nov 18, 2021 7:00:00 AM, updated November 18 2021


Developer Operations