

作为入站营销人员,很容易陷入生产内容的永无止境的周期,跟上网络快速步伐的同时,同时失去了更精细的设计细节 - 跟踪,kerning和字母间距 -可以为我们的营销提供额外的波兰水平。

精心制作的版式有能力吸引注意力,灌输情感并加强您的品牌信息。为您的营销材料选择字体永远不要偶然 - 选择完美字体时有许多战略考虑因素。

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“Typography is like fashion, or furniture. With rare functional exceptions, the world doesn't需要新的服装或家具设计,但人们希望看起来与众不同,或者唤起特定的外观或适合特定外观,并且有趋势和样式。”




2. Find inspiration and study the use of typography.


Study the work of other designers and identify which elements of typography “work” for your brand. Scouring other designers work for inspiration is nothing to be ashamed of, even the most renowned designers and artists frequently draw inspiration from one another.



一旦你选择了字体tha送货服务t you will use, you can then begin to narrow down your selection of potential fonts from their library. Most of these services have convenient ways to filter fonts by typography characteristics, compare fonts side-by-side, and save your short listed fonts for review.






The goal is to create a visual hierarchy that allows viewers to quickly scan your marketing material, identify the most important elements, and understand how each element relates to the other components of the page or screen. This is particularly important for inbound marketers. Rather than meticulously reading every word on a page, website visitors often only scan the headlines and focus on what interests them the most.



Fonts that look great in headlines may not work as well for body copy. While there are some exceptions to the rule, when you are choosing fonts to be used specifically in headlines or body copy you can narrow it down based on the type of font face:

  • 显示面are designed specifically to be used in large formats, such as in headlines.
  • Text or body faces专门设计用于大型复制区域,旨在用于更长的阅读段落。

Another factor that contributes to a font’s legibility is the shape of the characters. You have likely heard the term serif, or sans-serif.

  • 衬线字体从字母和符号的边缘有小的“脚”(衬线)尾巴。
  • sans-serif字体没有从角落投射的小线条。

illustration for the difference between serif and sans-serif using the letter E

衬线字体通常更容易在印刷作品的身体副本中阅读,并且已经广泛使用了数十年,这有时可以给它们带来更经典的感觉。由于经常从Web内容查看的屏幕尺寸和分辨率,许多Web设计人员喜欢Sans Serif字体对Web。Sans Serif字体也很好地借鉴了当前的设计趋势和更现代的感觉。

7. Fine-tune your fonts for readability.

The legibility of a font contributes to its overall readability.Readability is about how groups of words are arranged on a page and how easy it is for the reader to scan the words and make sense of the content and the layout.





Read more about thishere

9. Pay attention to line height and paragraph spacing.

Similar to font size, the spacing between each line of text can have a big impact on how easy your content is to read. The space between lines of text, known more formally as “leading”, should be at least the point size of type. Most digital designers favor a leading size of at least 150 percent of the text size.




It may sound obvious, but contrast is a major component of a font’s readability. Contrast is achieved by the use of space and color. Dark text on a pale background is favorably for blogs and books because it provides the viewer a better reading experience for longer blocks of text. Colored type should be reserved for headlines and display text.


Responsive web design brings an entirely new set of considerations for how typography is delivered consistently across multiple devices from small smartphone screens to 60-inch HD TVs.

To truly own the readability and experience for all of the users that view your website or interact with your marketing materials, you'll want to test your designs across the gamut of devices that your audience uses to consume your content.





These are used to provide additional content in a de-emphasized way. They will often manifest 2 sizes smaller than the primary body text.


This font size will likely be one of the largest on your pages (if not最大),用于召集部分标题或重要信息。标题字体尺寸将取决于您选择的字体面和字体重量,但通常从18px到36px不等。您也可能有多个尺寸和权重的标题(H1,H2,H3等)。坚持视觉层次结构时,请随时发挥创造力。



Text-heavy pages (such as blogs) will require less flair than fonts fulfilling other types of functions. The goal is to provide a simple reading experience that emphasizes what they're reading rather than drawing attention to the fonts themselves.

Larger fonts are better here so that your audience isn't overwhelmed by a wall of tiny text they have to squint to read. Don't be shy about increasing your primary body font in cases like this.

Interaction-Heavy Pages

Landing pages, product pages, and other functions of a website are less rigid when it comes to text since they'll have more going on. You'll likely be more concerned with emphasizing certain elements of your copy (or even images) while de-emphasizing others.


While certain design principles are somewhat universal, it takes trial and error to put them into practice in a way that's functional and attractive for your brand.


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Originally published Aug 25, 2020 7:00:00 AM, updated August 25 2020

