Images can not only make your digital content more engaging and memorable — they can also make it more shareable. In an analysis of over one million articles, BuzzSumo found thatarticles with an image once every 75-100 words received double the social media sharesas articles with fewer images.

That’s why it’s important to understand how the image element and source attribute work inHTML。当您从头开始构建网站,自定义预设计的模板或在您的网页的源代码中进行修补时,它可能会派上用场。CMS



Img src HTML

While the HTML image element is used to embed an image in an HTML doc, it doesn’t technically insert the image into the web page. In fact, the image element doesn’t technically do anything on its own. It really just creates a space for the reference to an image.



看到笔Image elements with and without src attribute克里斯蒂娜·佩里奇(Christina Perricone)(@HubSpot) 上CodePen

In this example, you can see in the HTML that the first image element has a source attribute that contains a link to Pixabay. The second image element has no source attribute.

The width and height properties are specified in CSS. This is considered a best practice because, if the width and height are not specified, the page might flicker while the image loads.

In the result tab, the first image appears and is 300px by 200px. The second image, however, renders as an empty box with a 300px by 200px outline. That’s because the browser didn’t know what image to render without the source attribute.

Let’s take a closer look at the syntax of the image element and source attribute below.

HTML Img Syntax

The syntax of the image element is:







您可以通过阅读更多地了解图像alt文本的重要性Image Alt Text: What It Is, How to Write It, and Why It Matters to SEO

改变Img src



Img src Not Working


损坏的链接图标和ALT文本已加载,因为IMG SRC不起作用

Remember that images are not actually embedded into web pages. That means, when a web page loads, the browser has to retrieve the image from a web server and display it on the page. The broken link icon means that the browser could not find the image.


看到笔Img src克里斯蒂娜·佩里奇(Christina Perricone)(@HubSpot) 上CodePen


HTML IMG元素的所需属性

IMG SRC属性是编码的基本概念。每个图像元素都需要有效的源属性,以便浏览器可以找到并显示正确的图像。现在您已经了解了这个概念,您已经走上了学习HTML和CSS的道路。

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Originally published Apr 26, 2021 7:00:00 AM, updated August 23 2021
