Any experience on a website is like a mosaic of smaller design elements and decisions. Here’s one you’ve likely encountered: You’re browsing a site, and click some button. Immediately the page fades and a popup appears on your screen displaying some message or prompting an action, like signing up for an email list or downloading a content offer.


也许您很高兴看到这个弹出窗口,或者您感到惊讶和困惑。但是,无论您的反应如何,这个窗口肯定引起了您的注意。在web designterms, this type of display is called a模态.

情态动词的目的可以总结为一个词: focus. If you need visitors to focus on something simple, a modal window is one of the most effective means to do so. Users must either close the modal, or complete a specific action within it (e.g., reading a message and clicking “OK”, filling out a form, etc.).

Here’s a simple example from theNew Yorker. This modal prompts us to subscribe to their newsletter.

模态window on the new yorker website

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在实践中,这完全取决于模态是否精心设计和有目的。正确完成时,它们可能是对您的用户和您的数字的有用技术:根据recent study of nearly 2 billion modal popups,最佳10%最佳表现的转换为9.28%。








Modals also help preserve page space by displaying featured media, like images or videos, in a灯箱.


We call this type of element “modal” because it introduces a secondary “mode” — or user interface — to the web page on which it appears. A modal window disables most of the page and requires users to focus on a specific window before continuing. Web designers call the modal window the “child” window and the rest of the page the “parent” window.

The opposite of a modal element is a “modeless” element, one which does not disable the parent window. Users can always interact with parent content while a modeless element is open. Examples of modeless elements include a dropdown menu, side panel, or a popup element that still lets users click on other page elements.

Modal vs Pop Up


When Are Modals Used in Web Design?

Modal windows are effective any time you need users to see or do something specific. They typically (but not always) appear after some trigger event like a button click, scroll event, or some exit intent. The most common uses of modals in web design include warnings, alerts, confirmations, forms, media displays, and multi-step processes.


For those times when a user真的should see something, modal windows are excellent at directing attention. A modal can contain an alert about a significant event or error, a warning about the consequences of some action, or confirmation of a completed process. For example:

a confirmation modal window

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仅将模态用于最关键的消息。例如,积极防止所需操作完成的错误(例如,“由于服务器错误,我们无法完成您的请求。请刷新页面并重试。”)和无法恢复的操作(例如您确定要继续吗?”)两个是模态的合理原因。“ cookie策略”警报,不是很多 - 将其保存在无模型通知窗口或栏中。


If a process on your website requires user-submitted information, you can place a form inside a modal window. You’ll see this often as an alternative to a dedicated page for login/signup, or one that promotes an email newsletter, content offer, or discount code.

许多网站,例如波士顿环球报, restrict their content to members only, and this can be signaled to non-members via a modal:


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Media Displays

Media often supports the main content of a webpage and sets the tone for the browsing experience. However, if an image gallery or video serves as a focal point on your site, a modal window lets visitors view it in isolation without needing to open it in another page.

For example, a user may click a thumbnail on the parent page, which opens up a modal for a gallery of related images, easily navigable with arrow buttons on both sides of the window. This implementation is effective for product and portfolio displays in particular.

A thumbnail can also open a video modal, which displays the video like its own little theater, then closes once the video completes. Internet service provider斯塔尔y’swebsite information page lists a few videos which present this way:


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Multi-Step Processes

要在您的网站上进行更长,更耗能的操作 - 创建用户配置文件,注册服务或完成工具设置 - 请考虑将每个步骤分为自己的模式窗口,以使体验更易于管理。该技术在软件应用程序中以“向导”或“安装程序指南”的形式bob电竞官方下载常见。进度应在窗口中显示为条,一系列小点,数字或其他指标。



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Modals are disruptive by design. They tend to appear unexpectedly in the flow of the browsing experience, and always shift focus away from their parent window. This is a high cost for the user, so modals should always assist the user in their goals, not obstruct them.

To keep visitors from becoming annoyed with your site, only deploy modal windows when you absolutely need to, and only if they assist the user with their primary goal. Anything less, and users might forget their original goal and grow frustrated.


  • Warnings and Alerts- 只有关键错误和永久操作才能促使模态显示。
  • 形式- 坚持那些收集所需信息的人,或者至少可以显着改善他们在您的网站上的经验。多步模式过程中的所有步骤都应与用户的最终目标高度相关。
  • Other Elements- 对于任何不符合条件的交互式元素或步骤,请改用无调显示。

2. Deactivate all background elements.


  • Visual Effects- Modals typically blur and/or darken most or all parent elements. This gives the impression that the modal window sits above the other content. some drop shadow around the modal can also create this effect.
  • Deactivating Functionality- Ensure that no page element outside the modal window is clickable or selectable via the keyboard, and consider disabling scrolling as well. Any extra functionality from the parent page will send mixed signals about the purpose of the modal.

另一个重要的说明:由于模态使所有其他页面内容都无法访问,直到关闭,因此用户需要在模态窗口本身中提供所有完成模式的信息。用户不需要参考父母内容来解决模式 - 任何需要此切换的任务都更适合无调显示。

3. Write clear instructions and button text.

To help users quickly adjust to the modal display and understand why it’s there, make all text as brief and clear as you can. All modals should include title text which states the intention of the modal or the action required. Write your按钮文字and other action prompts to be concise and intuitive as well.


Every good modal window allows at least one action, the option to close it. Convention says that the window should disappear after a user presses the escape key, or clicks an “X” symbol or “Close” text in the top left or right corner of the modal window.




A good guideline is to restrict the modal window to at most 50% of the browser window width, and roughly the same for height, though the exact dimensions will vary based on what you place in the modal.


在clude a transition effect to ease the switch from parent window to child window. A brief fade-out of the background content and fade-in of the modal window will work well in nearly any scenario — a more eventful transition (e.g. a slide-in) or no transition might seem jarring to some.

Back to our斯塔尔yexample, note how the video modal quickly but smoothly fades into view, while background contents are dimmed:

星际ISP网站上的视频模式窗口with a fade effect

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7. Limit modals on mobile.



8. Design your modals for accessibility.

我已经谈到了一对Web可访问性pointers in this list — here are some common practices to make your modals usable for everyone:

  • Every clickable action in the modal should also be possible with the keyboard. The escape key should close the window, and the tab and enter keys can be used to select options.
  • 只要模态在观察时,键盘就不应访问模态之外的所有其他元素。
  • The modal window should visually contrast with the background page.
  • Transitions into and out of the modal should be smooth and non-flashy.
  • 任何图像,视频或其他媒体项目都应包括描述性替代文字.
  • All text and media can be interpreted by screen readers and other assistive technologies.

How to Implement Modals in CSS

要在您的网站上添加一个基本的模式窗口,一个选项是单独使用CSS和HTML。我们在本指南中涵盖的大多数设计因素都可以通过a bit of CSS know-how.W3Schoolsprovides a basic but useful code template to get started with the CSS method, or you can use a free template fromFree Frontend或者Material Design for Bootstrap.


Editor's note: This post was originally published in September 2020 and has been updated for comprehensiveness.



Originally published Jun 27, 2021 7:00:00 AM, updated April 01 2022


Website Design