用户推动网站成功。但是有more than 400 million active websites在任何给定时间在线,并不总是很容易引起用户的关注 - 更不用说让他们对您的内容足够感兴趣以推动销售转换。


结果,现在优先考虑用户体验(UX)的设计工作对于减少用户摩擦和沮丧时至关重要。尽管最初的UX努力主要集中在网站和页面加载速度上,但该学科近年来已经扩大了 - 现在,网站需要成熟的UX策略计划,以最大程度地提高内容影响和网站效率,并使用户恢复。

In this piece, we’ll dive into the evolving concept of UX strategy and why it matters for your bottom line. We’ll offer some current examples of solid strategy, suggest ways to improve the user experience, and explore some of the key metrics you need to measure to make the most of UX efforts.

Let’s get started.


用户体验越好,捕捉兴趣和推动转化的机会就越好。挑战?考虑到解决每个潜在网站问题的范围和规模,并平衡了具有不同优先级的多个用户的需求和需求 - 试图创建所有人的UX,这通常以相反的结果结束。

UX strategy helps solve this issue by identifying which features have the biggest impact on overall user experience, which functions need the most improvement, and how current technology and budget limitations inform both of these needs.


Why does UX strategy matter?

You’ve probably seen the often-referenced statistic that if sites don’t load within three seconds (or so), consumers will take their business elsewhere. While it remains a relevant metric — Google recently started factoring in page speed as part of their site ranking analysis — speed alone isn’t enough to deliver great UX.




Put simply? If you want to make more sales and increase customer loyalty, you need a UX strategy.

UX Strategy Examples

So what does a good UX strategy look like? Let’s break down a few examples.


Google搜索页面是UX Beauty。原因如下:这很简单,正是您所期望的。尽管有访问Gmail,Google Images或您的Google帐户的选项,但绝大多数网页都是空白空间。干净的线条和最小的混乱使中央搜索栏成为主要重点,并且对用户搜索功能的工作方式没有任何困惑。

google ux strategy example



linkedin ux strategy example


Pet care service Rover provides a superior UX experience from the moment users land on the homepage. Visitors find a simple form that asks what type of care they want — boarding, house sitting, dog walking, etc. — where they live, when they need care, and what size dog or cat they have.

Armed with this information, Rover can quickly generate relevant search results that reduce the amount of time that users have to spend sifting through care information that isn’t applicable to their circumstances.


Improving Your UX Strategy

For Jesse James Garrett, a pioneer of UX design, current efforts often miss the mark when it comes to delivering a truly human-centered experience.

在最近的一个快速公司bob全站apparticle, he notes that many UX efforts “amount to little more than UX theatre: creating the appearance of due diligence and a patina of legitimacy that’s just enough to look like a robust design process.” In other words, most UX efforts are just for show.

So how do you ensure that UX strategy actually delivers intended results? Jumpstart the process with these three steps:



尽管客户反馈很有价值,但很难从广泛的用户群中收集一致的数据。同时,工作人员提供了一个出色且随时可用的声音板 - 鼓励他们探索您当前的网站,并提供诚实(和匿名)的反馈。此过程可以帮助确定常见和重复的投诉,并为您的UX策略的下一步提供信息。

2。Identify specific objectives.


The scope and scale of site features and functions, however, make this difficult if not impossible — when you change one part of your site, others shift in response, in turn causing a feedback loop of frustration.



Once you’ve identified key UX objectives, you need a step-by-step plan to fix them. Consider the WordPress site example above. If your goal is to improve navigation, what tools will help you accomplish this goal? Do you need a new template or theme? A different set of plugins? Does the site itself need a refresh and redesign to ensure menu items are relevant and easy to access?


Key Experience Indicators

度量问题。他们页面速度的问题,搜索引擎优化,nd conversion rates, and they also matter for UX strategy. But how do you measure the impact of your UX efforts and UX strategy deliverables? Start with these key experience indicators:

1。Overall Traffic Data


2。Social Media Volumes

与您的社交帖子的互动增加还可能表明由于UX的提高,用户满意度提高,尤其是当他们在评论,共享和喜欢您的帖子时。这是因为社会行动需要用户的努力 - 如果您的网站UX将他们放在到达的那一刻,他们就不会费心。


If your email newsletter and marketing signups are on the rise, chances are your UX strategy is working. Why? Because email signups indicate that users find your content compelling enough to click through and provide their contact information — something that only happens when the online experience is sufficient to keep their attention.

4. Consumer Sentiment



尽管不可能随着客户对网站体验的期望而完全“解决” UX策略的挑战,但正确的UX方法可以使您的业务走上持续的经验改进的道路。通过定期评估当前状况,确定优先级问题并实施分步解决方案,您可以简化站点操作,减少用户挫败感并促进整体参与度以增加总ROI。


ux templates

最初出版于7月2日,2021年7:00 am,更新于7月2日2021年


User Experience