网站可访问性是在线业务成功的关键方面。与电子商务商店一起快速缩小零售差距and more users than ever willing toleverage online servicesfor financial, health, and legal advice, there’s a growing need for websites to deliver accessible content to全部visitors.

结果,这至关重要use web accessibility guidelines在您的设计以及测试这些设计元素中,以确保它们正常工作。

Download Now: Free Website Accessibility Checklist



  • 移动性:难以步行,爬楼梯和进入身体基础设施
  • Cognition:Difficulty concentrating, remembering, or making decisions
  • 听力:Difficulty hearing conversations and/ or digital media
  • Vision:Difficulty reading text or watching videos
  • 独立生活:Difficulty with basic daily tasks associated with independent living, such as running errands or cooking food
  • Self-care:Difficulty with day-to-day behaviors such as dressing or bathing

By focusing on thisaccessibility initiativeand altering your website for users with disabilities like these, your business increases its pool of potential customers by 25% and builds greater loyalty among customers.


如前所述Web可访问性Initiative (WC3), "... accessibility evaluation is more formalized than usability testing generally." And well-designed accessibility testing focuses on four goals:

  • Addressing the needs of people with all disabilities
  • Balancing the needs of people with differing disabilities
  • 匹配这些需求达到最佳技术
  • 使用清晰的语言表达这些需求和技术

Put simply, web accessibility testing ensures the functions and features that are put in place to increase website accessibility are working as intended.


Website testing for accessibility should evaluate two key outcomes: universality and usability.

Universalitycovers elements and aspects of your site that are usable for everyone. For example, lower curbs on sidewalks and walkways provide universal access; both able-bodied consumers and those with mobility issues benefit.

可用性, meanwhile, speaks to the simplicity and functionality of accessible design elements. The easier to use your website, the better your chances of capturing visitor interest.


  • 流动性: How will those with mobility challenges access your website? As noted byKarl Groves, Web可访问性平台的创始人,有一个简单的入门测试:拔下鼠标。您可以与网站上的所有控件互动吗?您能看到哪些控件当前处于活动状态?命令命令有意义吗?如果答案是否定的,则需要改善键盘支持。
  • Cognition:How complex are the forms and menus on your website? Are they contextually-relevant and easy to identify for those with cognitive difficulties? Does each form field indicate exactly what’s required from users? If you have form requirements hiding in field boxes, consider moving them outside.
  • 听力:如果您的网站有多个视频或声音剪辑,那么您是否有听力受损的人的选择?这包括有关播客,产品描述或其他音频媒体的视频或成绩单的封闭字幕。
  • Vision:On the flip side, does your site support audio descriptions and include context-first text that makes it easy for impaired visitors using text-to-voice software to quickly find what they need?
  • 独立生活:Ease-of-use is paramount here. Users with independent living challenges are often able to take on increasingly complex tasks as long as they include simple and straightforward steps. This is why a streamlined site design makes it easier for these visitors to find what they’re looking for.
  • Self-care: Many of those who struggle with self-care due to physical or cognitive disabilities still possess remarkable mental prowess — here, easily-scalable text and image elements can save these users needless frustration.

认识到需要Web可访问性测试的必要性是一回事 - 这是在您的网站上进行大规模部署有效测试的另一种。

下面让我们看一些the best accessibility testing tools to help streamline your evaluation process and deliver reliable outcomes to all visitors.


Manual Accessibility Testing Tools



Wave Web可访问性测试工具Wave是由可访问性公司Webaim和犹他州立大学开发的。测试很简单 - 只需在提供的表单字段中输入您的网页地址,或使用提供的Firefox或Chrome扩展名。

WAVE can quickly identify potential contrast errors, test size issues, confusing structural elements, and accessible rich internet application (ARIA) challenges such as undefined elements.

2.A11y Color Contrast Accessibility Validator

A11y Color Contrast Accessibility Validator web accessibility toolA11y Color Contrast Accessibility Validator is a free tool that checks the color contrast of your webpage to help identify the optimal contrast between text and backgrounds.

3.ACTF aDesigner

actf web accessibility tool

ACTF aDesigner is a free disability simulator that evaluates how well website text and content work with voice browsers and screen readers to help you identify areas of improvement.


CSS和HTML验证器web accessibility tool

CSS和HTML验证器checks your site for CSS, HTML, PHP, JavaScript, and spelling errors. This will help you catch everything from misclassified structural elements to improperly functioning forms or text issues that could prevent reading and transcription services from delivering accurate outputs.


New Siteimprove Dashboard Launching October 10 | IT@Cornell News

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SiteImproveprovides you with a series of tools used to improve accessibility on your website. It prioritizes issues based on where the problem is located, its conformance level, and how difficult it is to fix. That way, you can address every compliance issue in your content and work towards a more accessible website altogether.


ComplianceSheriff is a web accessibility testing tool

ComplianceSheriff audits your website to ensure it complies with web accessibility standards in the US, EU, Canada, and more. Customers can quickly identify, prioritize, and correct problems throughout their sites, and track their improvement.


html_codesnifferis a web accessibility testing tool designed specficially for HTML source code

HTML_CODESNIFFER可以根据选定的指南(Web Content Accessibility Guideine(WCAG)2.1或美国“第508节”立法)测试您的HTML源代码。它可以检测到违反其预定义规则或您添加的任何自定义规则的违规行为。


tota11yis a web accessibility testing tool for beginners

Tota11y is an accessibility visualization toolkit designed to enable any user to understand and fix accessibility violations while learning best practices — without needing any prior knowledge. tota11y is a single JavaScript file that inserts a small button in the bottom corner of a document or web page. Click on it and you’ll see a toolbar with several plugins that annotate elements on the page, like images without alt text, labels with insufficient color contrast, and more.


Rather than require you to manually test one page at a time, automated accessibility testing tools can scan your entire site (or multiple sites) for accessibility errors. Some of these tools will not only identify errors on your website — they'll correct them for you.



Tenon is an API-first automated accessibility testing tool

Tenon is an API-first, automated accessibility testing tool with rapid remediation service. Designed to ensure every user has equal access to your website, it can fix any accessibility issues or gaps on your site while testing is ongoing.


示出了is an honest web accessibility testing tool. We say honest because Evinced tells you from the start, "there's no silver bullet for accessibility compliance." This tool helps you weave web accessibility into your software development process, so you'll always be aware of accessibility compliance and how it may impact your website.

11.Access Alchemy

Access Alchemy是一种自动化可访问性测试工具,可将自动修复程序部署到常见问题1

Access Alchemy是一个基于JavaScript的浏览器扩展程序,可以立即为常见的可访问性问题和违规部署自动化修复程序。您只需要定义修复程序,例如图像或正确表单标签的正确替代文本,Access Alchemy将在网站上的任何地方自动将它们应用于同一问题。




教皇科技is an automated accessibility testing tool教皇技术基本上是Wave的自动版本。它将迅速扫描您的网站以获取可访问性错误,为每个问题的含义以及如何影响用户提供解释,并提供解决方案的建议。

14.SortSite Desktop


可用于Mac或Windows, SortSite桌面a simple testing tool that can analyze an entire website in one click. It checks each page against 1200+ checkpoints, including accessibility guidelines, SEO guidelines, privacy laws, and more.




IBM动态评估插件is an automated accessibility testing tool




18.Rocket Validator


Rocket Valdiator is a web crawler that can scan up to 5,000 pages for accessibility and HTML5 conformance with a single click. Just enter a starting URL when you want a report, or schedule a report by entering the URL, how many pages you want scanned, and how often.

19.UsableNet AQA

USABLENET AQA是一个自动可访问性测试平台

USABLENET AQA是一个基于云的可访问性管理平台。它可以在单个网页以及端到端用户流程上测试和识别可访问性问题。它还使您可以预览网站与屏幕读取器的合作方式,这是一种将其与其他平台区分开来的高级功能。


forApp is an automated accessibility testing tool for mobile applications



Web accessibility testing ensures your site accommodates all visitors with specific solutions, universal controls, and improved ease-of-use. Using a combination of the manual and automated testing tools mentioned above can ensure you don't overlook any errors or gaps anddoprovide the best experience to all users on your website.

Editor's note: This post was originally published in March 2020 and has been updated for comprehensiveness.



Originally published Jan 15, 2021 7:00:00 AM, updated April 27 2021

